Part-time Scheduling Subject to Section B of this Article, the Employer and the Association endorse the principle that less than full time equivalent ("FTE") positions shall, within reason, be expected to work a biweekly work period that equates to an eighty (80) hour work period multiplied by the position's FTE. (e.g., 80 hours @ .75 = 60 hours). It is further understood by both parties that ASF Members assigned to less than a FTE position may be required, during the peak work periods, to exceed their normal biweekly work period. FLSA non-exempt ASF Members who work a part-time schedule will earn overtime for hours worked in excess of forty (40) in a work week. The Employer agrees to review any ASF position that is less than one (1) FTE if the Association can demonstrate that the position has regularly been required to work a work period that substantially exceeds the normal work period as defined above, and adjust the FTE of the respective position as deemed appropriate by the Employer.
Part-Time Teachers A "part-time teacher" is one who is employed under written contract but who is assigned to duties on a regular basis that requires less than a full-time equivalent. A part-time teacher shall be paid a salary in accordance with the basic salary schedule, proportionate to the percentage of the full-time equivalent taught each day as outlined in the written contract.
Wage Schedules The Parties shall, upon completing a wage adjustment calculation, forthwith prepare, publish, post and distribute a wage schedule resulting therefrom. The final determination of the wage schedules shall be issued no later than the 7th day of March or September, for the May and November adjustments, respectively.
Certified and Minority Business Enterprises Reports Upon Customer request, the Contractor shall report to the requesting Customer the Contractor’s spend with certified and other minority business enterprises in the provision of commodities or services related to the Customer’s orders. These reports shall include the period covered, the name, minority code, and Federal Employer Identification Number of each minority business utilized during the period; commodities and services provided by the minority business enterprise, and the amount paid to each minority business enterprise on behalf of the Customer.