PATRONS AND HONORARY OFFICERS. The Governors may from time to time appoint any person whether or not a Member of the Academy Trust to be a patron of the Academy Trust or to hold any honorary office and may determine for what period he is to hold such office. THE SEAL 125. The seal, if any, shall only be used by the authority of the Governors or of a committee of Governors authorised by the Governors. The Governors may determine who shall sign any instrument to which the seal is affixed and unless otherwise so determined it shall be signed by a Governor and by the Secretary or by a second Governor. ACCOUNTS 126. Accounts shall be prepared in accordance with the relevant Statement of Recommended Practice as if the Academy Trust was a non-exempt charity and Parts 15 and 16 of the Companies Act 2006 and shall file these with the Secretary of State and the Principal Regulator by 31 December each Academy Financial Year. ANNUAL REPORT
PATRONS AND HONORARY OFFICERS. The Directors may from time to time appoint any person whether or not a Member of the Company to be a patron of the Company or to hold any honorary office and may determine for what period he is to hold such office. THE SEAL 128. The seal, if any, shall only be used by the authority of the Directors or of a committee of Directors authorised by the Directors. The Directors may determine who shall sign any instrument to which the seal is affixed and unless otherwise so determined it shall be signed by a Director and by the Secretary or by a second Director. ACCOUNTS 129. Accounts shall be prepared in accordance with the relevant Statement of Recommended Practice as if the Company was a non-exempt charity and Parts 15 and 16 of the Companies Act 2006 and shall file these with the Secretary of State and the Principal Regulator by 31 December each Academy Financial Year.
PATRONS AND HONORARY OFFICERS. The Governors may from time to time appoint any person whether or not a Member of the Academy Trust to be a patron of the Academy Trust or to hold any honorary office and may determine for what period he is to hold such office.
PATRONS AND HONORARY OFFICERS. The Governors may from time to time appoint any person whether or not a Member of the Academy Trust to be a patron of the Academy Trust or to hold any honorary office and may determine for what period he is to hold such office. THE SEAL 125. The seal, if any, shall only be used by the authority of the Governors or of a committee of Governors authorised by the Governors. The Governors may determine who shall sign any instrument to which the seal is affixed and unless otherwise so determined it shall be signed by a Governor and by the Secretary or by a second Governor.
PATRONS AND HONORARY OFFICERS. The Trustees may from time to time appoint any person whether or not a Member of the Company to be a patron of the Company or to hold any honorary office and may determine for what period he is to hold such office. THE SEAL 128. The seal, if any, shall only be used by the authority of the Trustees or of a committee of Trustees authorised by the Trustees. The Trustees may determine who shall sign any instrument to which the seal is affixed and unless otherwise so determined it shall be signed by a Trustee and by the Secretary or by a second Trustee. ACCOUNTS 129. Accounts shall be prepared in accordance with the relevant Statement of Recommended Practice as if the Company was a non-exempt charity and Parts 15 and 16 of the Companies Act 2006 and shall file these with the Secretary of State and the Principal Regulator by 31 December each Academy Financial Year. ANNUAL REPORT
PATRONS AND HONORARY OFFICERS. The Governors may from time to time appoint any person whether or not a Member of the Academy Trust to be a patron of the Academy Trust or to hold any honorary office and may determine for what period he is to hold such office. 125. The seal, if any, shall only be used by the authority of the Governors or of a committee of Governors authorised by the Governors. The Governors may determine who shall sign any instrument to which the seal is affixed and unless otherwise so determined it shall be signed by a Governor and by the Secretary or by a second Governor. 126. Accounts shall be prepared in accordance with the relevant Statement of Recommended Practice as if the Academy Trust was a non-exempt charity and Parts 15 and 16 of the Companies Act 2006 and shall file these with the Secretary of State and the Principal Regulator by 31 December each Academy Financial Year.
PATRONS AND HONORARY OFFICERS. 115. The Trustees may from time to time appoint any person whether or not a Member of the Academy Trust to be a patron of the Academy Trust or to hold any honorary office and may determine for what period he is to hold such office. THE SEAL 116. The seal, if any, shall only be used by the authority of the Trustees or of a committee of Trustees authorised by the Trustees. The Trustees may determine who shall sign any instrument to which the seal is affixed and unless otherwise so determined it shall be signed by a Trustee and by the Secretary or by a second Trustee. ACCOUNTS
PATRONS AND HONORARY OFFICERS. 124 The Governors may from time to time appoint any person whether or not a Member of the Academy Trust to be a patron of the Academy Trust or to hold any honorary office and may determine for what period he is to hold such office. THE SEAL 125. The seal, if any, shall only be used by the authority of the Governors or of a committee of Governors authorised by the Governors. The Governors may determine who shall sign any instrument to which the seal is affixed and unless otherwise so determined it shall be signed by a Governor and by the Secretary or by a second Governor ACCOUNTS 126. Accounts shall be prepared in accordance with the relevant Statement of Recommended Practice as if the Academy Trust was a non-exempt charity and Parts 15 and 16 of the Companies Act 2006 and shall file these with the Secretary of State and the Principal Regulator by 31 December each Academy Financial Year. ANNUAL REPORT 127 The Governors shall prepare its Annual Report in accordance with the Statement of Recommended Practice as if the Academy Trust was a non- exempt charity and shall file these with the Secretary of State and the Principal Regulator by 31 December each Academy Financial Year ANNUAL RETURN 128 The Governors shall comply with their obligations under Part 24 of the Companies Act 2006 (or any statutory re-enactment or modification of that Act) with regard to the preparation of an annual return to the Registrar of Companies and in accordance with the Statement of Recommended Practice as if the Academy Trust was a non-exempt charity and to the Secretary of State and the Principal Regulator by 31 December each Academy Financial Year. NOTICES
PATRONS AND HONORARY OFFICERS. The Directors may from time to time appoint any person whether or not a Member of the Company to be a patron of the Company or to hold any honorary office and may determine for what period he is to hold such office.
PATRONS AND HONORARY OFFICERS. 124. The Governors may from time to time appoint any perso n whether or not a Memb er of the Academy Trust to be a patron of the Academy Trust or to hold any honorary office and may determine for what period he is to hold such office. THE SEAL 125. The seal, if any, shall only be used by the aut hority of the Governors or of a committee of Governors authorised by the Governors. The Governors may determine who shall sign any instrument to which the seal is affixed and unless otherwise so determined it shall be signed by a Governor and by the Secretary or by a second Governor. ACCOUNTS 126. Accounts shall be p repared in a ccordance with the releva nt Statement of Recomm ended Practice as if the Acad emy Trust was a non-exempt charity an d Parts 1 5 and 16 of the Companies Act 2006 and shall file these with the Secretary of State and the Prin cipal Regulator by 31 December each Academy Financial Year.