OBLIGATIONS OF THE BURSAR. 3.1 The Bursar shall not, without first having obtained written permission from the Department, be entitled to deviate from the aforementioned study course or to change institutions.
3.2 The Bursar shall provide the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries with a statement of account from the institution, the postal address of the institution and any change in his/her contact numbers.
3.3 In the event of the Bursar residing in a private residence during his/her studies at the institution that is not the home of any direct relatives of the Bursar, the Bursar must submit proof of his/her residence contract to the Department.
3.4 The Bursar will be required by the institution to sign a form/document when receiving/acknowledging any payment/allowance due to him/her, e.g. Schedule of Particulars.
3.5 After the successful attainment of the relevant qualification, he/ she will submit a copy of his/her qualification to the Department.
3.6 The Bursars agrees, if the Department so desires, to serve the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries or its public entities (Provincial Departments of Agriculture, Agriculture Research Council and Land Bank) in any capacity for which the Department deems him/her suitable, for a period of one year for each year’s participation in the External Bursary Scheme .
3.7 The Bursars agrees that the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries or its aforementioned public entities will be given first preference in appointing him/her, after successful completion of his/ her studies, provided that he/she meets the minimum requirements for a specific post. Permanent employment will be determined by the availability of funds, and future needs regarding personnel composition, provided that appropriate vacancies exist.
3.8 If there is no vacancy within the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries or its public entities, nothing in this agreement shall be construed as to impose an obligation on the Department to employ the candidate after completion of the programme.
3.9 In the event the Bursar refuses an offer of permanent employment with the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, or the trainee terminates his/her services prior to the expiry of this contract, the trainee will be liable to reimburse the Department for all costs relating to the bursary awarded to him/her by the Department.
3.10 Unless otherwise agreed in writing between the Department and the Bursar, the Bursar shall travel to and fr...
OBLIGATIONS OF THE BURSAR. 3.1.1. To register or is registered for the qualifying programme prescribe for the (Insert Year of study e.g. 1st Year) of the curriculum for the qualification (Insert name of Qualification e.g. Diploma in Logistics) at the (Insert name of the Institution) (“the Institution”) for (Insert prescribed duration of the programme e.g. 3 years) (Insert the year on which the student was first awarded the bursary)
3.1.2. The Bursar will apply himself / herself diligently and conscientiously in pursuit of his / her studies for the aforesaid.
3.1.3. The Bursar shall observe and comply with all relevant and applicable regulations of the Institution.
3.1.4. The Bursar shall not deviate from the aforementioned Study Programme or to change from the Institution.
3.1.5. The Bursar shall not accept any other bursary, grant, loan or other form of financial assistance without the prior written approval of W&RSETA.
3.1.6. The Bursar shall provide the W&RSETA with Proof of Registration, Certified ID Copy, Statement of Fees and Statement of Academic Results.
3.1.7. The Bursar shall provide the W&RSETA with June and December Academic Results.
3.1.8. The Bursar gives the Institution permission to provide the sponsor with statement of fees and academic records upon request.
3.1.9. The Bursar shall inform and provide the W&RSETA with any change to his or her contact details during their studies.
3.1.10. Any cost associated with aegrotat exams or supplementary exams will not be paid for by the W&RSETA.
3.1.11. The Bursar shall pass 60% of all modules register for in a particular academic year and shall qualify to progress to the next academic year level.
OBLIGATIONS OF THE BURSAR. 3.1 The Bursar shall not, without first having obtained written permission from the Department, be entitled to change from his/her current school to another or change subject combinations.
3.2 The Bursar agrees that after completing National Senior Certificate/Grade 12 studies, he/she will follow a career in one of the identified scarce and critical skills in Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.
3.3 The Bursar agrees that in the event he/she decides to follow a different field of study other than the ones identified by the Department as scarce and critical, he/she shall repay all the money paid plus interest at the rate determine by the Minister of Finance in terms of section 80(1)b of the Public Finance Act, 1999 (Act No. 1 of 1999) from time to time, from the date of breach of contract.
3.4 The Bursar shall provide the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries with a statement of account from the school, the postal address at the school and any changes in his/her contact numbers.
3.5 The Bursar agrees to furnish the department with his/her academic progress reports quarterly.
3.6 Unless otherwise agreed in writing between the Department and the Bursar, the Bursar shall travel to and from his/her place of residence to the school at his/her own expense.
3.7 The Bursar agrees to the jurisdiction of the Magistrate’s Court in terms of section 45 of Act No. 32 of 1944 (as amended) to the effect that the Department can institute any legal proceedings in respect of this agreement in the Magistrate’s Court of any district which has jurisdiction over the Bursar according to the aforementioned Act.
3.8 The Bursar agrees to pay legal costs on the attorney and own client scale as well as collection commission on the then outstanding amount should any legal steps be taken by the Department in accordance with this Agreement.