Technical Consultations If a Party has a significant concern with respect to food safety, plant health, or animal health, or an SPS measure that the other Party has proposed or implemented, that Party may request technical consultations with the other Party. The Party that is the subject of the request should respond to the request without undue delay. Each Party shall endeavour to provide the information necessary to avoid a disruption to trade and, as the case may be, to reach a mutually acceptable solution.
Notification and Consultation 1. A Party shall promptly notify the other Party in writing upon: (a) initiating a bilateral safeguard proceeding under this Section; (b) applying a provisional bilateral safeguard measure; and (c) taking a final decision to apply or extend a bilateral safeguard measure. 2. A Party shall provide to the other Party a copy of the public version of the report of its competent investigating authority in accordance with Article 8.4.1. 3. Upon request of a Party whose good is subject to a bilateral safeguard proceeding under this Section, the Party conducting that proceeding shall enter into consultations with the requesting Party to review a notification under paragraph 1 or any public notice or report that the competent investigating authority has issued in connection with the proceeding. 4. All notifications during any bilateral safeguard investigation shall be exchanged in English.
JOINT CONSULTATION 21.01 The parties acknowledge the mutual benefits to be derived from joint consultation and are prepared to enter into discussion aimed at the development and introduction of appropriate machinery for the purpose of providing joint consultation on matters of common interest. 21.02 Within five (5) days of notification of consultation served by either party, the Alliance shall notify the Employer in writing of the representatives authorized to act on behalf of the Alliance for consultation purposes. 21.03 Upon request of either party, the parties to this Agreement shall consult meaningfully at the appropriate level about contemplated changes in conditions of employment or working conditions not governed by this Agreement. 21.04 Without prejudice to the position the Employer or the Alliance may wish to take in future about the desirability of having the subjects dealt with by the provisions of collective agreements, the subjects that may be determined as appropriate for joint consultation will be by agreement of the parties.
Consultation 10.1 The Employer agrees to consult the Employee timeously where the exercising of its powers will have amongst others- 10.1.1 A direct effect on the performance of any of the Employee’s functions; 10.1.2 Commit the Employee to implement or to give effect to a decision made by the Employer; and 10.1.3 A substantial financial effect on the Employer. 10.2 The Employer agrees to inform the Employee of the outcome of any decisions taken pursuant to the exercise of powers contemplated in clause 12.1 as soon as is practicable to enable the Employee to take any necessary action with delay.
INFORMATION AND CONSULTATION 8.1 You are entitled under the General Data Protection Regulation to access personal data we hold on you in our housing files. We will provide you with a copy of any such information we hold within one calendar month of your request. You may have other rights under the General Data Protection Regulation in relation to your personal data, which we will honour. You are entitled to check information you have provided in connection with your housing application free of charge. 8.2 We will publish an annual report on our housing management performance which you may obtain from us on request. We will give you information about our complaints procedure. 8.3 On request, we will provide you with information relating to: • the terms of your tenancy; • our policy and procedures on setting rent charges; • our policy and rules about: - admission to the housing lists; - allocations; - transfers of tenants between houses; - exchanges of houses between our tenants, and tenants of other landlords; - repairs and maintenance; • our tenant participation strategy; • our arrangements for taking decisions about housing management and services. 8.4 We will consult you about making or changing: • policies regarding housing management, repairs and maintenance if the proposal is likely to significantly affect you; • proposals for changes in rent and service charges where they affect all or a class of tenants (and you are to be affected); • proposals for the sale or transfer of your house to another landlord; • decisions about the information to be provided relating to our standards of housing management and performance; • performance standards or targets in relation to housing management repairs and maintenance; • our tenant participation strategy. We will take into account any views that you have before making a final decision. Any consultation with you will include giving you comprehensive information in an accessible form and reasonable time to express views.
Consultations A Party may request in writing consultations with the other Party with respect to any matter referred to in Article 174 (Scope of Application).
Review and Consultation Employee acknowledges and agrees he (a) has read this Agreement in its entirety prior to executing it, (b) understands the provisions and effects of this Agreement and (c) has consulted with such attorneys, accountants and financial or other advisors as he has deemed appropriate in connection with the execution of this Agreement. Employee understands, acknowledges and agrees that he has not received any advice, counsel or recommendation with respect to this Agreement from Employer’s attorneys.
CONSULTATION WITH OTHER SUB-ADVISERS In performance of its duties and obligations under this Agreement, the Sub-Adviser shall not consult with any other sub-adviser to the Fund or a sub-adviser to a portfolio that is under common control with the Fund concerning transactions for the Fund, except as permitted by the policies and procedures of the Fund. The Sub-Adviser shall not provide investment advice to any assets of the Fund other than the assets managed by the Sub-Adviser.
Consultation with Experts The Administrative Agent may consult with legal counsel, independent public accountants, and other experts selected by it and shall not be liable for any action taken or omitted to be taken by it in good faith in accordance with the advice of such counsel, accountants or experts.
Union Consultation The Union is entitled to consult the Employer or its representative, whenever it is alleged that Employees are required to work unreasonable amounts of overtime.