Work force definition
Examples of Work force in a sentence
The Bu- reau of Labor Statistics shall provide a report on the market basket to the Committee on Labor and Human Resources of the Senate and the Committee on Education and the Work- force of the House of Representatives not later than September 30, 2002.
In so prescribing, the Surgeon General shall consider the recom- mendations of the National Health Care Work- force Commission.
Fiscal year appropriations for a program year’s youth activities, authorized under chapter 4, subtitle B, title I of WIA, may be made available for obliga- tion beginning on April 1 of the fiscal year for which the appropriation is made.§ 667.105 What award document au- thorizes the expenditure of Work- force Investment Act funds under title I of the Act?(a) Agreement.
The Secretary, through the Commissioner of Labor Statistics and the Assistant Secretary for Employment and Training, shall formally consult at least twice annually with the Work- force Information Advisory Council estab- lished in accordance with paragraph (2).
As used in this part 2, unless the context1 otherwise requires:2 (9) "Work force center" means a work force center created by a3 work force investment DEVELOPMENT board pursuant to the "Colorado4 Work Force Investment CAREER ADVANCEMENT Act", part 2 of article 835 of this title 8.6 SECTION 3.