MULTIPLE CONTRACTORS. Borrower may use more than one contractor, provided that all HomeStyle Renovation requirements related to the contractor apply to each contractor. • Contingency Reserve. Contingency reserve per HomeStyle Renovation requirements is mandatory for • all Mortgages with LTVs of 95% or more, and • all Mortgages secured by 2-4 unit properties, regardless of LTV.
MULTIPLE CONTRACTORS. The CDFA may undertake or award other contractors for additional work and the Contractor shall fully cooperate with other contractors and State employees. All subcontractors identified shall be experts in their respective disciplines and capable of performing the tasks for which they were hired. Subcontractors shall have extensive experience in their area of expertise, with particular emphasis on prior experience on similar programs or projects that clearly illustrate their expertise in areas essential to the CDFA. The Contractor must use the Small business and/or Disabled Veterans Business Enterprise (DVBE) subcontractor(s) identified in the Small Business/DVBE Participation Summary submitted with the bid unless the Contractor requests substitution in writing to the CDFA prior to the subcontractor performing any work and the CDFA approves such substitution.
MULTIPLE CONTRACTORS. If Client wishes to commission identical Services to a party other than The Sound of Applause or has already commissioned the Services to anoth- er party, they must inform The Sound of Applause accordingly in writing, stating the names of those other parties.
MULTIPLE CONTRACTORS. The City reserves the right and discretion to divide up the Goods and Services, either by scope, geographic area, or other basis as the City may decide, and to select one or more Contractors to enter into discussions with the City for one or more Contracts to perform a portion or portions of the Goods and Services. If the City exercises its discretion to divide up the Goods and Services, the City will do so reasonably having regard for the RFQ and the basis of Quotations. In addition to any other provision of this RFQ, Quotations may be evaluated on the basis of advantages and disadvantages to the City that might result or be achieved from the City dividing up the Goods and Services and entering into one or more Contracts with one or more Contractors. If the City determines that an information meeting is required to this RFQ then include the following paragraph (Note: Update Table of Contents) Title: Watering Natural Areas Reference No.: 1220-040-2018-053 1. DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATION .............................................................................
MULTIPLE CONTRACTORS. 11.1 If the Client wishes to give the same order to several parties simultaneously, including The Xxxxxxxx Group, the Client must inform all the parties accordingly.
11.2 At the request of The Xxxxxxxx Group, the Client must state to which parties the same order has been given.
11.3 If the Client has previously given the same order to another party and, for whatever reason, wishes to have it carried out again by The Xxxxxxxx Group, the Client must state to which party the order was given and why the Client is giving the order again.
MULTIPLE CONTRACTORS. Developer represen1s tha1 it will not res1ric1 1he Proect so 1hat only one con1rac1or is allowed to build in the Projec1 Further Developer shall not sell all of1he Lots or the en1ire Proec1 to one person or en1ity wi1hou1 wri11en consen1 ofthe Municipality in order to ensure tha1 the provisions of1his paragraph remain in fll rce and eect. 2c Covenants and Restrictionsc As part ofthis Proec1 the Developer will crea1e and record Covenants and Res1ric1ions concering 1he lo1s wi1hin 1he Pla1 that will be approved by 1he Municipali1y prior 1o recording. The Covenants and Res1ric1ions will include ong other things 1he llowing:
a. Language reЛec1ing the Municipali1y's we1land ordinance and the limits of development and disturbance in areas designated as we1land preserva1ion.
b. Language inrming Lot Owners 1hat sewer bills will not be adjusted due to charges r wa1ering of lawns. An owner may reques1 a separa1e me1er if 1hey an1icipate wa1ering 1o establish new lawns xXxx cons1ruc1ion. cc Language 1hat no lo1 created by the original plat will be fiurther subdivided to crea1e addi1ional lo1s or combined wi1h o1her lots. 3c CLuster MaiLbox Easements. If required by 1he United S1a1es Postal Service Developer shall establish Easemen1s over 1hat pa of the Pla1 that assigns responsibili1y r main1enance of1he clus1er mailboxes to be loca1ed on 1hose Lo1s as depicted on the Final Plat. The Easement shall address responsibility r lawn maintenance and snow removal. The Easement may be a stand-alone document or incorporated in1o 1he Covenan1s and Restric1ions.
MULTIPLE CONTRACTORS. The City reserves the right and discretion to divide up the Goods and Services, either by scope, geographic area, or other basis as the City may decide, and to select one or more Contractors to enter into discussions with the City for one or more Contracts to perform a portion or portions of the Goods and Services. If the City exercises its discretion to divide up the Goods and Services, the City will do so reasonably having regard for the RFQ and the basis of Quotations. In addition to any other provision of this RFQ, Quotations may be evaluated on the basis of advantages and disadvantages to the City that might result or be achieved from the City dividing up the Goods and Services and entering into one or more Contracts with one or more Contractors. 1. DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATION 9 2. GOODS AND SERVICES 10 3. TERM 11 4. TIME 11 5. FEES AND DISBURSEMENTS 11 6. PAYMENT 12 7. USE OF WORK PRODUCT 13 8. PERSONNEL AND SUBCONTRACTORS 13 9. LIMITED AUTHORITY 14 10. CONFIDENTIALITY AND DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION 14 11. WARRANTIES 15 12. INSURANCE AND DAMAGES 15 13. CITY RESPONSIBILITIES 16 14. DEFICIENCIES 17 15. DEFAULT AND TERMINATION 17 16. CURING DEFAULTS 18 17. DISPUTE RESOLUTION 18 18. WCB AND OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY 19 19. BUSINESS LICENSE 20 20. GENERAL PROVISIONS FOR GOODS 20 21. COMPLIANCE 21 22. JURISDICTION OF COUNCIL AND NON-APPROPRIATION 21 23. WAIVER 21 24. APPLICABLE LAW 21 25. NOTICES 22 26. MERGER AND SURVIVAL 22 27. ENTIRE AGREEMENT 22 28. SIGNATURE 22 29. FUEL EMISSIONS DATA 22 30. NON ROAD DIESEL ENGINE EMISSION REGULATION 23 31. ENUREMENT 24 SCHEDULE A SPECIFICATIONS OF GOODS AND SCOPE OF SERVICES 25 APPENDIX 1 PRIME CONTRACTOR DESIGNATION – LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING 31 APPENDIX 2 CONTRACTOR HEALTH & SAFETY EXPECTATIONS RESPONSIBILITYOF CONTRACTORS(S) 32 SCHEDULE B – QUOTATION 36 Reference RFQ Title: Tree Root Management THIS AGREEMENT dated for reference this day of , 201_. AGREEMENT No.: 1220-040-2017-020 00000 - 000 Xxxxxx Surrey, B.C., Canada, V3T 1V8 (the "City")
MULTIPLE CONTRACTORS. 1. If the Counterparty wishes to assign the same or similar tasks and/or orders carried out by Mobi Group simultaneously to multiple parties, including Mobi Group, the Counterparty must inform all parties involved.
2. If the Counterparty has previously assigned the same task to another party and, for whatever reason, wishes to have the task performed again by Xxxx Group, the Counterparty must disclose to which party the task was assigned and why the Counterparty is reassigning the task.
MULTIPLE CONTRACTORS. The City reserves the right and discretion to divide up the Goods and to select one or more Contractors to enter into discussions with the City for one or more Purchase Orders. If the City exercises its discretion to divide up the Goods, the City will do so reasonably having regard for the RFQ and the basis of Quotations.
MULTIPLE CONTRACTORS. The City reserves the right and discretion to divide up the Goods and Services, either by scope, geographic area, or other basis as the City may decide, and to select one or more Contractors to enter into discussions with the City for one or more Contracts to perform a portion or portions of the Goods and Services. If the City exercises its discretion to divide up the Goods and Services, the City will do so reasonably having regard for the RFQ and the basis of Quotations. In addition to any other provision of this RFQ, Quotations may be evaluated on the basis of advantages and disadvantages to the City that might result or be achieved from the City dividing up the Goods and Services and entering into one or more Contracts with one or more Contractors. Title: XXXXX GRINDING SERVICES Reference No.: 1220-040-2018-042 1. DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATION .............................................................................