ONTARIO RESIDENTS. On recruitment of tradesmen who live in Ontario but beyond 161 radius kilometers from the project, the Employer shall pay 35¢ per radius kilometer, plus travel time based on one hour's pay for each 80 radius kilometers of travel to a maximum of 8 hours' pay, for the initial trip to the project from where the tradesmen lives or place of recruitment, whichever is closer to the project.
ONTARIO RESIDENTS. On recruitment of tradesmen whose regular residence is beyond 161 radius kilometers from the project, the Employer shall pay mileage based on 30¢ per radius kilometer plus an allowance for travel time based on one (1) hour's pay for each 80 radius kilometers of travel to a maximum of eight (8) hours' pay for the initial trip to the project from the tradesman's regular residence or place of recruitment, whichever is closer to the project effective September 29, 2010.
ONTARIO RESIDENTS. On recruitment of tradesmen whose regular residence is beyond 161 radius kilometers from the project, the Employer shall pay mileage based on $0.41 effective May 1, 2020 per radius kilometer ($0.42 effective May 1, 2021; $0.43 effective May 1, 2022; $0.44 effective May 1, 2023; $0.45 effective May initial trip to the project from the tradesman's regular residence or place of recruitment, whichever is closer to the project.
ONTARIO RESIDENTS. On recruitment of tradesmen whose regular residence is beyond one hundred and eighty-nine (189) road-driven kilometers from the project, the Employer shall pay mileage based on $0.41 effective May 1, 2020 per road-driven kilometer ($0.42 effective May 1, 2021, $0.43 effective May 1, 2022, $0.44 effective May 1, 2023, $0.45 effective May 1, 2024) plus an allowance for travel time equivalent to one (1) hour's pay for each 96 road-driven kilometers of travel to a maximum of eight (8) hours' pay for the initial trip to the project from the tradesman's regular residence or place of recruitment, whichever is closer to the project.
ONTARIO RESIDENTS. On recruitment of tradesmen who live outside Ontario and beyond radius kilometers from the project, the Employer shall pay the equivalent of the cost of public transportation plus travel time based on one hour's pay for each radius of travel to a maximum of hours' pay for the initial trip to the project from where the tradesmen lives or place of recruitment, whichever is closer to the project. To qualify for the payment in Articles or the employee must remain at the project for a minimum of fifteen (15) days or the duration of the job, whichever is lesser. On termination of employment due to a reduction of staff, an employee entitled to payment under Articles or shall be entitled to return expenses calculated in the same manner as in Articles or above for the return trip from the project to where the tradesmen lives or place of recruitment, whichever is closer to the project. An employee whose employment terminates for any reason other than reduction of staff shall not be eligible for return payment. TRANSFER When transferring employees, the Employer shall pay the equivalent cost of public transportation for the initial trip to the project from the employee's most recent work location. In addition, the Employer shall pay travelling time at straight-time rates up to a maximum of eight (8) hours' pay based on one (1) hour's pay for each radius kilometers of travel. All payment of wages shall be based on the employee's wage rate at the location to which he is being transferred.
ONTARIO RESIDENTS. On recruitment of tradesmen who live in Ontario but beyond radius kilometers from the project, the Employer shall pay per radius kilometer plus an allowance for travel time equivalent to one hours pay for each radius kilometers of travel to. a maximum of 8 hour’s pay for the initial trip to the project from where the tradesman lives or place of recruitment, whichever is closer to the project. NON-ONTARIO RESIDENTS travel time equivalent to one hour’s pay for each radius kilometers of travel to a maximum of 8 hours’ pay for the initial trip to the project from where the tradesmen live or place of recruitment whichever is closer to the project. To qualify for payment in and the employee must remain at the project for a minimum of fifteen working days or the duration of his job, whichever is lesser. On termination of employment due to a reduction of staff, an employee entitled to payment under and will be entitled to return expenses calculated in the same manner as in and above, for the return trip from the project. An employee whose employment terminates for any reason other than reduction of staff will not be eligible for return payment. TRANSFER When transferring employees, the Employer will pay the equivalent of the cost of public transportation for the initial trip to the project the employee’s most recent work location. In addition the Employer will pay an allowance for travelling time at straight-time rates up to a maximum of 8 hours.
ONTARIO RESIDENTS. On recruitment of tradesmen who live in Ontario, but beyond one hundred and sixty-one
ONTARIO RESIDENTS. At the time of the issue of the Share Payment, ----------------- after giving effect to the issue of the Share Payment, persons or companies whose last address was in Ontario, as shown on the books of Intercept maintained by InterCept's transfer agent, and who held Common Stock: (a) will not represent in number more than 10 percent of the total number of holders of Common Stock; and (b) will not hold more than 10 percent of the outstanding Common Stock.


  • Residents In accordance with the provisions of all applicable state and federal statutes, as amended from time to time, the Manager shall use its best efforts to maintain the resident census at the Facility in such numbers and in such a manner as, in the Manager's judgment, will tend to maintain the financial stability of the Facility and will comply with the covenants in any Financing Agreement.

  • Maryland Residents To the extent, if any, that Maryland law applies to Your Account, We elect to offer Your Card Account pursuant to Title 12, Subtitle 9 of the Maryland Commercial Law Article.

  • California Residents A married applicant may apply for a separate Account. Applicants: 1) may, after credit approval, use the credit card Account up to its credit limit; 2) may be liable for amounts extended under the plan to any joint applicant. As required by law, You are hereby notified that a negative credit report reflecting on Your credit record may be submitted to a credit reporting agency if You fail to fulfill the terms of Your credit obligations.

  • Local Residents Local residents shall not be entitled to commercial accommodation and board or subsistence allowance. On camp jobs they shall not be entitled to camp accommodation.

  • TEACHERS AND RESEARCHERS 1. An individual who is a resident of a Contracting State immediately before making a visit to the other Contracting State, and who, at the invitation of any university, college, school or other similar educational institution, visits that other State for a period not exceeding two years solely for the purpose of teaching or research or both at such educational institution shall be exempt from tax in that other State on any remuneration for such teaching or research. 2. This Article shall not apply to income from research if such research is undertaken primarily for the private benefit of a specific person or persons.

  • RESIDENT 1. For the purposes of this Convention, the term "resident of a Contracting State" means any person who, under the laws of that State, is liable to tax therein by reason of his domicile, residence, place of management or any other criterion of a similar nature, and also includes that State and any political subdivision or local authority thereof. This term, however, does not include any person who is liable to tax in that State in respect only of income from sources in that State or capital situated therein.

  • Registered Office and Resident Agent The Registered Office and Resident Agent of the Company shall be as designated in the initial Articles of Organization/Certificate of Organization or any amendment thereof. The Registered Office and/or Resident Agent may be changed from time to time. Any such change shall be made in accordance with the Statutes, or, if different from the Statutes, in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. If the Resident Agent shall ever resign, the Company shall promptly appoint a successor agent.

  • RESTRICTIONS ON EMPLOYMENT OF FORMER STATE OFFICER OR EMPLOYEE The Engineer shall not hire a former state officer or employee of a state agency who, during the period of state service or employment, participated on behalf of the state agency in this agreement’s procurement or its negotiation until after the second anniversary of the date of the officer’s or employee’s service or employment with the state agency ceased.

  • citizens abroad Unless the circumstances described in the parenthetical in paragraph 1 above are applicable, either (a) at the time the buy order was originated, the buyer was outside the United States or we and any person acting on our behalf reasonably believed that the buyer was outside the United States or (b) the transaction was executed in, on or through the facilities of a designated offshore securities market, and neither we nor any person acting on our behalf knows that the transaction was pre-arranged with a buyer in the United States.

  • LANCASTER COUNTY, NEBRASKA Contract Approved as to Form: