Officer Involved in Shooting Sample Clauses

Officer Involved in Shooting. Pursuant to the new Public Act 100-0389: Section 1-25 The Police and Community Relations Improvement Act effective August 2017. The Public Act 100-0389: Section 1-25 The Police and Community Relations Improvement Act requires police officers who discharge their firearm causing injury or death to a person or persons during the performance of their official duties or in the line of duty, must submit to a drug and alcohol testing as soon as practicable but not later than the end of their shift or tour of duty. The Employer shall follow the Drug and Alcohol Testing in this Article. The City shall designate the applicable testing facility.
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Related to Officer Involved in Shooting

  • Reduction in Scope of the Project 16.6.1 If the Concessionaire shall have failed to complete any Construction Works on account of Force Majeure or for reasons solely attributable to the Authority, the Authority may, in its discretion, require the Concessionaire to pay 80% (eighty percent) of the sum saved therefrom, and upon such payment to the Authority, the obligations of the Concessionaire in respect of such works shall be deemed to have been fulfilled. For the avoidance of doubt, it is agreed that in the event such reduction in Scope of the Project causes or will cause a reduction in net after-tax return of the Concessionaire, the Parties shall meet, as soon as reasonably practical, and agree on a full or partial waiver of the aforesaid payment of 80% (eighty per cent) so as to place the Concessionaire in the same financial position as it would have enjoyed had there been no reduction in Scope of the Project. It is further agreed that the liability of the Authority under this Clause 16.6 shall not extend beyond waiver of the aforesaid 80% (eighty per cent). It is also agreed that in the event of a dispute, the Dispute Resolution Procedure shall apply.

  • Details of the Processing The subject-matter of Processing of Personal Data by Data Processor is the performance of the Services pursuant to the Agreement. The duration of the Processing, the nature and purpose of the Processing, as well as the types of Personal Data Processed and categories of Data Subjects under this DPA are further specified in Schedule 1 (Details of the Processing) to this DPA.

  • SCOPE OF THE WORK The Contractor shall furnish all the materials, perform all of the Work, and do all things required by the Contract Documents.

  • Project-Related Investments The term “investment” or “invest” as used herein shall include not only investments made by the Company and any Sponsor Affiliates, but also to the fullest extent permitted by law, those investments made by or for the benefit of the Company or any Sponsor Affiliate with respect to the Project through federal, state, or local grants, to the extent such investments are subject to ad valorem taxes or FILOT payments by the Company. [End of Article I] ARTICLE II

  • Acquisitions Acquire or agree to acquire by merging with, or by purchasing a substantial portion of the stock or assets of, or by any other manner, any business or any corporation, partnership, association or other business organization or division thereof or otherwise acquire or agree to acquire any assets that are material individually or in the aggregate, to its business, taken as a whole;

  • ROLE OF THE PRIMARY AND SECONDARY CONTACTS 5.01 Primary and Secondary Contact(s). The Resident, in executing this Agreement, is required to identify a “Primary Contact” and a “Secondary Contact”. It is strongly recommended that these contacts are parents or legal guardians of the Resident. The Primary Contact serves as the individual that is contacted by the Manager if concerns or problems arise with the Resident, as detailed in section 5.02 below. If the Primary Contact is not available, the Secondary Contact will be contacted.

  • Scope of the Project Under this Agreement, the scope of the Project (the “Scope of the Project”) shall mean and include:

  • Permitted Activities The Executive shall devote his entire business time, attention and energies to the Business of the Employer and shall not during the Term be engaged (whether or not during normal business hours) in any other business or professional activity, whether or not such activity is pursued for gain, profit or other pecuniary advantage; but this shall not be construed as preventing the Executive from:

  • Reduction in scope of agreement for fault 19.1.1 If the Grantee does not comply with an obligation under this Agreement and the Commonwealth believes that the non‐compliance is incapable of remedy, or if the Grantee has failed to comply with a notice to remedy, the Commonwealth may by written notice reduce the scope of the Agreement.

  • PARTICIPATION IN SIMILAR ACTIVITIES 1. Parties are not prevented by this MoU from participating and activities similar to those described in this document with third parties. There is no obligation to disclose any similar activity to the other party. However, when considered of mutual benefit, both parties are encouraged to involve the other party in similar activities to the goal of disseminating the knowledge about XXX.xx.

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