PEST OUTBREAKSThe Tenant shall contact the Landlord immediately if a pest infestation is suspected. The Landlord will take actions to investigate and if the presence of insects is confirmed, the Landlord may involve a professionally licensed pest control company to treat the problem. The Tenant’s cooperation and active participation in dealing with the treatment will be required including, but not limited to, laundering linen and clothing and moving personal belongings in order to provide access to steam clean carpets. No refund or reduction of fees will occur. Information


  • Sabotage (a) Sabotage is of concern to all Parties involved on any work site and may affect safety, and therefore both the physical and mental wellbeing of all persons on site. (b) The Parties to this Agreement will not tolerate sabotage and will ensure that any person/s responsible for such action is immediately dismissed. (c) It is accepted that the relevant authorities may have to be notified, and provisions of the OH&S Act implemented. (d) In the event of a reasonable suspicion or proven sabotage consultation will occur between the Parties on a reasonable time frame up to a maximum of 4 hours to rectify the issue prior to Employees leaving the Project.

  • CALAMITY DAYS 19.01 The Superintendent, in consultation with the appropriate administrators, will establish work schedules for the support staff. Work schedules may be changed as required to meet the needs of the District. 19.02 When school is canceled or closed because of inclement weather or other calamity, the following support staff employees are expected to report to work, unless a Fairfield County Level 2 or 3 Snow Emergency is declared: A. District Office personnel; B. Custodial employees; C. Maintenance/grounds employees; and D. Secretarial employees (who may report on a two-hour delay when school is canceled or closed). 19.03 Specific job duties or responsibilities may require some employees to report to work in the instance of Level 2 snow emergencies. The Superintendent/designee determines whether or not conditions are too hazardous to expect employees to report for work at the regularly scheduled time, at a later time, or not at all. The work classifications and number of employees required to work on a day when school is closed will be determined by the Superintendent/designee in consultation with building and District administrators. 19.04 Employees who are required to work at times when school is closed will be paid a regular rate of pay unless: (a) the day is one that the District is required to make up in order to complete the required school year as approved by the Board, and (b) the hours worked are hours for which the employee is otherwise entitled to overtime compensation. 19.05 Employees who are required to report for work when school is closed and who fail to report will not receive any compensation for that day and may be subject to disciplinary action. 19.06 Non 12-month employees who are required to work on both a calamity day and a make-up day will be paid for working the make-up day at their regular hourly rate of pay. 19.07 In the event of an inclement weather delay, employees not listed in Article 19.02 whose day coincides with the start of the student instructional day shall have a delayed report time equivalent to that of the delay, except for custodial/maintenance-grounds employees who shall report as directed by their supervisor.

  • Act of God Days Act of God" days beyond the allowance by Michigan Law and the Department of Education regulations will be made up by the students and assistants at the end of the school year or at other times as specified by the calendar. Assistants will only receive compensation for the "Act of God" days allowed. When a scheduled day of schoolwork is delayed, association members shall report as near as possible to their regular starting times. Assistants will receive their full day's pay when the school day is shortened due to weather or mechanical problems.

  • Weather User understands and agrees that during the term of this agreement, User will strictly adhere to the Weather Protocols set forth in the Grand Park Emergency Management Plan. The Grand Park Emergency Management Plan is made available on the Grand Park website or by request a copy may be provided by the Commission. In the event of inclement weather, the Commission will retain final determination as to the ability of the facility to support the Event. a. If the facility is unable to support the event due to an "Act of God" the Commission will not provide a refund or credit to the User. User may obtain event insurance through a vendor of their choosing to cover the "Act of God" scenario. b. If the facility is deemed unable to support the event by the Commission, the Commission will work with the User to reschedule such activity as was affected by the facility closure. In such case that the activity may not be rescheduled, Commission will credit the User for such activity as was affected by the closure and allow the credit to be utilized toward a future event. c. If the facility is deemed unable to support the event by the User, the Commission will work with the User to reschedule such activity as was affected within the general time constraints of the User's Event. In such case that the activity may not be rescheduled, Commission will not credit the User.

  • Inclement Weather 16.1 The parties are committed to working together to minimize the impact of inclement weather. The employer will ensure reasonable allowance is included in contracts taking into account historic weather conditions and forecast rainfall. 16.2 Inclement weather means the existence of rain or abnormal climatic conditions (whether hail, extreme cold, high wind, severe dust storm, extreme heat (as defined in clause 14), poor air quality (as defined in clause 15), or the like or any combination of these conditions) where it is not reasonable or it is unsafe for employees to continue working in those conditions. 16.3 The employer or its representative, when requested by the employees or their representative, must confer within a reasonable time (which does not exceed 60 minutes) for the purpose of determining whether or not the conditions referred to in clause 16.2 apply. 16.4 The time work stops due to inclement weather and the resumption of work after a period of inclement weather has ended will be recorded by the employer. 16.5 When inclement weather conditions exist, an affected employee is not required to start or continue to work where it is unreasonable or unsafe to do so. In cases where emergency work is required or it is necessary to complete a concrete pour already commenced to a practical stage, work may occur or continue provided that such work does not give rise to a reasonable concern on the part of an employee undertaking the work of an imminent risk to their health or safety. 16.6 Where emergency work or a concrete pour is completed in accordance with clause 16.5, work will be paid at the rate of 200% of the ordinary hourly rate calculated to the next hour, and in the case of wet weather, the employee will be provided with adequate wet weather gear. If an employee’s clothes become wet as a result of working in the rain the employee will be allowed to go home for the remainder of the day without loss of pay. 16.7 Where an employee is not able to perform any work at any location because of inclement weather, the employee will receive payment at the ordinary hourly rate for ordinary hours. Payment for time lost due to inclement weather is subject to a maximum of 32 hours pay in any 4-week period for each employee. Payment is subject to adherence to the terms of clause 16. 16.8 An employee working on a Job Share arrangement pursuant to clause 30—Job Share, that is affected by inclement weather, will be entitled to payment from the 32-hour inclement weather bank on a pro rata basis. 16.9 Employees accumulated inclement weather bank shall not be deducted whilst they remain on site. 16.10 Inclement weather occurring during overtime will not be taken into account for the purposes of clause 16 and employees will not be entitled to any payment for stoppages because of inclement weather that occurs outside of ordinary hours. 16.11 Employees on a portion of a site not affected by inclement weather must continue to work even though employees working on other areas of the site may have stopped work because of inclement weather. 16.12 Subject to the availability of alternative work in an employee’s classification, an employer may require employees to transfer: (a) from a location on a site where it is unreasonable and/or unsafe to work because of inclement weather, to another area on the same site, where it is reasonable and safe to work; and/or (b) from a site where it is unreasonable and/or unsafe to work because of inclement weather, to another site, where it is reasonable and safe to work, and where the employer, where necessary, provides transport. 16.13 Remaining on site where, because of inclement weather, the employees are prevented from working: (a) for more than an accumulated total of 4 hours of ordinary time in any one day; or (b) after the main meal break, for more than half of the ordinary work time; or (c) during the final 2 hours of the normal workday for more than an accumulated total of one hour; the employer will not be entitled to require the employees to remain on site beyond the expiration of any of the above circumstances. However, where genuine training has been agreed in writing between the parties, then the course maybe completed in extraordinary circumstances. 16.14 Where the employees are in the sheds, because they have been rained off, or because it is at starting time, morning tea, or lunch time, and it is raining, they will not be required to go to work in a dry area or to be transferred to another site unless: (a) the rain stops; or (b) a covered walkway has been provided; or (c) the sheds are under cover and the employees can get to the dry area without going through the rain; or (d) adequate protection is provided. 16.15 Protection must, where necessary, be provided for the employees’ tools.

  • Pandemic An epidemic that spreads over a wide area, crossing borders and defined as a pandemic by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and/or by the competent local authorities of the country where the loss occurred. Isolation of the person, in the event of suspected illness or proven illness, decided by a competent local authority, in order to avoid a risk of spreading said illness in the context of an epidemic or pandemic.

  • Contractor Default Failure of the Contractor, which has neither been remedied nor waived, to perform or otherwise to comply with the terms of the Construction Contract.

  • War We do not Cover an illness, treatment or medical condition due to war, declared or undeclared.

  • Act of God Landlord shall not be required to perform any covenant or obligation in this Lease, or be liable in damages to Tenant, so long as the performance or non-performance of the covenant or obligation is delayed, caused or prevented by an act of God, force majeure or by Tenant.

  • Shortages Claims for shortages in the amount of Products shipped by Patheon will be dealt with by reasonable agreement of the parties.