HOURS OF WORK AND OVERTIME. A. The normal work week shall be from Monday to Friday both inclusive and shall comprise five (5) days of eight (8) hours each.
B. All hours worked in excess of eight (8) hours in any day shall be paid at the rate of 1 ½ times the regular hourly rate.
C. Any work performed on Saturday shall be considered overtime and shall be paid at the rate of 1 ½ times the hourly rate of pay except as provided in “E” or except for the Tuesday/Saturday shift at the high school and middle schools.
D. All hours worked on a Sunday, shall be considered overtime, and shall be paid a rate of two (2) times the normal rate of pay, except as provided in “E” below.
E. Part-time employees must satisfy the forty (40) hour week require- ment prior to receiving overtime pay for Saturdays or Sundays.
F. Employees called to work prior to the start of their normal shift shall be paid overtime for any such time worked, but such overtime pay- ment shall not apply to any of the hours of the normal shift.
G. Whenever possible, the Board shall notify the employees of any Sat- urday or Sunday work not later than the end of the shift on Thursday of that week only if such Saturday or Sunday work is scheduled prior to the end of the shift on Thursday of that week, except in cases of emergency. Nothing contained in this paragraph shall be construed to be a guarantee of overtime if such is scheduled nor shall the right of the Board to cancel such scheduled overtime be limited. Employees who are required to work on a Saturday or a Sunday shall be xxxxxx- xxxx a minimum of four hours of work at the overtime rates provided in B and C above.
H. Overtime shall be distributed equally as practical by building and/or department among the employees qualified and capable of performing the work available. Individuals declining overtime will be required to sign off acknowledging refusal. During emergencies or when a re- placement is unavailable, working overtime may be mandatory.
I. In the event an employee is called back to work after the conclusion of a normal work shift, the employee will be entitled to a minimum of four (4) hours pay at the overtime rate and the Board reserves the right to assign four (4) hours of work in such situations. If the call- back is for an open window or door, the payment shall be two (2) hours at the overtime rate. Failure of an employee to properly secure his/her area of responsibility shall result in disciplinary action.
J. Except in case of emergency, or in the event of perfo...
1. The current assigned duty hours of full-time employees are a forty (40) hour workweek. A workweek shall comprise the time period Sunday through Saturday. Generally, the normal workweek shall begin on Monday and end on Friday unless advance notice to the contrary is given as outlined herein. The work schedule shall be comprised of five (5) consecutive eight (8) hour days or four (4) consecutive ten (10) hour days. Eight (8) hours of work including two (2) fifteen (15) minute break periods near the middle of each half shift whenever feasible shall constitute a normal day's work, unless a work schedule of four (4) ten (10) hour days is implemented during certain times of the year, in which case ten (10) hours shall constitute a normal day's work. When employees work a four (4) ten (10) hour day, breaks shall be extended by five (5) minutes to a total of twenty (20) minutes for each break. If an employee, during any break period, is performing any work or participating in any work related discussions with non-union managers or supervisors, that time will not count as break time and the break will be extended accordingly. The workday shall be interrupted near the middle of the workday to allow for a lunch break without pay. The employer shall provide five (5) business days notice and a written explanation to employees before a change in work schedules is implemented except in the event of an emergency or natural disaster.
2. Daily rest breaks of employees shall be taken at the work site where work is being performed whenever possible, and if an employee returns to the Parks and Recreation Department office building solely for a rest break, travel time to and from the work site shall be included as part of the time allocated for the rest break. Any travel time from and back to a work site that is made solely for the purpose of taking a rest break shall be included as part of the time allocated for the rest break. Employees shall not go to their residences during a daily rest break. The employer shall have no obligation to provide any additional paid or unpaid break periods to the Union.
3. Employees employed for a work week longer than forty (40) hours or for a time period during a specific workday that is in excess of a day's work as defined herein shall receive compensation for the overtime employment at the rate of one and one-half (11/2) times the hourly wage rate at which employed including longevity, but excluding all other special allowances, and fri...
HOURS OF WORK AND OVERTIME. 1. The normal work week for full-time employees subject to operational requirements shall consist of thirty-seven and one-half (37 1/2) hours, scheduled on five (5) days with a daily unpaid lunch period of up to one (1) hour.
2. The normal workweek is not intended to be construed as a guarantee of hours of work per day or per week or days of work per week or of working schedules.
3. Employees shall be paid time and one-half their regular rate of pay for all hours worked in excess of thirty-seven and one-half (37 1/2) hours per week or for all hours worked in excess of eight (8) hours on any day during the week. Overtime shall be paid on the basis of completed one-quarter (1/4) hour units.
4. Overtime must be authorized in advance by the Branch Manager or her designated representative. The Bank shall determine when overtime shall be worked. The Bank shall give as much advance notice as practicable to employees required to work overtime.
5. An employee who is eligible to be paid for a general holiday pursuant to Article 13, General Holidays, and who works on a general holiday shall be paid the employee's regular rate of wages for her normal hours of work for the day, pursuant to Article 13, and in addition shall receive a premium payment for all hours worked on that day at the rate of time and one-half the employee's regular rate of pay. For the purpose of calculating overtime payment, the normal work week of thirty-seven and one-half (37 1/2) hours shall be reduced by seven and one-half (7 1/2) hours for each day not worked because of a general holiday. There shall be no pyramiding of overtime and/or any other premium payment.
6. The Bank will make one fifteen (15) minute period available in the morning and one fifteen (15) minute period available in the afternoon during each workday during which employees may avail themselves of refreshments.
7. The Bank shall pay an employee who reports for work at the call of the Bank wages for not less than three (3) hours of work at the employee's regular rate of wages.
HOURS OF WORK AND OVERTIME. 14.01 The normal work week is thirty-five (35) hours consisting of seven (7) hour shifts per day, Monday through Friday. The normal hours of work are from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. or 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. Employees shall be entitled to a one (1) hour unpaid lunch period and two (2) fifteen (15) minute paid breaks. In the event that patient care programs (e.g. flu shot clinic, patient education sessions) are scheduled and require an employee to work hours other than those listed above, such employee shall be given a minimum of two weeks’ notice prior to the change in shift.
14.02 Where the Employer requires an employee to work through the normal lunch break such employee shall be paid time and one half (1 1/2) their regular straight time hourly rate for all time worked in excess of their normal daily hours. The employee may elect time off in lieu of payment. The time off will be taken at a time which is mutually convenient to the individual and the Employer.
14.03 Schedules will continue to be posted monthly.
14.04 An employee will not be required to work more than five (5) consecutive shifts. An employee will be paid time and one-half (1 1/2) for their sixth (6th) subsequent and consecutive shift until a shift is scheduled off.
14.05 Authorized overtime hours worked in excess of the normal hours of work or the employee's normal schedule shall be paid for at the rate of one and one-half (1½) times the employee's regular hourly rate. However, should such overtime hours be performed on a Sunday, they shall be paid for at the rate of two (2) times the employee's regular hourly rate. Compensation may be taken as pay or time off in lieu of payment. The Employer will maintain an overtime bank for each employee, the accumulated total of which, at any given time, may not exceed 35 hours. Employees and managers must make every effort to ensure the employee's overtime bank is drawn down to zero (0) by the end of the calendar year. Notwithstanding the foregoing, carryover of lieu time to the following calendar year may occur if exceptional operational circumstances prevented the utilization of lieu time. The time off will be taken at a time which is mutually convenient to the individual and the Employer.
14.06 An employee who is called in and required to work outside their normal scheduled hours, other than those hours immediately prior to or after normal starting or quitting time, shall receive four (4) hours pay at straight time or the actual hours worked at time and on...
HOURS OF WORK AND OVERTIME. The Employer will assign the hours of work for represented individuals. All hours worked in excess of forty (40) hours in a seven (7) day workweek constitutes overtime. Overtime hours will be compensated at a rate of one and one-half (1-1/2) times the represented individual’s regular rate of pay.
HOURS OF WORK AND OVERTIME. 11.01 The following paragraphs are to describe the hours of work and shall not be construed as a guarantee of work per day or per week unless otherwise specified.
HOURS OF WORK AND OVERTIME. 17.01 The normal work week shall consist of five (5) days per week, Monday to Friday, inclusive of eight (8) hours per day. Any time worked over forty (40) hours per week shall be considered overtime and paid for at time and a half.
17.02 a) Normal eight (8) hour shifts will start between the following hours:
HOURS OF WORK AND OVERTIME. Section 1. The regular work week shall consist of forty (40) hours. Time worked by full time employees in excess of forty
HOURS OF WORK AND OVERTIME. Section 1. The normally scheduled hours of work shall consist of eight (8) hours in approximately two segments plus that time for an unpaid lunch period in between, five (5) days a week, Monday through Friday, except where there is a continuous twenty-four (24) hour per day operation or where there is a continuous seven (7) day a week operation made necessary because of the nature of the work.
Section 2. The County shall pay overtime at the rate of time and one-half of the regular straight time hourly rate (including shift differential) for all required overtime worked by hourly rated employees in excess of eight (8) hours per day or forty (40) hours per week. The County shall pay overtime at the rate of time and one-half of the regular straight time hourly rate (including shift differential) for all required overtime worked by Stillwater Center employees in excess of eight (8) hours per day or eighty (80) hours bi-weekly. Overtime is time worked continuous to the regular work schedule whether it precedes or follows that shift.
Section 3. Management shall endeavor to distribute authorized overtime among all employees in each classification within a department on a non-preferential and equal basis. The County shall establish a rotating seniority list by job classifications, within each division, for overtime assignments when overtime work is necessary. The list shall begin with the most senior person in the job classification. Management shall request the employee's name who appears first on the list to work overtime when overtime is available. When the employee is unable to work the overtime which has been offered to him/her, the employee shall not be offered overtime until his/her name again appears at the top of the list. The rotating seniority list for overtime shall apply to regularly scheduled overtime, and to emergency overtime when practicable. The rotating seniority list shall not apply to hold- over overtime. Management reserves the right to require overtime for employees. Should it be necessary to require overtime, Management will begin assignments with the least senior employee in each job classification where overtime is worked and rotate such assignments from a list which begins with the least senior employee. When possible, Management shall give a twenty-four (24) hour notice of required overtime.
Section 4. Overtime premiums shall not be pyramided, compounded or paid twice for the same time worked.
Section 5. Employees who have worked overti...
HOURS OF WORK AND OVERTIME. 20.01 Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as, or interpreted as, a guarantee of hours of work, whether per day, or week, or otherwise.
20.02 Subject to Article 20.01, the Employer shall, when creating job postings, be guided by the following principles, subject to operational requirements.
a) Full shifts shall be of eight (8) hours duration, exclusive of a meal break.
b) Shifts of lesser duration may be scheduled.
c) Any shift over five (5) hours duration, will have a thirty (30)-minute meal break.
d) Generally, meal breaks are unpaid, and the employee is free of any employment related duties or obligations. However, if the Employer designates an employee to be available for emergencies during their meal break, and/or requires them to remain on the Employer’s premises, the Employer will pay them for the meal break. Notwithstanding the payment, if the meal break is interrupted, then subject to operational requirements, the Employer will endeavour to extend or reschedule the interrupted portion of the meal break.
e) All employees shall have two (2) fifteen (15) minute rest periods for shifts in excess of seven-and-a-half (7-1/2) hours, one before and one after the meal period.
f) If an employee reports for work on any day, as required by the Employer, and starts work, the Employer shall pay the employee a minimum of four (4) hours of work at the regular wage, unless the work is suspended for a reason completely beyond the Employer’s control. If an employee reports for work on any day as required by the Employer, and the employee is fit and able to begin work, but does not commence work, at the Employer’s direction, the employee will be paid for two (2) hours of work.
g) A work schedule of two (2) weeks’ duration will be posted in a conspicuous location. The work schedule will be posted at least two (2) weeks prior to its effective date. In all other cases, at least twenty-four (24) hours' notice of any change must be given or two (2) additional hours' pay given in lieu of notice. The Employer is required to make a reasonable effort to verbally advise individual employees of the changes to their work schedule once it has been posted.
h) No employee shall be required to work in excess of six (6) consecutive days.