Partner Audits Sample Clauses

Partner Audits. 14.1.1 All audits of AMGEN are limited to the facilities where the Products are manufactured, Quality Systems and documentation directly related to the Products, and Batch Records related to lots provided to PARTNER, The scope, agenda, and timeline must be approved by AMGEN prior to each audit.
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Partner Audits. Partner will provide Kiniksa with copies of all quality oversight or audit reports prepared in connection with any audit that Partner or its Affiliates or Sublicensees conduct of any Sublicensee, Subcontractor, or Clinical Trial site that Partner or its Affiliates or Sublicensees have engaged or are evaluating to potentially engage to fulfill Partner’s obligations under a Global Development Plan or a Territory Development Plan no later than [***] days after receiving or preparing any such report (as applicable), and Kiniksa may provide any such reports to any counterparty to any Third Party IP Agreement if required by the terms of any such Third Party IP Agreement. If Kiniksa believes in good faith that it is required to submit any such quality oversight or audit report to any Regulatory Authority outside of the Territory in connection with obtaining, supporting, or ​ ​ ​ maintaining one or more Regulatory Approvals for the Licensed Product or for other communications with Regulatory Authorities for the Licensed Product outside of the Territory, then upon Kiniksa’s request, Partner will provide a copy of any such quality oversight or audit report to Kiniksa and Partner will reimburse Kiniksa for any translation expenses reasonably incurred by Kiniksa to obtain translation thereof by translators selected by Kiniksa.
Partner Audits. If Partner has entered into Model Contract Clauses as described in Section 10.2 of these Terms, Partner may exercise the audit rights granted under clauses 5(f) and 12(2) of such Model Contract Clauses:
Partner Audits. Partner will provide ImmunoGen with copies of all quality oversight or audit reports prepared in connection with any audit that Partner or its Affiliates or Sublicensees conduct of any Sublicensee, Subcontractor, or Clinical Trial site that Partner or its Affiliates or Sublicensees have engaged or are evaluating to potentially engage to fulfill Partner’s obligations under a Global Development Plan or a Territory Development Plan no later than [***] after receiving or preparing any such report (as applicable). If ImmunoGen believes in good faith that any such quality oversight or audit report may be necessary in connection with obtaining, supporting, or maintaining one or more Regulatory Approvals for a Licensed Product or for other communications with Regulatory Authorities outside of the Territory, then upon ImmunoGen’s request, Partner will provide a copy of any such quality oversight or audit report to ImmunoGen and, if such report is not in English, a summary thereof in English.

Related to Partner Audits

  • Development Committee As soon as practicable, the Parties will establish a joint development committee, comprised of at least one (1) and up to two (2) representatives of Omega and at least one (1) and up to two (2) representatives of Acuitas (the “JDC”). One such representative from each Party will be such Party’s Workplan Leader. Each Party may replace its Workplan Leader and other JDC representatives at any time upon written notice to the other Party, provided, however, that each Party shall use reasonable efforts to ensure continuity on the JDC. With the consent of the other Party (which will not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed), each Party may invite non-voting employees and consultants to attend JDC meetings as necessary, subject to consultant’s agreement to be bound to the same extent as a permitted subcontractor under Section 3.1(i).

  • Changes in General Partner 7.1 Transfer of the General Partner’s Partnership Interest.

  • Joint Development Committee The Parties shall form a joint development committee (the “Joint Development Committee” or “JDC”), made up of an equal number of representatives of Merck and BioLineRx, which shall have responsibility of coordinating all regulatory and other activities under, and pursuant to, this Agreement. Each Party shall designate a project manager (the “Project Manager”) who shall be responsible for implementing and coordinating activities, and facilitating the exchange of information between the Parties, with respect to the Study. Other JDC members will be agreed by both Parties. The JDC shall meet as soon as practicable after the Effective Date and then no less than twice yearly, and more often as reasonably considered necessary at the request of either Party, to provide an update on the progress of the Study. The JDC may meet in person or by means of teleconference, Internet conference, videoconference or other similar communications equipment. Prior to any such meeting, the BioLineRx Project Manager shall provide an update in writing to the Merck Project Manager, which update shall contain information about the overall progress of the Study, recruitment status, interim analysis (if results available), final analysis and other information relevant to the conduct of the Study. In addition to a Project Manager, each Party shall designate an alliance manager (the “Alliance Manager”), who shall endeavor to ensure clear and responsive communication between the Parties and the effective exchange of information, and shall serve as the primary point of contact for any issues arising under this Agreement. The Alliance Managers shall have the right to attend all JDC meetings and may bring to the attention of the JDC any matters or issues either of them reasonably believes should be discussed, and shall have such other responsibilities as the Parties may mutually agree in writing. In the event that an issue arises and the Alliance Managers cannot or do not, after good faith efforts, reach agreement on such issue, the issue shall be elevated to the Head of Clinical Oncology for Merck and the Vice President of Medical Affairs or Business Development for BioLineRx.

  • General Partner Gross Income Allocation After giving effect to the special allocations in paragraph 2 but prior to any allocations under subparagraphs 1(a) or 1(b), there shall be specially allocated to the General Partner an amount of (i) first, items of Partnership income and (ii) second, items of Partnership gain during each fiscal year or other applicable period in an amount equal to the excess, if any, of (A) the cumulative distributions made to the General Partner under Section 7.3(b) of the Agreement, other than distributions which would properly be treated as “guaranteed payments” or which are attributable to the reimbursement of expenses which would properly be either deductible by the Partnership or added to the tax basis of any Partnership asset, over (B) the cumulative allocations of Partnership income and gain to the General Partner under this subparagraph 1(c)(i).

  • Interest of Departing Partner and Successor General Partner (a) In the event of (i) withdrawal of the General Partner under circumstances where such withdrawal does not violate this Agreement or (ii) removal of the General Partner by the holders of Outstanding Units under circumstances where Cause does not exist, if the successor General Partner is elected in accordance with the terms of Section 11.1 or 11.2, the Departing Partner shall have the option, exercisable prior to the effective date of the departure of such Departing Partner, to require its successor to purchase its General Partner Interest and its general partner interest (or equivalent interest), if any, in the other Group Members and all of its Incentive Distribution Rights (collectively, the “Combined Interest”) in exchange for an amount in cash equal to the fair market value of such Combined Interest, such amount to be determined and payable as of the effective date of its departure. If the General Partner is removed by the Unitholders under circumstances where Cause exists or if the General Partner withdraws under circumstances where such withdrawal violates this Agreement, and if a successor General Partner is elected in accordance with the terms of Section 11.1 or 11.2, such successor shall have the option, exercisable prior to the effective date of the departure of such Departing Partner, to purchase the Combined Interest for such fair market value of such Combined Interest of the Departing Partner. In either event, the Departing Partner shall be entitled to receive all reimbursements due such Departing Partner pursuant to Section 7.4, including any employee-related liabilities (including severance liabilities), incurred in connection with the termination of any employees employed by the Departing Partner for the benefit of the Partnership or the other Group Members. For purposes of this Section 11.3(a), the fair market value of the Departing Partner’s Combined Interest shall be determined by agreement between the Departing Partner and its successor or, failing agreement within 30 days after the effective date of such Departing Partner’s departure, by an independent investment banking firm or other independent expert selected by the Departing Partner and its successor, which, in turn, may rely on other experts, and the determination of which shall be conclusive as to such matter. If such parties cannot agree upon one independent investment banking firm or other independent expert within 45 days after the effective date of such departure, then the Departing Partner shall designate an independent investment banking firm or other independent expert, the Departing Partner’s successor shall designate an independent investment banking firm or other independent expert, and such firms or experts shall mutually select a third independent investment banking firm or independent expert, which third independent investment banking firm or other independent expert shall determine the fair market value of the Combined Interest of the Departing Partner. In making its determination, such third independent investment banking firm or other independent expert may consider the then current trading price of Units on any National Securities Exchange on which Units are then listed, the value of the Partnership’s assets, the rights and obligations of the Departing Partner and other factors it may deem relevant.

  • Joint Research Committee The Parties hereby establish a committee to facilitate the Research Program as follows:

  • Interest of Departing General Partner and Successor General Partner (a) In the event of (i) withdrawal of the General Partner under circumstances where such withdrawal does not violate this Agreement or (ii) removal of the General Partner by the holders of Outstanding Units under circumstances where Cause does not exist, if the successor General Partner is elected in accordance with the terms of Section 11.1 or Section 11.2, the Departing General Partner shall have the option, exercisable prior to the effective date of the withdrawal or removal of such Departing General Partner, to require its successor to purchase its General Partner Interest and its or its Affiliates’ general partner interest (or equivalent interest), if any, in the other Group Members and all of its or its Affiliates’ Incentive Distribution Rights (collectively, the “Combined Interest”) in exchange for an amount in cash equal to the fair market value of such Combined Interest, such amount to be determined and payable as of the effective date of its withdrawal or removal. If the General Partner is removed by the Unitholders under circumstances where Cause exists or if the General Partner withdraws under circumstances where such withdrawal violates this Agreement, and if a successor General Partner is elected in accordance with the terms of Section 11.1 or Section 11.2 (or if the business of the Partnership is continued pursuant to Section 12.2 and the successor General Partner is not the former General Partner), such successor shall have the option, exercisable prior to the effective date of the withdrawal or removal of such Departing General Partner (or, in the event the business of the Partnership is continued, prior to the date the business of the Partnership is continued), to purchase the Combined Interest for such fair market value of such Combined Interest. In either event, the Departing General Partner shall be entitled to receive all reimbursements due such Departing General Partner pursuant to Section 7.4, including any employee-related liabilities (including severance liabilities), incurred in connection with the termination of any employees employed by the Departing General Partner or its Affiliates (other than any Group Member) for the benefit of the Partnership or the other Group Members. For purposes of this Section 11.3(a), the fair market value of the Combined Interest shall be determined by agreement between the Departing General Partner and its successor or, failing agreement within 30 days after the effective date of such Departing General Partner’s withdrawal or removal, by an independent investment banking firm or other independent expert selected by the Departing General Partner and its successor, which, in turn, may rely on other experts, and the determination of which shall be conclusive as to such matter. If such parties cannot agree upon one independent investment banking firm or other independent expert within 45 days after the effective date of such withdrawal or removal, then the Departing General Partner shall designate an independent investment banking firm or other independent expert, the Departing General Partner’s successor shall designate an independent investment banking firm or other independent expert, and such firms or experts shall mutually select a third independent investment banking firm or independent expert, which third independent investment banking firm or other independent expert shall determine the fair market value of the Combined Interest. In making its determination, such third independent investment banking firm or other independent expert may consider the then current trading price of Units on any National Securities Exchange on which Units are then listed or admitted to trading, the value of the Partnership’s assets, the rights and obligations of the Departing General Partner, the value of the Incentive Distribution Rights and the General Partner Interest and other factors it may deem relevant.

  • Project Team To accomplish Owner’s objectives, Owner intends to employ a team concept in connection with the construction of the Project. The basic roles and general responsibilities of team members are set forth in general terms below but are more fully set forth in the Design Professional Contract with respect to the Design Professional, in the Program Management Agreement with any Program Manager, and in this Contract with respect to the Contractor.

  • Condominiums/Planned Unit Developments If the Mortgaged Property is a condominium unit or a planned unit development (other than a de minimis planned unit development) such condominium or planned unit development project such Mortgage Loan was originated in accordance with, and the Mortgaged Property meets the guidelines set forth in the Originator's Underwriting Guidelines;

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