Personal Data of Investigator Sample Clauses

Personal Data of Investigator. Medical Center / Investigator agrees that Medtronic and its Affiliates may, for the purpose of administering the relationship with Medical Center/ Investigator, collect, process and store personal data (i.e., name, address, CV, etc.). Medical Center / Investigator further agrees that such information may be provided to Medtronic Affiliates, including those affiliates located in the United States, and to any appropriate regulatory authority, consistent with Medtronic's obligations to same. Osobní údaje Zkoušejícího. Zdravotnické zařízení / Zkoušející souhlasí s tím, že společnost Medtronic a její Spřízněné osoby mohou pro účely řízení vztahu se Zdravotnickým zařízením / Zkoušejícím shromažďovat, zpracovávat a skladovat osobní údaje (tj. jméno, adresu, strukturovaný životopis apod.). Zdravotnické zařízení / Zkoušející dále souhlasí s tím, že tyto informace mohou být poskytovány Spřízněným osobám společnosti Medtronic, včetně těch, které se nacházejí ve Spojených státech amerických, jakož i všem příslušným regulačním orgánům v souladu s příslušnými povinnostmi společnosti Medtronic. Public Transparency. Medtronic will comply with all applicable laws, regulations and applicable government or industry guidelines (“Transparency Requirements”) with regard to transparency of payments to healthcare professionals. Medical Center / Investigator therefore agree that Medtronic may disclose all information relating to this Agreement to the extent required under the applicable Transparency Requirements. Such information may include, but is not limited to name of health care professional providing the Duties and receiving payment, value of amounts transferred, and nature of services. Veřejná transparentnost. Medtronic bude dodržovat všechny příslušné právní předpisy a státní nebo oborové směrnice („Požadavky na transparentnost“) související s transparentností plateb zdravotnickým odborníkům. Proto Zdravotnické zařízení / Zkoušející souhlasí s tím, že Medtronic může zpřístupnit všechny informace o této Smlouvě v rozsahu vyžadovaném Požadavky na transparentnost. Takové údaje mohou zahrnovat zejména (ale bez omezení) jméno zdravotnického odborníka, který plní Povinnosti a bude příjemcem platby, hodnotu převáděných částek a povahu služeb. Use of Data. Medtronic is committed to support evidence-based medicine, and the scientific integrity and ethical principles in the design, conduct and reporting of clinical research. Medical Center / Investigator retains ownership of all raw...
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Personal Data of Investigator. Medical Center / Investigator agrees that Medtronic and its Affiliates may, for the purpose of administering the relationship with Medical Center/ Investigator, collect, process and store personal data (i.e., name, address, CV, etc.). Medical Center / Investigator further agrees that such information may be provided to Medtronic Affiliates, including those affiliates located in the United States, and to any appropriate regulatory authority, consistent with Medtronic's obligations to same. nebo mohly být zpřístupněny, zveřejněny, ztraceny nebo jinak použity v rozporu s touto Smlouvou. Zdravotnické zařízení / Zkoušející zpřístupní Důvěrné informace zaměstnanci/ zaměstnancům (osoby spolupracující na Studii), nebo zástupci (společně dále jen „Přidružená osoba Zkoušejícího“) pouze tehdy, jedná-li se o osobu, která potřebuje znát Důvěrné informace pro účely této Smlouvy a která bude následně povinna dodržovat ustanovení této Smlouvy.
Personal Data of Investigator. The Medical Center / Investigator agrees that Medtronic and its Affiliates may, for the purpose of administering the relationship with the Medical Center / Investigator, collect, process and store personal data (i.e., name, address, CV, etc.). The Medical Center / Investigator further agrees that such information may be provided to Medtronic Affiliates, including those affiliates located in the United States, and to any appropriate regulatory authority, consistent with Medtronic's obligations to same.

Related to Personal Data of Investigator

  • Customer’s Processing of Personal Data Customer shall, in its use of the Services, Process Personal Data in accordance with the requirements of Data Protection Laws and Regulations. For the avoidance of doubt, Customer’s instructions for the Processing of Personal Data shall comply with Data Protection Laws and Regulations. Customer shall have sole responsibility for the means by which Customer acquired Personal Data.

  • Processing of Personal Data (a) SORACOM collects and processes personal data about the Subscriber, including name, e-mail, IP-address as well as data on data uses and billing data in order to provide SORACOM’s service and other purposes such as billing.

  • Personal Data, Confidentiality, Recording of Telephone Calls and Records 22.1. The Company may collect client information directly from the Client (in his completed Account Opening Application Form or otherwise) or from other persons including, for example, the credit reference agencies, fraud prevention agencies, banks, other financial institutions, third authentication service providers and the providers of public registers.

  • Processing Personal Data 40.1. The Company is the data controller in the relevant jurisdiction. You hereby acknowledge and agree to the collection and processing of personal data provided by you in connection with the opening of a trading account for the purpose of performing our obligations under these Terms and Conditions and for administering the relationship between you and us.

  • Personal Data Registry Operator shall (i) notify each ICANN-­‐accredited registrar that is a party to the registry-­‐registrar agreement for the TLD of the purposes for which data about any identified or identifiable natural person (“Personal Data”) submitted to Registry Operator by such registrar is collected and used under this Agreement or otherwise and the intended recipients (or categories of recipients) of such Personal Data, and (ii) require such registrar to obtain the consent of each registrant in the TLD for such collection and use of Personal Data. Registry Operator shall take reasonable steps to protect Personal Data collected from such registrar from loss, misuse, unauthorized disclosure, alteration or destruction. Registry Operator shall not use or authorize the use of Personal Data in a way that is incompatible with the notice provided to registrars.

  • Personal Data Processing 2.1 The Processor shall process Personal Data only on the basis of corresponding recorded orders from the Controller.

  • Your Personal Data 17.1. PFS is a registered Data Controller with the Information Commissioners Office in the UK under registration number Z1821175 xxxxx://

  • Processing of Customer Personal Data 3.1 UKG will:

  • Processing of Company Personal Data 2.1 Processor shall:

  • Disclosure of Personal Data 18.1 To enable the Bank to consider whether to provide the Account Holder and/or the Cardmember with any financial, insurance, credit card, banking account, related product or service; (b) reward, loyalty or privileges programmes and related product or service; and (c) services and products offered by the Bank’s co-branding partners (collectively, “service” or “services”) the Account Holder and/or the Cardmember is required to supply to the Bank from time to time the Account Holder’s and/or the Cardmember’s personal details and information pertaining to any of the Account Holder’s and/or Cardmember’s account held with the Bank and any of the Account Holder’s and/or Cardmember’s transactions and dealings with or through the Bank (“Personal Data”) and failure to do so may result in the Bank’s inability to provide such service. The Personal Data will be used for considering the Account Holder’s and/or the Cardmember’s request and subject to the Bank agreeing to provide such service, the Personal Data will be used in connection with the purposes set out in Clauses 18.2 and 18.3 below.

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