National Level Activities To Ensure Protection of Species Sample Clauses

National Level Activities To Ensure Protection of Species. EPA will take the following steps at the national level to ensure that State and Tribal water quality standards provide protection for endangered and threatened species. A. National Rulemaking B. Development of New Water Quality Criteria Methodological Guidelines C. National Consultation on CWA Section 304(a) Aquatic Life Criteria 1. Overview Under section 304(a) of the CWA, EPA from time to time publishes water quality criteria that serve as scientific guidance to be used by States or Tribes in establishing and revising water quality standards. These criteria are not enforceable requirements, but are recommended criteria levels that States or Tribes may adopt as part of their legally enforceable water quality standards. States or Tribes may, however, adopt other scientifically defensible criteria in lieu of EPA’s recommended criteria (see 40 CFR 131.11(b)). EPA has to date published criteria for the protection of aquatic life for 45 pollutants. EPA has developed an interim-final ‘‘Water Quality Criteria and Standards Plan’’ (EPA, June 1998) to guide the development and implementation of new or modified 304(a) criteria in the coming years. The objective of EPA’s criteria program is to provide scientific information to States and Tribes that will best facilitate the overall protection of the aquatic ecosystem. A better understanding of the effects of water pollution on endangered and threatened species will help achieve this objective. Therefore, EPA and the Services will conduct a section 7 consultation on the aquatic life criteria to assess the effect of the criteria on listed species and designated critical habitat. EPA and the Services will also conduct a conference regarding species proposed for listing and proposed designated critical habitat. EPA will consider the results of this consultation as it implements and refines its criteria program, including decisions regarding the relative priorities of revising existing criteria and developing new criteria. EPA and the Services have gained considerable experience in evaluating the potential effects on endangered and threatened species of pollutants for which EPA has published recommended aquatic life criteria under section 304(a) of the CWA. For example, the Services have issued biological opinions as a result of section 7 consultations on aquatic life criteria approved by EPA in water quality standards adopted by the States of New Jersey, Alabama, and Arizona, and promulgated by EPA for the Great Lakes ...

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  • INSURANCE AND PROOF OF FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Contractor understands and agrees that financial responsibility for claims or damages to any person, or to Contractor’s employees and agents, shall rest with the Contractor. Contractor and its subcontractors shall effect and maintain any insurance coverage, including, but not limited to, Workers’ Compensation, Employers’ Liability, General Liability, Contractual Liability, Automobile Liability and Umbrella Liability to support such financial obligations. The indemnification obligation, however, shall not be reduced in any way by existence or non-existence, limitation, amount or type of damages, compensation, or benefits payable under Workers’ Compensation laws or other insurance provisions. The minimum limits of insurance required of the Contractor by MPS shall be: Workers’ Compensation Statutory Limits Employers’ Liability $100,000 per occurrence General Liability $1,000,000 per occurrence/$2,000,000 aggregate Auto Liability $1,000,000 per occurrence Umbrella (excess) Liability $1,000,000 per occurrence The Milwaukee Board of School Directors shall be named as an additional insured under Contractor’s and subcontractors’ general liability insurance and umbrella liability insurance. Evidence of all required insurances of Contractor shall be submitted electronically to MPS via its third party vendor, EXIGIS Risk Management Services. Waivers and exceptions to the above limits will be in the sole discretion of MPS and shall be recorded in the EXIGIS system, which records are incorporated into this Contract by reference. The certificate of insurance or policies of insurance evidencing all coverages shall include a statement that MPS shall be afforded a thirty (30) day written notice of cancellation, non-renewal or material change by any of Contractor’s insurers providing the coverages required by MPS for the duration of this Contract.

  • Money Market Fund Compliance Testing and Reporting Services Subject to the authorization and direction of the Trust and, in each case where appropriate, the review and comment by the Trust’s independent accountants and legal counsel, and in accordance with procedures that may be established from time to time between the Trust and the Administrator, the Administrator will:

  • Cooperation on forestry matters and environmental protection 1. The aims of cooperation on forestry matters and environmental protection will be, but not limited to, as follows: (a) establishing bilateral cooperation relations in the forestry sector; (b) developing a training program and studies for sustainable management of forests; (c) improving the rehabilitation and sustainable management of forest with the aim of increasing carbon sinks and reduce the impact of climate change in the Asia-Pacific region; (d) cooperating on the execution of national projects, aimed at: improving the management of forest plantations for its transformation for industrial purposes and environmental protection; (e) elaborating studies on sustainable use of timber; (f) developing new technologies for the transformation and processing of timber and non-timber species; and (g) improving cooperation in agro-forestry technologies. 2. To achieve the objectives of the Article 149 (Objectives), the Parties may focus, as a means of cooperation and negotiations on concluding a bilateral agreement on forestry cooperation between the two Parties. Such collaboration will be as follows: (a) exchanges on science and technology as well as policies and laws relating the sustainable use of forest resources; (b) cooperation in training programs, internships, exchange of experts and projects advisory; (c) advice and technical assistance to public institutions and organizations of the Parties on sustainable use of forest resources and environmental protection; (d) facilitating forest policy dialogue and technical cooperation under the Network of Sustainable Forest Management and Forest Rehabilitation in Asia- Pacific Region, initiated at the 15th Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Meeting; (e) encouraging joint studies, working visits, exchange of experiences, among others; and (f) others activities mutually agreed.

  • Human and Financial Resources to Implement Safeguards Requirements The Borrower shall make available necessary budgetary and human resources to fully implement the EMP and the RP.

  • EDD Independent Subrecipient Reporting Requirements Effective January 1, 2001, the County of Orange is required to file in accordance with subdivision (a) of Section 6041A of the Internal Revenue Code for services received from a “service provider” to whom the County pays $600 or more or with whom the County enters into a contract for $600 or more within a single calendar year. The purpose of this reporting requirement is to increase child support collection by helping to locate parents who are delinquent in their child support obligations. The term “service provider” is defined in California Unemployment Insurance Code Section 1088.8, Subparagraph B.2 as “an individual who is not an employee of the service recipient for California purposes and who received compensation or executes a contract for services performed for that service recipient within or without the State.” The term is further defined by the California Employment Development Department to refer specifically to independent Subrecipients. An independent Subrecipient is defined as “an individual who is not an employee of the ... government entity for California purposes and who receives compensation or executes a contract for services performed for that ... government entity either in or outside of California.” The reporting requirement does not apply to corporations, general partnerships, limited liability partnerships, and limited liability companies. Additional information on this reporting requirement can be found at the California Employment Development Department web site located at xxxx://

  • Rectification of Safety Hazard Where, because of the existence of a safety hazard, a site has been stopped for a defined period of time and Employees sent off site by agreement between Site Managers and any combination of Union Official/s, Health and Safety Committee, those people who remain on site to do rectification work will be paid at the rate of double time for all such work.

  • Governance and Anticorruption The Borrower shall (a) comply with ADB’s Anticorruption Policy (1998, as amended to date) and acknowledge that ADB reserves the right to investigate directly, or through its agents, any alleged corrupt, fraudulent, collusive or coercive practice relating to the Project; and (b) cooperate with any such investigation and extend all necessary assistance for satisfactory completion of such investigation.

  • CERTIFICATION PROHIBITING DISCRIMINATION AGAINST FIREARM AND AMMUNITION INDUSTRIES (Texas law as of September 1, 2021) By submitting a proposal to this Solicitation, you certify that you agree, when it is applicable, to the following required by Texas law as of September 1, 2021: If (a) company is not a sole proprietorship; (b) company has at least ten (10) full-time employees; (c) this contract has a value of at least $100,000 that is paid wholly or partly from public funds; (d) the contract is not excepted under Tex. Gov’t Code § 2274.003 of SB 19 (87th leg.); and (e) governmental entity has determined that company is not a sole-source provider or governmental entity has not received any bids from a company that is able to provide this written verification, the following certification shall apply; otherwise, this certification is not required. Pursuant to Tex. Gov’t Code Ch. 2274 of SB 19 (87th session), the company hereby certifies and verifies that the company, or association, corporation, partnership, joint venture, limited partnership, limited liability partnership, or limited liability company, including a wholly owned subsidiary, majority-owned subsidiary parent company, or affiliate of these entities or associations, that exists to make a profit, does not have a practice, policy, guidance, or directive that discriminates against a firearm entity or firearm trade association and will not discriminate during the term of this contract against a firearm entity or firearm trade association. For purposes of this contract, “discriminate against a firearm entity or firearm trade association” shall mean, with respect to the entity or association, to: “ (1) refuse to engage in the trade of any goods or services with the entity or association based solely on its status as a firearm entity or firearm trade association; (2) refrain from continuing an existing business relationship with the entity or association based solely on its status as a firearm entity or firearm trade association; or (3) terminate an existing business relationship with the entity or association based solely on its status as a firearm entity or firearm trade association. See Tex. Gov’t Code § 2274.001(3) of SB 19. “Discrimination against a firearm entity or firearm trade association” does not include: “ (1) the established policies of a merchant, retail seller, or platform that restrict or prohibit the listing or selling of ammunition, firearms, or firearm accessories; and (2) a company’s refusal to engage in the trade of any goods or services, decision to refrain from continuing an existing business relationship, or decision to terminate an existing business relationship to comply with federal, state, or local law, policy, or regulations or a directive by a regulatory agency, or for any traditional business reason that is specific to the customer or potential customer and not based solely on an entity’s or association’s status as a firearm entity or firearm trade association.” See Tex. Gov’t Code § 2274.001(3) of SB 19.

  • Subsidy Requests and Reporting Requirements 1. The Grantee or Management Company shall complete a CRF Subsidy Request Report - Recap of Tenant Income Certification, which provides a unit-by-unit listing of all units in the Development for whom assistance is being requested and gives detailed information including the occupants’ eligibility, set-aside requirements, amount of household rent paid, utility allowance and amount of CRF Rental Subsidy requested. 2. The CRF Subsidy Request Report - Recap of Tenant Income Certification shall be prepared as of the last day of each calendar month during the period of performance and shall be submitted to and Florida Housing’s monitoring agent no later than the 15th day of the following month. The December 2020 request will be due on or before December 15th. The Grantee will submit executed Coronavirus Relief Fund Rental Assistance Applications and supporting documentation to Florida Housing’s monitoring agent within 5 days upon the monitoring agent’s request.