21.2 Pre-financing payment — Amount — Amount retained for the Guarantee Fund
PAYMENTS AND PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS. [Please complete this section with a description of the payment arrangements you intend to put in place, such as advance payments, refunds for tickets, etc.] [Please complete with the detailed description of the payment arrangements of the financial support (dates, amounts and currency of each payment to be specified)]
5.2 Pre-financing payment
PAYMENTS AND PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS. 5.1 Payments to be made Frontex must make the following payments to the beneficiary: - one pre-financing payment, if requested by the Beneficiary and approved by Frontex as stated in Article 5.2; - one payment of the balance, on the basis of the request for payment of the balance referred to in Article 4.2.
5.2 Pre-financing payment[s] The aim of the pre-financing is to provide the beneficiary with a float. The pre-financing remains the property of Frontex until it is cleared against the payment of the balance. Following the signature of the Agreement by the last party and its receipt by Frontex, the Beneficiary may send to Frontex a request for the pre-financing up to 80% of the cost. Frontex shall assess the payment request and, if approved, pay within 30 days from receipt of the request for pre-financing, except if Article II.24.1 of the Framework agreement applies.
5.3 Interim payment[s] Not applicable
5.4 Payment of the balance The payment of the balance reimburses or covers the remaining part of the eligible costs and contributions for the implementation of the action. If the total amount of earlier payments is greater than the final amount of the grant determined in accordance with Article II.25 of the Framework agreement, the payment of the balance takes the form of a recovery as provided for by Article II.26 of the Framework agreement. If the total amount of earlier payments is lower than the final amount of the grant determined in accordance with Article II.25 of the Framework agreement, Frontex must pay the balance within 60 calendar days from when it receives the documents referred to in Article 4.2, except if Article II.24.1 or II.24.2 of the Framework agreement apply. Payment is subject to the approval of the request for payment of the balance and of the accompanying documents. Their approval does not imply recognition of the compliance, authenticity, completeness or correctness of their content. Frontex determines the amount due as the balance by deducting the total amount of pre-financing already made from the final amount of the grant determined in accordance with Article II.25 of the Framework agreement. The amount to be paid may, however, be offset, without the beneficiary’s consent, against any other amount owed by the beneficiary to up to the maximum amount of the grant. Determining the final amount to be paid is conducted according to an ED decision on ex-ante policy currently in force. In case of grants where the majority of costs is...
17.2 Pre-financing payment — Amount — Amount retained for the Guarantee Fund [OPTION 1 by default: The aim of the pre-financing is to provide the partner with a float. It remains the property of the EU until the payment of the balance. The [Commission][Agency] will — except if Article 54 FPA applies — make the pre-financing payment to the partner within 30 days, either from the entry into force of the Specific Agreement (see Article 21) or from 10 days before the starting date of the specific action (see Article 3), whichever is the latest. [OPTION 2 if the JRC is the partner: The [DG][Agency] will make a pre-financing payment of EUR [insert amount including the 5% to be paid to the Guarantee Fund (insert amount in words)], within 30 days from the submission of a debit note from the JRC after the signature of the ‘Arrangement’. The JRC agrees that the amount of EUR [insert amount: 5% of the grant amount intended for the JRC (insert amount in words)], corresponding to its contribution to the Guarantee Fund (see Article 21.2), is transferred in its name by the [DG][Agency] to the Guarantee Fund.]
PAYMENTS AND PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS. 8.1.1 Payments of the Grant under these terms and conditions consist of (i) pre-payments each time after receipt and approval by EhvEng of the intermediate financial and technical reports (“Pre-Payments”), which may cover one, two, three or four calendar quarters and (ii) one final payment after finalisation of the Project and receipt and approval of the final financial and technical report, as described in Article 6.4.h (“Final Payment”). Financial reports for Pre- Payments, declaring cost made during one, two, three or four calendar quarters, as the case may be, can be issued to EhvEng at any time, regardless the period with regard to which cost are declared. However, the Project Partners are aware that, in accordance with Article 3.5 of the general terms and conditions, as set out in Exhibit 1, cost that are included in any financial report requesting Pre-Payments, can only be declared by EhvEng with Regiofonds Brainport B.V. in one of the following time windows: between 1 January and 15 February, between 1 April in 15 May, between 1 July and 15 August and between 1 October and 15 November. In view of this it is understood by the Parties that EhvEng will take its best effort to review and process financial reports received from the Project partners within two weeks upon receipt, before forwarding such financial reports, together with a total cost declaration by EhvEng, to Regiofonds Brainport B.V.. The final financial report and technical report must be issued within three months after the end of the Project. Pre-Payments will be payments of only 80% for each individual Project Partner’s cost statement for the period concerned. The remaining 20% will each time be retained by EhvEng and will be paid out to the Coordinator for further distribution, after Final Payment is determined. This retained amount can be used by EhvEng for recovering possible reclaims of funding as referred to in Article 8.4.2 hereinafter a “Reclaim”. However, based on Article 5.4 of the “Algemene Voorwaarden en Toestsingscriteria Projecten Regio Deal Brainport Eindhoven” (Exhibit 1) a Project Partner may request to receive a Pre-Payment of 100% of the funding for the cost declared, for a period that does not include the end of the Project. In such case the financial report must be audited and approved in an audit report from an independent accountant, in a format as attached hereto as Exhibit 3 (“protocol accountantsverklaring Regiofonds Brainport B.V.”). Af...
PAYMENTS AND PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS. 17.1 Payments to be made The following payments will be made to the KIC LE: ‐ one pre‐financing payment; ‐ one payment of the balance, on the basis of the request for payment of the balance (see Article 16).
17.2 Pre‐financing payment — Amount — Amount retained for the Guarantee Fund The aim of the pre‐financing is to provide the KIC Partners with a float. It remains the property of the EIT until the payment of the balance. The amount of the pre‐financing payment will be EUR [amount (amount in words)]. The EIT will — except if Article 54 FPA applies — make the pre‐financing payment to the KIC LE within 30 days either from the entry into force of the Specific Agreement (see Article 21) or from 10 days before the starting date of the specific action (see Article 3), whichever is the latest. An amount of EUR [amount (amount in words)] corresponding to 5% of the maximum grant amount (see Article 4.2), is retained by the EIT from the pre‐financing payment and transferred into the 'Guarantee Fund'.
17.3 Interim payments — Amount — Calculation Not applicable
17.4 Payment of the balance — Amount — Calculation — Release of the amount retained for the Guarantee Fund The payment of the balance reimburses the remaining part of the eligible costs incurred by the KIC Partners for the implementation of the specific action. If the total amount of earlier payments is greater than the final grant amount (see Article 10 FPA), the payment of the balance takes the form of a recovery (see Article 50 FPA). If the total amount of earlier payments is lower than the final grant amount, the EIT will pay the balance within 90 days from receiving the final report (see Article 16), except if Articles 53 or 54 FPA apply. Payment is subject to the approval of the final report. Its approval does not imply recognition of the compliance, authenticity, completeness or correctness of its content.
PAYMENTS AND PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS. 17.1 Payments to be made [TEXT FOR RIA, IA & CSA actions: