Nominating Official Sample Clauses

Nominating Official. The State ani- mal health official in each State is the person responsible for submitting and certifying veterinarian shortage situa- tions within the State to NIFA offi- cials. It is strongly recommended that the State animal health official of each State involve the leading health ani- mal experts in the State in the nomi- nation process.
Nominating Official. Any USDA Rural Development Office or employee.

Related to Nominating Official

  • APPOINTING OFFICERS If authorized by majority vote of the Members, the Chief Executive Member may appoint officers or managers and define their function and authority.

  • Contracting Officer The person authorized to administer and make written determinations for the Commonwealth with respect to the Prime Contract. Department – The Department of General Services of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Issuing Office – The department, board, commission or other agency of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania that issued the Procurement. Procurement – The Invitation for Bids, Request for Quotes, Request for Proposals or other solicitation and all associated final procurement documentation issued by the Commonwealth to obtain proposals from firms for award of the Prime Contract.

  • Hearing Officer The Hearing Officer shall be jointly selected by the parties within thirty (30) days of the execution of this contract and shall serve for a minimum of one (1) year from the date of selection. At that time the parties may choose to re-appoint the Hearing Officer or select a different Hearing Officer who will also serve for a minimum of one (1) year from date of selection.

  • Chairman of the Board The Chairman of the Board shall preside, if present, at all meetings of the Board and of the Limited Partners of the Partnership and shall perform such additional functions and duties as the Board may prescribe from time to time. The Directors also may elect a Vice Chairman of the Board to act in the place of the Chairman of the Board upon his or her absence or inability to act.

  • Field Training Officer When a Public Safety Officer has been designated as a Field Training Officer for a new employee he/she will receive a five percent (5%) increase for all the hours they provide direct training/instruction.

  • Inspector General The Grantee understands its duty, pursuant to Section 20.055(5), F.S., to cooperate with the inspector general in any investigation, audit, inspection, review, or hearing. The Grantee will comply with this duty and ensure that its sub-grantees and/or subcontractors issued under this Agreement, if any, impose this requirement, in writing, on its sub-grantees and/or subcontractors, respectively.

  • Inspectors At any election of Trustees, the Board of Trustees prior thereto may, or, if they have not so acted, the chairman of the meeting may appoint one or more inspectors of election who shall first subscribe an oath of affirmation to execute faithfully the duties of inspectors at such election with strict impartiality and according to the best of their ability, and shall after the election make a certificate of the result of the vote taken.

  • CHAIRMAN AND VICE-CHAIRMAN OF THE GOVERNORS The Governors shall each school year, at their first meeting in that year, elect a chairman and a vice-chairman from among their number. A Governor who is employed by the Academy Trust shall not be eligible for election as chairman or vice-chairman.

  • Inspector An authorized representative of the Owner or Engineer assigned to make all necessary inspections and/or tests of the work performed or being performed, or of the materials furnished or being furnished by the Contractor.

  • Grievance Committee The Hospital will recognize a Grievance Committee composed of the Chief Xxxxxxx and not more than (as set out in Local Provisions Appendix) employees selected by the Union who have completed their probationary period. A general representative of the Union may be present at any meeting of the Committee. The purpose of the Committee is to deal with complaints or grievances as set out in this Collective Agreement. The Union shall keep the Hospital notified in writing of the names of the members of the Grievance Committee appointed or selected under this Article as well as the effective date of their respective appointments. A Committee member shall suffer no loss of earnings for time spent during their regular scheduled working hours in attending grievance meetings with the Hospital up to, but not including arbitration. The number of employees on the Grievance Committee shall be determined locally.