Planimetrics and Aerial Mapping. Planimetrics, Digital Terrain Modeling (DTM), and aerial photographs shall be furnished to the Engineer by the State, if available.
Planimetrics and Aerial Mapping. The Engineer shall obtain planimetrics, digital terrain modeling (DTM), and aerial photographs from the Owner, if available.
Planimetrics and Aerial Mapping. Planimetrics, Digital Terrain Modeling (DTM), and aerial photographs shall be furnished to the Engineer by the County, if available.
Planimetrics and Aerial Mapping. Planimetrics, Digital Terrain Modeling (DTM), shall be prepared by the Engineer. DocuSign Envelope ID: ED57FAE2-481A-4535-A126-CE7F0E526760 Using collected data and base maps, the Engineer shall develop an overall analysis of the existing conditions in order to develop the schematic design. The analysis shall include, but not be limited to the following:
Planimetrics and Aerial Mapping. Planimetrics, Digital Terrain Modeling (DTM), and aerial photographs shall be prepared by the Engineer. DocuSign Envelope ID: 719137B1-7E3D-42BC-8A29-9D6AE732CB6A
Planimetrics and Aerial Mapping. Regional Digital Ortho aerial photographs must be furnished to the Engineer by the State. The Engineer shall prepare the planimetrics, digital terrain model (DTM) and project level Digital Ortho aerial photographs through aerial mapping of the project corridor from 600 feet each side of centerline. Topographic surveys must be provided as necessary to supplement the aerial data. This may include but not limited to obscure areas, culvert/bridge details, mail boxes, signs etc.