Pole Sample Clauses
Pole. The term “pole” refers to all SWBT poles subject to the Pole Attachment Act and the provisions of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 codified as 47 U.S.C. §§ 251(b)(4) and 271(c)(2)(B)(iii). Except as the context otherwise requires, the term “pole” refers only to poles (and associated anchors) which are owned or controlled by SWBT and does not include cables and other telecommunications equipment attached to pole structures.
Pole. The term Pole refers to both utility Poles and Anchors but only to those utility Poles and Anchors owned or controlled by AT&T, and does not include utility Poles or Anchors with respect to which AT&T has no legal authority to permit attachments by other persons or entities.
Pole. The term “pole” refers to poles (and associated anchors) which are owned or controlled by SBC- 13STATE and does not include cables and other telecommunications equipment attached to pole structures.
Pole. The term "pole" refers to both utility poles and anchors but only to those utility poles and anchors owned or controlled by BellSouth, and does not include utility poles or anchors with respect to which BellSouth has no legal authority to permit attachments by other persons or entities.
Pole. A Pole solely owned or jointly owned by the Licensor and used to support its facilities, the facilities of a joint user and/or Authorized Licensee.
Pole. 4.2.1. A pole satisfying the definition of paragraph 2.7. of this annex, and offset from any mounting surface, such as a barrier or other structure, so that the test vehicle will not contact such a mount or support at any time within 100 ms of the initiation of vehicle-to-pole contact.
Pole a pole or any type of structure owned by the District used for the distribution of electricity and/or Communications Service that is capable of supporting Attachments for Communications Facilities. Communications Facilities are not allowed on distribution Poles with switches.
Pole. A pole owned solely or in part by Verizon- Washington, DC with respect to which Verizon- Washington, DC has the right to authorize the Attachment of Licensee’s Facilities.
Pole. A wooden pole that provides support for aerial Attachments, including any Anchor used to support the Pole.
Pole. A pole owned solely or in part by VERIZON with respect to which VERIZON has the right to authorize the Attachment of Licensee’s Facilities.