Mail Boxes. The Union shall be allowed to place in mailboxes, if any, of unit employees, the same kind of information under the same conditions as in Section 6 above.
Mail Boxes. The Employer agrees to furnish the custodian a mailbox at each school.
Mail Boxes. The Association may use school mailboxes and bulletin board space designated by the superintendent. The District will not impinge upon the content of postings and mail box use unless these materials present a substantial threat to peaceful school operations.
Mail Boxes. Existing teacher mail boxes shall be available for use by registered teacher organizations. The privilege of using the mail boxes shall not be abused.
Mail Boxes. Individual mailboxes shall be provided for full-time and part-time academic employees except that no mailboxes is required for employees with whom the College conducts all affairs by United States mail. The Union may have access to campus mailboxes for the purpose of distributing Union business materials when such distribution is conducted by academic employees covered by this agreement. This is to facilitate communications between the employee organizations and is allowable pursuant to RCW.42.52.560.
Mail Boxes. The Association shall have the privilege of reasonably using interschool mail boxes provided that open materials, except meeting announcements, shall receive prior approval by the Superintendent or his designee. Closed mail materials, meaning those in sealed envelopes, shall not require such prior approval.
Mail Boxes. The Guild may use the College mail boxes to communicate with employees regarding lawful Guild business. The College shall provide a mail box to the Guild at each campus for which there is a site director or coordinator assigned. The Guild assumes full legal responsibility for the content of its communications, and xxxxxx agrees to hold the District harmless against any claims or liabilities arising out of such communications. Any such communications must be dated and bear the name of the responsible Guild officer.
Mail Boxes. The Association may use the employee mail boxes, physical or technological, for communication with teachers provided a copy of such communication is given to the Superintendent.
Mail Boxes. The Association shall have the right to use the staff mailboxes for communication with its members.