Official Board Sample Clauses

Official Board. Union meetings shall take place outside of working hours. If there is a need to meet during working hours, members of the Committee who attend such meetings with the Board at times when they would otherwise be working in a position recognized under Article 2.01 of this Collective Agreement, shall not lose any salary.
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Official Board. The official board shall be dematerialized. It shall be available on the Event website. More, a WhatsApp group « PS2021 – coureurs » will allow to communicate with all the competitors. For those who don’t have the WhatsApp app, feel free to download it now.
Official Board. Association meetings shall take place outside of school hours. If there is a need to meet during school hours, members of the committee who attend such meetings with the Board at times when they would otherwise be performing occasional teaching duties for the Board, or would otherwise be available to be called in for occasional teaching duties, shall be entitled to receive the appropriate daily rate (or portion thereof) for Occasional Teachers for each day (or portion thereof) spent attending such meetings.
Official Board. The Official Board of the Association will be a President, two Vice-Presidents, the Secretary, the Treasurer, and the two immediate Past-Presidents provided they are still members of the Association.

Related to Official Board

  • School Board Any reference to School Board or District in this Agreement shall mean the District and/or its designated officials.

  • Governing Board 1. The Centre shall be guided and overseen by a Governing Board renewed every 3 years and include:

  • National Board Certification A teacher who receives or holds a valid National Board Certification will receive a five hundred dollar ($500.00) stipend in each year the certification is valid and the teacher is actively teaching in the area of certification.

  • MILWAUKEE BOARD OF SCHOOL DIRECTORS AUTHORITY It is hereby agreed and declared that this Contract is made expressly subject to the powers granted to said Milwaukee Board of School Directors, by the applicable provisions of Chapter 119 and Sec.

  • Senior Management and Board of Directors 1. A Member State shall not require that a juridical person of that Member State appoint to senior management positions, natural persons of any particular nationality.

  • School Official Designation Pursuant to Article I, Paragraph 1 of the DPA Standard Clauses, and in accordance with FERPA, ISSRA and SOPPA, in performing its obligations under the DPA, the Provider is acting as a school official with legitimate educational interest; is performing an institutional service or function for which the LEA would otherwise use its own employees; is under the direct control of the LEA with respect to the use and maintenance of Student Data; and is using Student Data only for an authorized purpose and in furtherance of such legitimate educational interest.

  • Chairman of the Board The Chairman of the Board, if any, shall perform such duties as shall be assigned, and shall exercise such powers as may be granted to him or her by the Manager or the Board.

  • Board “Board” means the Board of Directors of the Company.

  • Chairperson of Committee An Employer representative and a Union representative shall alternate in presiding over meetings.

  • Central      Committee In future central bargaining between Service Employees Union and the participating hospitals, an employee serving on the Union's Central Negotiating Committee shall be paid for time lost from his normal straight time working hours at his regular rate of pay and without loss of leave credits for attending central negotiating meetings with the Hospitals' Central Negotiating Committee in direct negotiations up to the point of arbitration. Upon reference to arbitration, the Negotiating Committee members shall receive unpaid time off for the purpose of attending arbitration hearings. It is understood and agreed that the maximum number of Union Central Negotiating Committee members entitled to payment under this provision shall be eight, and in no case will more than one employee from a hospital be entitled to such payment. The Union shall advise the Hospitals' Central Negotiating Committee, before negotiations commence, of those employees to be paid under this provision. The Hospitals' Central Negotiating Committee shall advise the eight hospitals accordingly. It is understood that this clause does not apply to a hospital that is not participating in Central Bargaining.

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