Regular Work Schedules The regular work schedule for overtime-eligible employees will not be more than forty (40) hours in a workweek, with two (2) consecutive calendar days off and starting and ending times as determined by the requirements of the position and the Employer. The Employer may adjust the regular work schedule with prior notice to the employee.
Regular Work Week The regular work week shall be any five (5) consecutive days, Sunday through Saturday, for a total regular work week of forty (40) working hours, subject to the applicable premiums where provided for in this Agreement. Notwithstanding the above, employees may volunteer to work schedules that fall outside of the regular work week of Sunday through Saturday and may do so, upon approval by the Company, and with no penalty cost to the Company, but with applicable premiums as provided for in this Agreement.
Regular Work Day A regular work day shall consist of six and one-half (6½) hours between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m.
JOC - PRICING OF Regular Hours Coefficient What is your regular hours coefficient for the RS Means Price Book? (FAILURE TO RESPOND PROHIBITS PART 2 JOC EVALUATION)
Shift Schedule The words "shift schedule" when used in this Agreement shall mean a timetable of the shifts and off days assigned to a position or group of positions which commences at the beginning of a pay period and includes one complete rotation of said shifts.
Modified Work/Return to Work (a) The parties recognize the duty of reasonable accommodation for individuals under the Human Rights Code of Ontario and agree that this Collective Agreement will be interpreted in such a way as to permit the Employer and the Union to discharge that duty. (b) If an employee becomes disabled, including WSIB, with the result that she is unable to perform the regular functions of her position, the Employer may determine a special classification and salary, with the hope of providing an opportunity for continued employment. Positions established under this article will not constitute new classifications and shall lapse upon the termination, resignation, or retirement of the employee in question. (c) Prior to any disabled employee returning to work from a disability including WSIB to a modified/light/alternate work program, the Employer will notify and meet with members of the bargaining unit executive to consult on a back to work program for the worker. Any agreement resulting from these discussions which conflicts with the collective agreement shall, subject to agreement by the Union, prevail over any provision of this agreement in the event of a conflict. Nothing in this language obligates the Employer to establish a modified/ light/alternative work program, except as required by law.
Salary Schedules (a) The salary schedules shall be incorporated into this Agreement as Appendix V. (b) Salary schedules will contain Career Enhancement/Growth steps as described in Section 45.6.
Salary Schedule The salaries of employees covered by this agreement are set forth in the salary schedule in Appendix A which is attached to and incorporated into this agreement.
Time Schedule 4.1. A project schedule is included in Appendix A. 4.2. Any delay of services or change in sequence of tasks must be approved in writing by Delaware. 4.3. In the event that Vendor fails to complete the project or any phase thereof within the time specified in the Contract, or with such additional time as may be granted in writing by Delaware, or fails to prosecute the work, or any separable part thereof, with such diligence as will insure its completion within the time specified in this Agreement or any extensions thereof, Delaware shall suspend the payments scheduled as set forth in Appendix A.
Delivery Schedule The Goods specified in the List of Goods are required to be delivered within the acceptable time range (after the earliest and before the final date, both dates inclusive) specified in Section V, Schedule of Requirements. No credit will be given to deliveries before the earliest date, and Tenders offering delivery after the final date shall be treated as non-responsive. Within this acceptable period, an adjustment of [insert the adjustment factor], will be added, for evaluation purposes only, to the Tender price of Tenders offering deliveries later than the “Earliest Delivery Date” specified in Section V, Schedule of Requirements.