Ongoing Transactions. 5.4.1. The Company has the right to pay and accept services, commissions, or remunerations in order to improve and advance ongoing transactions conducted by the Client, which includes, inter alia, dealing with the underlying markets in relation to the Client’s transactions.
5.4.2. While investment advice is not under the Company’s responsibility, third parties may be consulted by the Client at his/her own discretion. Any fault, loss, or damages caused by third-par- ty professional advice or counsel will not fall under the Company’s liability.
5.4.3. Issues such as suspicious transactions will give the Company automatic right to intervene or intercept should the management deem it necessary and will not result into any further dam- ages or losses for the part of the Client and the Company.
5.4.4. By agreeing to these terms, the client acknowledges that he/she is aware of the conflicts or losses that may arise from conflicts of interests in relation to ongoing transactions in a client’s account.
Ongoing Transactions. On each Business Day, on and after the A&R Date, REPS and the Sleeve Provider shall execute (i) one EFS Transaction or EOO Transaction per Accepted Product, for all of the NYMEX Exchanged Traded Contracts held by REPS as of the mutually agreed upon time on such Business Day, by the close of the Business Day such NYMEX Exchanged Traded Contracts were entered into, and (ii) one ICE Block Transaction per Accepted Product, for all of the ICE cleared swap contracts held by REPS as of the mutually agreed upon time on such Business Day, by the close of the Business Day such ICE cleared swap contracts were entered into. With respect to all EFS Transactions, EOO Transactions and ICE Block Transactions, each Party shall pay its own broker’s fees and FCM fees.
Ongoing Transactions. 1. The customer acknowledges that she / he is completely and fully responsible for all obligations arising from his / her use of the card, including any existing, outstanding and/or unpaid balances, and the existing and/or unpaid balances on the card - as long as they exist - are considered an integral part of the card. The obligations of the customer, without any liability on the bank.
2. The customer authorizes the bank to debit the value of any operation executed using the card on the card account, even if there is no balance in the card account. Hereinafter some non-exhaustive examples of the executed transactions: all transactions that are carried out through the Internet - in general - and/or travel ticket reservations and/or hotel reservations and/or with hotels in general and/or with the parties that accept the card to carry out the customer’s transactions, according to which the customer is obligated to immediately pay the balance owed by him / her and owed to the bank in accordance with the terms and conditions of (the agreement), This balance shall remain even after the expiry date of the card and/or even after its cancellation for any reason until the customer has paid the entire debit balance. Subject to the supervision and control of the Central Bank of Saudi - 0000000000 C.R - 300002471110003 .Saudi Riyals paid in full - Tax No 44,780,000,000 The Saudi National Bank (SNB) - a Saudi joint stock company - capital Al-Aqiq - 3208 - Main Building, National Bank of Saudi Arabia Tower, Xxxx Xxxxxxxx Financial District, Xxxx Xxxx Road - (AD 1953/12/26 corresponding to) AH 1373/04/20 issued on 3737 .Arabia - Licensed under Royal Decree No | When the name "National Commercial Bank", "AlAhli Bank" or "Bank" is mentioned, then the reference to "Saudi National Bank - 920001000 - 13519-6676 Riyadh - 778 .District - Unit No
3. Non-Waiver: The Bank has the right to claim from the customer any amount of the amounts owed by him, and the bank’s silence on the claim on the due date is not considered a form of delaying the customer to pay the debit balance owed by him / her according to the terms and conditions of (the agreement) and5or a waiver of Taking any action specified in the agreement and5or any precautionary measure or imposing a seizure on the client’s funds, and the client acknowledges and agrees that the bank may take the necessary measures to ensure that it collects its rights from it.
4. This agreement does not include credit cards o...
Ongoing Transactions. 5.4.1. The Companyhastheright to pay and acceptservices, commissions, or remunerations in order to improveand advanceongoingtransactionsconducted by the Client, whichincludes, interalia, dealing with theunderlyingmarkets in relation to the Client’stransactions.
5.4.2. Whileinvestmentadvice is not underthe Company’sresponsibility, thirdpartiesmay be consulted by the Client at his/herown discretion. Any fault, loss, or damagescaused by third-par- ty professionaladvice or counselwill not fall underthe Company’sliability.
5.4.3. Issuessuch as suspicioustransactions will givethe Companyautomaticright to intervene or interceptshouldthemanagementdeem it necessaryand will not result intoany furtherdam- ages or losses for thepart of the Clientand the Company.
5.4.4. By agreeing to theseterms, theclientacknowledgesthathe/she is aware of theconflicts or lossesthatmay arisefromconflicts of interests in relation to ongoingtransactions in a client’s account.