Phone Bump. A Mates in regular positions that will be eliminated or significantly changed for the next season shall have the opportunity to bump, based on seniority, to a different permanent position.
Phone Bump. A. Masters in regular positions that will be eliminated or significantly changed for the next season shall have the opportunity to bump, based on seniority, to a different permanent position, which may include a Mate’s position.
B. A Permanent or Relief Master may waive a permanent Master’s position and bid on a permanent Mate’s position provided they meet all Mate qualifications. If a Deck Officer bumps into a Relief position, the Relief next lower in seniority will be entitled to a bump. If that Relief Deck Officer chooses to stay in a Relief position, the bump will continue down the seniority list within the Relief pool until the least senior Relief Deck Officer is bumped to another permanent position. The general phone bump will then continue by seniority until completion. WSF shall have the right to fill all vacant Master and Relief Master positions by assigning in reverse seniority order from the Masters Bidding List.
C. Permanent and Relief Masters who do not have adequate seniority to bid on a Master’s position may bid on a Mate’s position based on the employee’s Mates seniority date.
Phone Bump.
A. Masters in regular positions that will be eliminated or significantly changed for the next season shall have the opportunity to bump, based on seniority, to a different permanent position, which may include a Mate’s position.
B. A Permanent or Relief Master may waive a permanent Master’s position and bid on a permanent Mate’s position provided they meet all Mate qualifications. WSF shall have the right to fill all vacant Master and relief Master positions by assigning in reverse seniority order from the Masters Bidding List.
C. Permanent and Relief Masters who do not have adequate seniority to bid on a Master’s position may bid on a Mate’s position based on the employee’s Mates seniority date.
Phone Bump. A. Masters in regular positions that will be eliminated or significantly changed for the next season shall have the opportunity to bump, based on seniority, to a different permanent position, which may include a Mate’s position.
B. A Permanent or Relief Master may waive a permanent Master’s position and bid on a permanent Mate’s position provided they meet all Mate qualifications. WSF shall have the right to fill all vacant Master and relief Master positions by assigning in reverse seniority order from the Masters Bidding List.