PER DIEM GUIDELINES. An employee hired to work on an intermittent basis or during any period when additional work of any nature requires a temporarily augmented work force or in the event of an emergency, or to relieve regular employees because of illness, leave of absence, or to work during holidays or vacation periods.
PER DIEM GUIDELINES. The following guidelines apply to all Flight Crew.
A) Per diems will be paid for duty time in excess of 4 hours, commencing at the start of the duty time. Where a split shift occurs with greater than 3 hours at home base it will be treated as two separate events.
B) Where a duty day is incurred at the home base for training or otherwise claims for per diems will not be necessary.
C) Claims may be submitted in other denominations should the expenses be incurred in a currency other than the Canadian dollar.
D) Crew expenses will be paid for individually. We ask that forms please be submitted on the 15th and the 30th of each month with cheques issued within approximately one week.