USE BY CITY Sample Clauses

USE BY CITY. It is understood that all Consultant agreements and/or Work Orders for new work will include the provision for the re-use of plans and specifications, including construction drawings, at the City’s sole option, and by virtue of signing this agreement the Consultant agrees to such re-use in accordance with this provision without the necessity of further approvals, compensation, fees or documents being required and without recourse for such re-use. The Consultant will not be liable for re-use by the City of plans, documents, studies, or other data for any purpose other than that intended by the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
USE BY CITY. (1) Subject to TENANT's rights hereunder to possession of the Premises, CITY may grant licenses to, or otherwise authorize, other persons and entities permitting uses of the Morro Bay Harbor. (2) CITY also retains and reserves for itself, its successors and assigns, all oil, gas, petroleum and other mineral or hydrocarbon substances in and under the lands leased hereby together with right to prospect and extract all such substances.
USE BY CITYThe City will be entitled to use the Park two dates per calendar year for City events at no charge. City must submit a request for dates no later than May 1st of each year. Such use cannot conflict with MUSC’s game or events schedule.
USE BY CITYCity shall have priority use of the Athletic Fields and the Improvements during non-School Hours; provided however, that such use shall not interfere with the use of the Athletic Fields or Improvements for school purposes. In the event any conflicts in scheduling and use of the Athletic Fields arise, the needs of the School District to use the Athletic Fields and the Improvements for school purposes shall prevail.
USE BY CITY. LESSOR shall have the right to go upon the LEASED PREMISES at any time to inspect same, construct buildings thereon or make other improvements thereon. Further, the LESSOR shall have the right to construct roadways across any portion of the LEASED PREMISES.
USE BY CITY. It is understood that all Consultant Agreements and/or Work Orders for new work will include the provision for the re-use of surveys, maps, plans, specifications, and other Consultant work products, at the Omni CRA’s sole option, and, by virtue of signing this Agreement, the Consultant agrees to such re-use in accordance with this provision without the necessity of further approvals, compensation, fees or documents being required and without recourse for such re-use. The Consultant will not be liable for re-use by the Omni CRA of plans, documents, studies, or other data for any purpose other than that intended by the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
USE BY CITY. In addition to the rights of access reserved elsewhere herein, City may reasonably use and occupy the Baseball Facility at times and locations that do not interfere with functions previously scheduled or the normal operating hours for the Baseball Facility by [“Proposer/ Operator”]. City and [“Proposer/ Operator”] will cooperate in good faith and effort in scheduling these hours.
USE BY CITY. SRC agrees that the City may use the Premises when the same is not required for use by SRC, and such use by the City shall be consistent with the normal usage of said Premises. City agrees that in the event it uses the Premises, City will restore and/or contribute to the maintenance of the same consistent with its use thereof and will leave the Premises in substantially the same condition, reasonable wear and tear excepted. For purposes of this section, City use shall mean organized activities conducted or sponsored by the City and not occasional use of the premises by the general public. City is presently leasing a portion of the Premises to another for purposes of harvesting hay. SRC agrees that City may continue as the Lessor with regard to further hay leases until such time as SRC requires physical possession of the entire Premises for any reason consistent with this Agreement.
USE BY CITY. Upon reasonable notice to VENUWORKS, CITY shall be entitled to utilize the Facility, without rental cost, provided the event does not displace another already scheduled revenue generating event with a for profit client or promoter. CITY agrees that it will pay “hard” costs associated with its events.
USE BY CITYThe Club shall, on mutually agreed dates, reserve Club facilities for the use of the City. Food, beverage, and personnel costs, if any, shall be provided by the Club to the City “at direct cost” and exclusive of any overhead charges of any kind. Moneys received by the Club from these events will be exempted from Gross Receipts in determining the concession fee.