PILOT Term. The term of the PILOT shall be determined by the length of the developer’s debt service.
PILOT Term. The term of this Agreement shall continue from Fiscal Year 1 through Fiscal Year 5 commencing with final actions by the City Council to approve the Zone Change from Medium Density Residential to Planned Commercial Development, and the General Plan Amendment from Medium Density Residential to General Commercial. The PILOT agreement will terminate upon the expiration of Fiscal Year 5 or until Parcel A is developed with a commercial use(s) that require the payment of property taxes (non-tax-exempt successors-in-interest).
PILOT Term. The term (“Term”) of this Agreement shall commence on the Effective Date, and unless sooner terminated or canceled in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, shall expire immediately upon the expiration of the Abatement Period.
PILOT Term. The fiscal years with respect to which payments shall be due under this Agreement (the "PILOT Term") shall be fifteen (15) years beginning as of July 1, 2022 and shall continue until December 31, 2037. The PILOT term may be extended if at the time of such future extension the Project Sponsor continues to provide affordable senior housing at the Project as evidenced by a contract with HUD and such written extension is approved by the Town of Amherst, Erie County and the School District.
PILOT Term. Pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, CITY hereby gives KESTREL a revocable and non-transferable license to utilize the City of Moscow as a geographic test area to provide advance alert distributed reporting software (hereinafter “AADRS”) for use by CITY and CITY’s community partners. This pilot project will be deployed in three (3) phases over three (3) years. Phase 1 will include the development and refinement of the initial pilot project deployment. Phase 2 will consist of implementing
PILOT Term. This agreement shall commence on April 16, 2019, (the "Commencement Date") and shall expire on the date that is one (1) year after the Commencement Date unless earlier terminated pursuant to Section 15, below. At the conclusion of the pilot term, the Agreement may be extended by mutual consent of the parties, subject to any new terms agreed between the parties.
PILOT Term. Pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, the Town hereby gives Spin the revocable and non-transferrable license to utilize the Town’s Rights of Ways in order to provide bike share services within the Town . For purposes of this Agreement, the term Rights of Ways (“ROW”) refers to sidewalks, roads, and other pathways owned and maintained by the Town .The Town hereby grants Spin the right to operate a pilot stationless bike share program for a term up to twelve (12) months, which may be extended in writing, by mutual agreement.
PILOT Term. This Agreement shall remain in effect for a period of ninety (90) days from the date of the launch of the Fox Valley Publications (“FVP”) classified ad-taking Services by Company on a pilot basis (“Pilot Term”). The success of the Pilot Term will be measured based on the performance metrics set forth in Sections 11.1.1, 11.1.2, 11.1.3, 11.1.4 and, if successful, will be the first step in the rollout of Publisher’s newspapers’ classified ad-taking being outsourced to the Company on the timeline set forth in Attachment A (“Project Timeline”). Following the completion of the Pilot Term, the Parties will assess the overall project performance based on the performance standards set forth in sections 11.1.1, 11.1.2, 11.1.3, and 11.
PILOT Term. Pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, the City hereby gives Spin an exclusive, revocable, and non-transferrable license to utilize the City Right of Way in order to provide personal mobility share services within the City. For purposes of this Agreement, the term Right of Way (“ROW”) refers to sidewalks, roads, and other pathways owned and maintained by the City. City hereby grants Spin the right to operate a pilot personal mobility share program for a term of 12 months. Upon conclusion of the initial 12 months, such pilot shall renew for another 12-month period, if no other term is specified in writing, unless terminated in writing by one or both parties per the terms in Section 14. The City will approve no more than one license for a pilot personal-mobility share program at a time.
PILOT Term. This PILOT Agreement shall become effective as of July 1, 2020 and continue through June 30, 2021. In addition therefore, this agreement shall automatically renew for additional terms of one (1) year each for a period of 25 consecutive yearly renewals unless either party gives written notice to the other of its intent not to renew the PILOT Agreement at the conclusion of its then current term.