PAID HOLIDAYS Sample Clauses

PAID HOLIDAYS. (a) A full-time employee who otherwise qualifies hereunder shall receive the following paid holidays:
PAID HOLIDAYS. 12.01 All full-time nurses shall receive the following Holidays without loss of pay: New Year`s Day Labour Day Good Friday Thanksgiving Day Easter Monday Remembrance Day Victoria Day Christmas Day (December 25) Canada Day (July 1) Boxing Day (December 26) Civic Holiday Floating Holiday Family Day (3rd Monday in February) The Floating Holiday is to be taken at a time mutually agreed upon by each full-time nurse and the Employer. (a) In order for a full-time nurse to qualify for a paid holiday and receive payment, such nurse must: i) work her/his regular day of work preceding and following the holiday, provided that if a full-time employee is absent due to illness, the employee shall be paid for all statutory holidays during time of illness, according to the formula established under the Short Term Disability Plan. No statutory holidays are accumulated when on Short Term Disability. If a statutory holiday occurs when an employee is on authorized leave without pay, she/he shall receive statutory holiday pay provided that she/he is not on leave without pay the working day before or after the statutory holiday; ii) and report for and perform her/his work on the holiday if she/he agreed to work that day unless excused by the Employer. (b) A full-time nurse who qualifies for the holiday and does not work shall be paid for one (1) day at her/his normal rate of pay. (c) A full-time nurse who works on any of the foregoing holidays shall be paid at the rate of time and one-half (1½) her/his applicable hourly rate of pay for all hours worked on such holiday. In addition, she/he will receive a lieu day off with pay. 12.03 A tour that begins or ends during the twenty-four (24) hour period of any of the above holidays, where the majority of hours worked falls within that twenty-four (24) hour period, shall be deemed to be work performed on the holiday for the full period of the tour. 12.04 When a holiday falls within a nurse’s vacation period, it shall be added to the end of her/his vacation or scheduled at a mutually agreeable time. When a holiday falls on a nurse’s regularly scheduled day or days off, it shall be scheduled at a mutually agreeable time. (a) Lieu days are to be scheduled at a time mutually agreed between the Director of Care and the nurse. (b) A request for the scheduling of lieu days must be submitted to the Director of Care at least three (3) working days prior to the posting of the schedule. (c) Lieu days may be accumulated up to five (5) days. Lieu d...
PAID HOLIDAYS. ‌ (a) The following have been designated as paid holidays: New Year's Day British Columbia Day Family Day Labour Day Good Friday Thanksgiving Day Easter Monday Remembrance Day Victoria Day Christmas Day Canada Day Boxing Day (b) Any other holiday proclaimed as a holiday by the federal government or the government of the Province of British Columbia shall also be a paid holiday.
PAID HOLIDAYS. 18.1 All employees shall be granted the following holidays and any other day proclaimed a statutory holiday by the provincial government with pay, calculated in accordance with the criteria under the Employment Standards Act: (a) New Year’s Day (b) Good Friday (c) Victoria Day (d) Canada Day (e) Civic Holiday (f) Labour Day (g) Thanksgiving Day (h) Christmas Day (i) Boxing Day (j) Family Day provided the employee meets the qualifying criteria under the Employment Standards Act. If the paid holiday is observed by the Company as a holiday on an alternate day, the alternate day shall be treated as a paid holiday for the purposes of this Agreement in lieu of the day on which the holiday actually falls. If a paid holiday falls within an employee’s vacation, it is not counted as vacation. If a paid holiday falls within an employee’s paid bereavement leave, they will be given another day off with pay - to be scheduled at a time mutually agreeable to the employee and the Company. 18.2 Paid holidays falling on a Saturday shall be observed the previous Friday; Paid holidays falling on a Sunday shall be observed the following Monday, or unless otherwise directed by the Company. 18.3 The Employer may determine the number and classification of employees who are required to work on any paid holiday or the day agreed to as its alternative. 18.4 For each of the paid holidays or those days observed as the effective paid holiday all employees shall either: (a) receive a day’s pay of eight (8) hours at the Regular Rate and, in addition, receive payment for any hours worked at a rate of one and one-half times (1 ½ x’s) the Regular Rate; or (b) take a lieu day of eight (8) hours off with pay (at the Regular Rate) at a time determined by the Company and, in addition receive payment for those hours worked at a rate of one and one-half times (1 ½ x’s) the Regular Rate. Should a mutually agreed upon time for use of lieu time not be achieved by March 31st of the following year, then payment for such hours will be made. 18.5 It is agreed that when a holiday or those days observed as the effective paid holiday falls upon the normally scheduled day off of a shift employee, said employee shall either: (a) receive an additional eight (8) hours pay at the Regular Rate; or (b) take a lieu day of eight (8) hours off with pay at the Regular Rate at a time determined by the Company. Should a mutually agreed upon time for use of lieu time not be achieved by March 31st of the following year, t...
PAID HOLIDAYS. (a) A full-time employee who otherwise qualifies hereunder shall receive the following paid holidays: (b) If another Federal, Provincial or Municipal holiday should be proclaimed during the term of this Agreement, such additional proclaimed holiday will replace one of the above named holidays as agreed by the parties. The intent is that there will be no more than twelve (12) paid holidays per calendar year for the duration of this agreement. (c) In a Home where float holidays exist, in order to qualify for the float holidays, a newly hired employee must have completed their probationary period to be eligible.
PAID HOLIDAYS. (Articles 15.01 to 15.07 apply to full-time nurses only) 15.01 A nurse who otherwise qualifies under Article 15.02 hereunder shall receive twelve (12) paid holidays as designated in the Appendix of Local Provisions. In the event that the Provincial Government declares an additional holiday (such as Heritage Day) during the term of this Agreement, such holiday will be substituted for one of the above-mentioned holidays. The designation of the additional holiday for an existing holiday shall be subject to local determination and such designation shall not add to the present number of holidays. 15.02 In order to qualify for pay for a holiday, a nurse shall complete her or his full scheduled shift on each of the working days immediately preceding and following the holiday concerned unless excused by the Hospital or the nurse was absent due to: (a) legitimate illness or accident which commenced within a month of the date of the holiday; (b) vacation granted by the Hospital; (c) the nurse's regular scheduled day off; (d) a paid leave of absence provided the nurse is not otherwise compensated for the holiday. A nurse entitled to holiday pay hereunder shall not receive sick leave pay to which she or he may otherwise have been entitled unless she or he was scheduled to work that day. A nurse receiving WSIB benefits for the day of the holiday shall, subject to the above provisions, be entitled to the difference between the amount of the Workers' Compensation Benefits and the holiday pay. 15.03 Holiday pay will be computed on the basis of the nurse's regular straight time hourly rate of pay times the number of hours for a normal daily tour as set out in Article 13.01 (a). 15.04 Subject to Article 15.02: (a) Where a holiday falls during a nurse's scheduled vacation period, the nurse's vacation shall be extended by one (1) day unless the nurse and the Hospital agree to schedule a different day off with pay. (b) Where a holiday falls on a nurse's scheduled day off an additional day off with pay will be scheduled. 15.05 A nurse required to work on any of the foregoing holidays shall be paid at the rate of time and one-half (1-1/2) the nurse's regular straight time hourly rate of pay for all hours worked on such holiday subject to Article 14.04. In addition, the nurse will receive a lieu day off with pay in the amount of her or his regular straight time hourly rate of pay times the number of hours in a normal daily tour as set out in Article 13.01 (a).
PAID HOLIDAYS. 12.01 All nurses shall receive the following holidays without loss of pay: New Year's Day Civic Holiday *Heritage Day Labour Day Good Friday Thanksgiving Day Easter Monday Remembrance Day Victoria Day Christmas Day Canada Day Boxing Day * (to be celebrated 2nd Monday in February unless and until otherwise designated by government proclamation.) (a) Where a full-time nurse works on a holiday she shall receive premium pay at the rate of time and one-half (1½) for the first seven and one-half (7½) hours worked on such a holiday and shall receive another day off with pay, such day to be at a mutually agreeable time or at the option of the nurse; (b) She shall receive premium pay at the rate of two and one-half (2½) times for the first seven and one-half (7½) hours worked on such holiday. (c) In order for a full-time nurse to be eligible for holiday pay or lieu time in accordance to the above, the nurse must: i) work her scheduled tour immediately preceding and following such paid holiday unless absent due to legitimate illness or approved vacation or leave of absence; and ii) have worked or been on scheduled vacation or approved paid leave of absence (for greater clarity, excluding pregnancy/parental leave) on at least twelve (12) tours in the thirty day period preceding the holiday. (d) Where a part-time nurse works on a holiday as listed in Article 12.01, she shall receive pay at the rate of time and one-half (1½) for the first seven and one-half (7½) hours worked on such a holiday. 12.03 A tour that begins or ends during the twenty-four (24) hour period of the above holidays where the majority of hours worked falls within the holiday shall be deemed to be work performed on the holiday for the full period of the tour. 12.04 When a holiday falls within a nurse's vacation period, it shall be added to the end of her vacation or scheduled at a mutually agreeable time.
PAID HOLIDAYS. The Employer will recognize ten (10) designated paid holidays each calendar year for indeterininate employees. Prior to of each year, indeterminate employees designate in writing on a form provided by the Employer, the four (4)days that they wish to observe as holidays in the following six (6) months to June and prior to July of each year, indeterminate employees will designate in writing on a form provided by the Employer, the six (6) days that they wish to as holidays in the following six (6) months to December If an employee does not exercise right to designate in writing the holidays wishes to the following paid holidays will apply for this employee: New Year's Day, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Victoria Day, August Civic Holiday, Labour Day, Thanksgiving Day, Remembrance Day, Christmas Day, Boxing Day. An employee who becomes an indeterininate employee during a calendar year, shall be entitled to a prorated number of paid holidays (rounded to the next higher whole number and in no case less than two (2) designated paid holidays) based on the portion of the year is employed and will designate these in writing at the time of employment. The ten (10) holidays designated by the employee shall be holidays substituted in lieu of the general holidays designated by the Canada Day shall be as a designated holiday in addition to the ten (10) holidays above. One (1) additional day will be observed when proclaimed as an Act of as a territorial holiday. Up to one (1) additional day will be observed, when proclaimed by the Mayor of Pond Inlet or a Day under the Hamlets Act, whichever day comes during the year. Article does not apply to an employee who is absent without pay on both the day immediately preceding and the day following the Designated Paid Holiday. on a of Rest When a day designated as a holiday under Article coincides with an employee's day of rest, the holiday shall be moved to the employee's. working day following day of rest. When a day designated as a holiday for an employee is moved to another day under the provisions of Article 16.03:
PAID HOLIDAYS. The Employer recognizes the following as paid holidays: New Year's Day British Columbia Day Family Day Labour Day Good Friday Thanksgiving Day Easter Monday Remembrance Day Victoria Day Christmas Day Canada Day Boxing Day Any other holiday proclaimed by the federal or provincial governments will also be a paid holiday. Employees shall be entitled to National Indigenous Peoples Day in lieu of Easter Monday and/or Boxing Day if their worksite is open.
PAID HOLIDAYS. Job sharers will not be required to work, in total, more paid holidays than would one (1) full-time employee, unless mutually agreed otherwise.