Utility Services Company agrees to pay the full cost and expense associated with its use of all utilities, including but not limited to water, sanitary sewer, electric, storm drainage, and telecommunication services.
Utility Any service provided by an outside source or manufactured in-house that facilitates building operations (e.g., gas, water, electricity, fire suppression water, fire alarm systems).
Drainage Systems (1) Clear culvert inlets, outlets, and sediment catching basins. (2) Maintain waterbars, drainage dips, and other water diversion measures. (3) During active use, patrol and maintain functional drainage. (4) Repair damaged culvert ends.
Elevators Landlord shall provide passenger elevator service during normal business hours to Tenant in common with Landlord and all other tenants. Landlord shall provide limited passenger service at other times, except in case of an emergency.
Building With respect to each parcel of Real Estate, all of the buildings, structures and improvements now or hereafter located thereon. Business Day. Any day on which banking institutions located in the same city and State as the Agent’s Head Office are located are open for the transaction of banking business and, in the case of LIBOR Rate Loans, which also is a LIBOR Business Day.
Restrooms The restrooms, toilets, urinals, vanities and the other apparatus shall not be used for any purpose other than that for which they were constructed, and no foreign substance of any kind whatsoever shall be thrown therein. The expense of any breakage, stoppage or damage resulting from the violation of this rule shall be borne by the Tenant whom, or whose employees or invitees, shall have caused it.
Lighting A system of fixtures providing or controlling the light sources used on or near the airport or within the airport buildings. The field lighting includes all luminous signals, markers, floodlights, and illuminating devices used on or near the airport or to aid in the operation of aircraft landing at, taking off from, or taxiing on the airport surface.
Electrical Provide drawings for the following systems: .1 Lighting including circuiting and luminaire identification and switching. Also provide illuminance computer printout for all indoor typical indoor spaces and parking lots. .2 Convenience outlets and circuiting, special outlets and circuiting, television outlets, and power systems and equipment. Provide riser diagrams for all electrical systems including master clock, intercom, fire alarm, ITV, computer networking/telephone. Also, provide for emergency and normal power distribution. Provide luminaire schedule. .3 Panel schedule may be in preliminary form but circuitry must be included. .4 Applicable installation details. .5 General legend and list of abbreviations. .6 Voltage drop computation for all main feeders. .7 Short circuit analysis .8 Provide 1/2" scale floor plan and wall elevations for all electrical rooms.
Electrical Equipment Residents must use only CSA, UL-approved or Canadian-certified electrical equipment; the rated wattage of light fixtures must never be exceeded; and only replacement bulbs supplied by Waterloo maintenance staff may be used. Do not leave any unattended electrical equipment turned on (i.e. hair straighteners, lights etc.)
Heating The Hirer shall ensure that no unauthorised heating appliances shall be used on the premises when open to the public without the consent of the management committee. Portable Liquefied Propane Gas (LPG) heating appliances shall not be used.