OTHER AGENCIESOther tax supported agencies within the State of California who have not contracted for their own requirements may desire to participate in this contract. The Contractor is requested to service these agencies and will be given the opportunity to accept or reject the additional requirements. If the Contractor elects to supply other agencies, orders will be placed directly by the agency and payments made directly by the agency.
OTHER AGENCIES. In departments or agencies not organized into bureaus, divisions or institutions, the grievance shall be submitted to the department or agency head. The department or agency head or his/her representative may meet with the employee and/or his/her representative and shall provide the employee and/or his/her representative with his/her decision in writing within ten (10) workdays of submission or, if a hearing is held, within fifteen (15) workdays of submission.
OTHER AGENCIES. Upon mutual written agreement between the Appointing Authority and the Association, the provisions of Sections 5 and 6 may be extended to employees in other agencies.
OTHER AGENCIESOther tax supported agencies within the State of California who have not contracted for their own requirements may desire to participate in this agreement. The CONTRACTOR is requested to service these agencies and will be given the opportunity to accept or reject the additional requirements. If the CONTRACTOR elects to supply other agencies, orders will be placed directly by the agency and payments made directly by the agency. [END OF GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS] ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// EXHIBIT A‌ CONTRACTOR shall provide the following services: -'· ' ....
OTHER AGENCIES. History Trust of SA • South Australian Country Fire Service • South Australian Fire and Emergency Services Commission • South Australian Metropolitan Fire Service • South Australian State Emergency ServiceSouth Australian Tourism Commission.
OTHER AGENCIESOther tax supported agencies within the State of California who have not contracted for their own requirements may desire to participate in this agreement. The CONTRACTOR is requested to service these agencies and will be given the opportunity to accept or reject the additional requirements. If the CONTRACTOR elects to supply other agencies, orders will be placed directly by the agency and payments made directly by the agency. [END OF GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS] /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CONTRACTOR shall provide the following services: I. Transitional Housing
OTHER AGENCIES. Unless otherwise allowed to do so by the respective agency, the Vendor shall not park devices, and shall remove devices that riders park, on property owned or controlled by the following agencies:
OTHER AGENCIES. All other agencies should follow their established payment procedures.
OTHER AGENCIESOther tax supported agencies within the State of California who have not contracted for their own requirements may desire to participate in this agreement. The CONTRACTOR is requested to service these agencies and will be given the opportunity to accept or reject the additional requirements. If the CONTRACTOR elects to supply other agencies, orders will be placed directly by the agency and payments made directly by the agency. [END OF GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS] /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// DEFINITION OF SERVICES CONTRACTOR shall provide the following services: 1. Psychiatric inpatient hospital services for the acute episode of mental illness for: