ALL PARTIES AGREE. The Parties recognize that Wildland fire management funding is tied to accurate and complete statistical reporting, and will work together to encourage fire response agencies within the County to report statistical wildfire data to the DFPC via the NFIRS or its successor system.
ALL PARTIES AGREE. 1. It is specifically understood this Agreement is designed to expand Medicaid income eligibility criteria to include those individuals whose net countable income is specified above in B.1, including Medicaid receiving institutional and community-based (waiver) services. It is further specifically understood that the non-federal share of Medicaid expenditures for those qualifying individuals will be paid by the County from public funds per 42 C.F.R 433.51.
2. It is specifically understood by all parties that Medicaid eligibility can only be determined to be effective no earlier than three (3) months before the month of application.
3. All payments under this Agreement are contingent upon the availability of the necessary funds from the federal government. In the event sufficient funds, as determined by DHCFP, are not available for any reason, DHCFP shall not be obligated to make any payments to the County under this Agreement. DHCFP will notify the County of the insufficient funds as soon as practicable after making that decision. This provision is a condition precedent to DHCFP’s obligation to make any payments under the Agreement. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to provide the County with a right of payment over any other entity. If payments, which are otherwise due to the County under this Agreement, are deferred because of the unavailability of sufficient funds, such payments will be made to the County if sufficient funds later become available.
4. For all counties with a population below 100,000, the total billable amount for both populations will not exceed the eight (8) cent cap as established by NRS 428.285(4).
5. The parties shall cooperate to present an amendment to the Board of County Commissioners for consideration as needed to conform the contract amount if it exceeds of is anticipated to exceed projected values. The County shall not attempt to exceed the “not to exceed” value of the contract if an amendment has not been approved by the Board of County Commissioners to do the same. This CONFIDENTIALITY ADDENDUM (the Addendum) is hereby entered into between Division and Contractor.
ALL PARTIES AGREE. 1. It is specifically understood this Agreement is designed to expand Medicaid income eligibility criteria to include those individuals whose net countable income is specified above in B.1, including Medicaid receiving institutional and community-based (waiver) services. It is further specifically understood that the non-federal share of Medicaid expenditures for those qualifying individuals will be paid by the County;
2. It is specifically understood by all parties that Medicaid eligibility can only be determined to be effective no earlier than three (3) months before the month of application;
3. This Agreement will automatically terminate in the event federal funding is not available.
4. For all Counties with a population below 100,000, the total billable amount for both populations will not exceed the eight (8) cent cap as established by NRS 428.285. This CONFIDENTIALITY ADDENDUM (the Addendum) is hereby entered into between Division and Contractor.
ALL PARTIES AGREE. No Party shall delay suppression efforts while deciding jurisdictional responsibilities for fires in which suppression is the appropriate management response.
ALL PARTIES AGREE. 1) It is specifically understood this Agreement is designed to provide services to children who are eligible for Regional Center services and supports. The County will be assessed a quarterly fee to pay for those services based on the methodology outlined in Attachment B. Signature Date Title/County The following are services offered by the Regional Centers. Services have specific eligibility criteria and are offered for eligible children upon request of the parent(s)/legal guardian(s), and after approval by the Aging and Disability Services Division (ADSD). Not all services may be available due to provider or funding constraints. Current rates are as follows: • Targeted Case Management hourly rate is $56.00 (billed in 15-minute increments at $14.00 each) and is a required service for all eligible persons. • Clinical Services hourly rate is $102.28 (billed in 15-minute increments at $25.57 each) to include individual and group therapy (counseling), behavioral therapy, clinical consultation, and assessments. • In Home Habilitation hourly rate is $19.52. This includes supervision, individual training, and direct support management. • Purchase of Service as a onetime allotment of $250.00 per child per year for emergency services. • Supported Living Arrangements hourly rate is $19.52 • Respite is $125.00 per month per child (for a total of $1,500.00 per year if the service is offered all year). • Jobs and Day Training has a variable rate schedule between $25.87 and $155.22 per day. • Behavioral Consultation is an hourly rate of $84.92 (Masters) and $73.84 (Bachelors). • Non-Medical Transportation is the total transportation cost (bus pass and/or mileage, trip, vehicle costs) not reimbursed by Medicaid. • Nursing services has a variable rate between $8.84 and $126.68 and includes assessments, consultation, and direct service (this could be for 15-minute increments, hourly, or per assessment). • Nutrition Services are billed at $65.00 per hour (billed in 15-minute increments at $16.25 each). • Room and Board costs (to include rent, utilities, food, and phone) for children who reside in 24-hour Supported Living Arrangements at a varied cost based on market value and actual cost of utilities. Phone is billed at a maximum of $30 per month. Food is billed at $227.90 per month. When new services are offered, or services are removed, the assessment process will be amended which reflect any changes. ADSD will xxxx the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) for ...
ALL PARTIES AGREE. Law enforcement officers shall not arrest a student on school grounds, during school transportation, at school bus stops or during a school sponsored or related event unless the arrest is in response to a Safety Threat. Before making an arrest of a student for Safety Threats on school grounds, school transportation or during a school sponsored or related event, a law enforcement officer shall follow the steps and guiding questions below. If the situation is resolved short of arrest at any point during this process, the officer does not need to move on to the next step.
ALL PARTIES AGREE. 1. It is specifically understood this Agreement is designed to expand Medicaid income eligibility criteria to include those individuals whose net countable income is specified above in B.1, including Medicaid receiving institutional and community-based (waiver) services. It is further specifically understood that the non-federal share of Medicaid expenditures for those qualifying individuals will be paid by the County;
2. It is specifically understood by all parties that Medicaid eligibility can only be determined to be effective no earlier than three (3) months before the month of application;
3. This Agreement will automatically terminate in the event federal funding is not available.
4. For those Counties with a population above 100,000, the billable amount for the “New Population” as determined by 2011 SB485 will be capped at the legislatively approved budget amount. The “Original Population” will be invoiced based on actual expenditures.
5. For all Counties with a population below 100,000, the billable amount for the “New Population” as determined by 2011 SB485 will be capped at the legislatively approved budget amount. The total billable amount for both populations will not exceed the eight (8) cent cap as established by NRS 428.285. STATE OF NEVADA PURPOSE. In order to comply with the requirements of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996, Public Law 104-191, and the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act of 2009, Public Law 111-5 this Addendum is hereby added and made part of the Contract between the Covered Entity and the Business Associate. This Addendum establishes the obligations of the Business Associate and the Covered Entity as well as the permitted uses and disclosures by the Business Associate of protected health information it may possess by reason of the Contract. The Covered Entity and the Business Associate shall protect the privacy and provide for the security of protected health information disclosed to the Business Associate pursuant to the Contract and in compliance with HIPAA, the HITECH Act, and regulation promulgated there under by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (“HIPAA Regulations”) and other applicable laws.
ALL PARTIES AGREE. This Agreement shall be subject to the availability of FWS funds appropriated to NLU for this program by the US Department of Education. It shall also be subject to the provisions, legislation, rules and regulations of the U.S. Department of Education and NLU;
ALL PARTIES AGREE. To promote a coordinated effort among agencies and staff to achieve maximum public safety with the goal of protecting the health and welfare of children attending Pinellas County Schools and reducing juvenile crime. To participate in interagency planning meetings, as deemed appropriate by each party to this Agreement. To assign staff, as appropriate by each party to this Agreement, to participate in a consolidated case management system for re-entry into school of children returning from detention or commitment programs, and other information-sharing activities to assess and develop plans for at-risk youth and those involved in the juvenile justice system. To jointly plan, and provide information and access to training opportunities, when feasible. To develop internal policies and cooperative procedures as needed to implement this Agreement to the maximum extent possible. To comply with §§ 943.0525, 943.054, 1002.221, 1006.07, and 119.07, F.S., and other applicable laws, rules and procedures relating to records use, security, dissemination, and retention/destruction; and to maintain confidentiality of information that is made confidential by applicable law. TheWhere no School Resource Officer from a municipality or the Sheriff’s Office is regularly assigned at a particular school, including those elementary schools that are currently served by a guardian trained through the Sheriff’s office, the Pinellas County Schools Police Department shall, whenever possible, investigate all crimes or incidents, whether committed by a student or adult, which occur during normal hours of school operation or during extra-curricular events for which a Schools Police officer has been assigned, except the following offenses: deaths, felony sex crimes, felony narcotics violations, which shall all be immediately referred to the local agency having jurisdiction. The Pinellas County Schools Police Department should be contacted initially regarding any incidents that occur at these schools. If the Pinellas County School Police Department states that they are unable to respond to the incident, the notifying agency will respond or will contact the appropriate law enforcement agency with jurisdiction to respond. After normal hours of school operation all incidents requiring a law enforcement response will be handled by the local agency having jurisdiction. Nothing in this section shall prevent a Pinellas County Schools Police Department law enforcement officer who has jurisdiction f...
ALL PARTIES AGREE. 1) It is specifically understood this Agreement is designed to provide services to children with qualifying intellectual and developmental disabilities and all non-federal share costs will be paid by the County. Signature Date Title/County The following are services offered by the Regional Centers. Services have specific eligibility criteria and are offered for eligible children upon request of the parent(s)/legal guardian(s), and after approval by the Aging and Disability Services Division (ADSD). Not all services may be available due to provider or funding constraints. Current rates are as follows: • Targeted Case Management hourly rate is $56.00 (billed in 15-minute increments at $14.00 each) and is a required service for all eligible persons. • Clinical Services hourly rate is $102.28 (billed in 15-minute increments at $25.57 each) to include individual and group therapy (counseling), behavioral therapy, clinical consultation, and assessments. • In Home Habilitation hourly rate is $19.52. This includes supervision, individual training, and direct support management. • Purchase of Service as a one-time allotment of $250.00 per child per year for emergency services. • Supported Living Arrangements hourly rate is $19.52 • Respite is $125.00 per month per child (for a total of $1,500.00 per year if the service is offered all year). • Jobs and Day Training has a variable rate schedule between $25.87 and $155.22 per day. • Behavioral Consultation is an hourly rate of $84.92 (Masters) and $73.84 (Bachelors). • Non-Medical Transportation is the total transportation cost (bus pass and/or mileage, trip, vehicle costs) not reimbursed by Medicaid. • Nursing services has a variable rate between $8.84 and $126.68 and includes assessments, consultation, and direct service (this could be for 15-minute increments, hourly, or per assessment). • Nutrition Services are billed at $65.00 per hour (billed in 15-minute increments at $16.25 each). • Room and Board costs (to include rent, utilities, food, and phone) for children who reside in 24-hour Supported Living Arrangements at a varied cost based on market value and actual cost of utilities. Phone is billed at a maximum of $30 per month. Food is billed at $227.90 per month. When new services are offered, or services are removed, the assessment process will be amended which reflect any changes. ADSD will bill the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) for Medicaid reimbursement and the county will be responsible fo...