of the Grant Agreement. The coordinator shall not delegate any part of this task to any party;
of the Grant Agreement. This Report may not be relied upon by the Beneficiary or by the European Commission for any other purpose, nor may it be distributed to any other parties. The European Commission may only disclose this Report to others who have regulatory rights of access to it, in particular the European Anti Fraud Office and the European Court of Auditors. This Report relates only to the Financial Statement(s) specified above and does not extend to any other financial statements of the Beneficiary. No conflict of interest4 exists between the Auditor and the Beneficiary in establishing this Report. The fee paid to the Auditor for providing the Report was € . We look forward to discussing our Report with you and would be pleased to provide any further information or assistance which may be required. 4 A conflict of interest arises when the auditor's objectivity to establish the certificate is compromised in fact or in appearance when the auditor for instance: - was involved in the preparation of the Financial Statements (Forms C); - stands to benefit directly should the certificate be accepted; - has a close relationship with any person representing the beneficiary; - is a director, trustee or partner of the beneficiary; - is in any other situation that compromises his or her independence or ability to establish the certificate impartially. The Auditor designs and carries out his work in accordance with the objective and scope of this engagement and the procedures to be performed as specified below. When performing these procedures the Auditor may apply techniques such as inquiry and analysis, (re)computation, comparison, other clerical accuracy checks, observation, inspection of records and documents, inspection of assets and obtaining confirmations or any others deemed necessary in carrying out these procedures. The European Commission reserves the right to issue guidance together with example definitions and findings to guide the Auditor in the nature and presentation of the facts to be ascertained. The European Commission reserves the right to vary the procedures by written notification to the Beneficiary. The procedures to be performed are listed as follows:
of the Grant Agreement. In order to keep a uniform manner of external presentations, entities which participate in the partnership shall agree on a uniform overall image of the Project within public relations. The above shall apply to the logo of the Project, a joint manner of presenting the Project, the Project’s website as well as guidelines on design for publication.
of the Grant Agreement. The Authorising Officer of the Commission requires this Report as he makes the payment of costs requested by the Beneficiary conditional on the factual findings of this Report.
of the Grant Agreement a) Section 1.4 of the Grant Agreement is amended and restated in its entirety and will read as follows:
of the Grant Agreement. The beneficiary must certify that the information provided in the request for payment of the balance is full, reliable and true. The beneficiary must also certify that the costs incurred can be considered eligible in accordance with the Agreement and that the request for payment is substantiated by adequate supporting documents that can be produced in the context of the checks or audits described in Article II.27. In addition, the beneficiary must certify that all the revenues generated by the action referred to in Article II.25.3 have been declared for the beneficiary.
of the Grant Agreement. The Authorising Officer of the REA requires this Report as he makes the payment of costs requested by the Beneficiary conditional on the factual findings of this Report.
of the Grant Agreement. The Authorising Officer of the JU requires this Report as he makes the payment of costs requested by the Beneficiary conditional on the factual findings of this Report.
of the Grant Agreement. The BONUS EEIG requires this Report as it makes the payment of costs requested by the Beneficiary conditional on the factual findings of this Report.
of the Grant Agreement. Upon the IMI2 JU confirming to the Coordinator receipt of notice of termination, the Grant Agreement shall be terminated with effect from that date as stated in the notice of termination and this Consortium Agreement shall be deemed to have been terminated on the same date. The Coordinator shall promptly notify the Beneficiaries of the IMI2 JU’s response to the notification of termination of the Grant Agreement.