POSTING PROMOTIONAL AND EXTRA PAY VACANCIES. All openings for principals, supervisors, coordinators, divisionals, and directors or extra-compensation positions shall be posted by the Superintendent or his/her designee. These notices shall be posted in the offices and faculty rooms of all buildings. These notices will include the job description, effective date of vacancy, kind of certificate necessary, information concerning the securing and deadline for filing of the application, and for promotional positions the time and place of the interview.
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  • VACANCIES, PROMOTIONS AND TRANSFERS A. Whenever a teacher is interested in being considered for assignment to any professional position in the district, he/she shall file written notice of his/her interest to the Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources. The Board declares its intention to give full consideration to present staff members in all vacancies in which they have expressed an interest. 1. It is agreed that any vacancy occurring during the current school year shall only be filled on a temporary basis for the remainder of that school year. By May 1 of each year, a list of all vacancies shall be posted in a designated area in each administrative unit. Any teacher with proper qualifications may, within seven (7) calendar days of May 1 and all subsequent postings until August 1 of each year, apply for and shall be granted an interview before such vacancy is filled, with the exception of when reductions in grade levels/subject areas occur in a building allowing first right of refusal to displaced staff for any open positions in his/her individual building. Vacant positions will be posted for three (3) work days after August 1 and prior to the first reported student instructional day of each year. 2. Any teacher requesting transfer between administrative units shall notify the Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources by April 30 for transfer in the subsequent year. Involuntary transfers within a building will occur prior to extending consideration to voluntary transfer requests. Before vacancies are filled, the qualifications of each teacher who has requested transfer shall be reviewed. 3. It is agreed that any teacher making written request to be assigned a position whose FTE is less than their current assignment has no guarantee of a future increase in FTE except as provided by the process defined elsewhere in this Article. 4. A vacancy shall be defined for purposes of this contract as a position presently unfilled, one to be open in the future or a new position, and which has no teacher on leave of absence or layoff status with the claim to the position. B. Since the frequent transfer of teachers from one school and/or grade level to another is disruptive to the educational process and interferes with optimum teacher performance, the parties agree that unrequested transfers of teachers are to be minimized.

  • VACANCIES AND PROMOTIONS 10.1 All openings for instructional and administrative positions shall be posted on the District website. Notice of these vacancies shall be posted at least five (5) work days prior to the filling of such vacancy. Vacancies which occur during June, July, and August shall be posted for only four (4) work days. Vacancies that occur within one week of the beginning of school, within one week after the Deputy Superintendent’s FTE mini-count, or during the school year due to a resignation or approved transfer, may be filled prior to the job closing if a qualified applicant is available. Agreement between the Superintendent and the ABCE President will be necessary for this to occur. Vacancies that occur in “Critical Shortage Areas” shall be advertised in accordance with the contract but may be filled prior to the job closing, with an available, certified and qualified applicant. Agreement between the Superintendent and the ABCE President will be necessary for this to occur. 10.2 All openings for supplements listed in Appendix D or other extra-compensated positions will be posted within that school on the ABCE bulletin board and via email to all current staff at that school site where the opening occurs at least five (5) work days prior to filling such vacancy. If no one is chosen from that school, then the vacancy will be advertised county wide for an additional five (5) work days. 10.3 If positions are not properly advertised within the provisions of Article X, the Association may file a grievance at Step 2 of the grievance provision. 10.4 Applicants selected for interviews shall be from the pool of certified and qualified applicants only. Certified: Hold a valid in-field Florida temporary or professional certificate that matches the certification(s) required for the position being advertised. Qualified: Anyone using the High Objective Uniform State Standard of Evaluation (HOUSSE) plan to qualify must meet the criteria outlined in School Board policy and match the certification required for the position being advertised. Alternately, state-certified teachers may also be required to "qualify" for positions by holding additional endorsements such as ESOL, Reading, and Gifted. Exception: Applicants applying for positions that require district-granted CTE certification (non-transferable) need not hold that certification prior to being selected for an interview but must meet the minimum criteria outlined in the district's Process for Granting District CTE Certificates.

  • Vendor Encouraging Members to bypass TIPS agreement Encouraging entities to purchase directly from the Vendor or through another agreement, when the Member has requested using the TIPS cooperative Agreement or price, and thereby bypassing the TIPS Agreement is a violation of the terms and conditions of this Agreement and will result in removal of the Vendor from the TIPS Program.

  • VACANCIES, TRANSFERS AND PROMOTIONS A. As it relates to individual employees who are not regulated by the Teacher Tenure Act, a vacancy is defined as a newly created position or a current position in the bargaining unit which the Board intends to fill which has become open due to death, reassignment, retirement, resignation or dismissal of an employee. Such positions will not be posted until all teachers are assigned. 1. The above vacancies shall be posted online and via school email to all staff. 2. Positions as described above shall be posted at least ten (10) business days prior to being permanently filled, unless the vacancy occurs and is posted within ten (10) business days of the first official teacher work day of the school year. In that case, the posting period will be five (5) business days. 3. Any employee may apply for such positions by submitting a written letter to the Superintendent's Office. 4. After the last instructional day of the year, the Board shall post vacancies at the Superintendent’s Office. An employee with a request for a transfer on file under D. below or who has requested summer vacancy notices under C. below will be notified. B. As it relates to individual employees who are not regulated by the Teacher Tenure Act, an employee desiring to learn of position vacancies that occur during the summer shall leave self-addressed, stamped envelopes in the Personnel Office. Application for and filling of such summer vacancies shall follow the procedures in B. above. C. As it relates to individual employees who are not regulated by the Teacher Tenure Act, a request by an employee for transfer to a different building or position may be made at any time. Such request shall be made in writing to the Personnel Office with a copy to the Association President. The application shall set forth the school, grade or position sought, and the applicant's qualifications. Such request shall be reviewed twice each year to assure active consideration by the Board. In the event an employee is granted a transfer, the record of the transfer and any pertinent information related to the transfer shall be placed into the employee’s personnel file. No employee will be discriminated against because of a request to transfer.

  • Posting of Vacancies Vacancies occurring during the school year may be temporarily filled to avoid undue disruption of the educational program. The procedures in this section will be followed for filling vacancies for a subsequent school year. A notice setting forth information that accurately describes the vacancy shall be posted electronically. Except in cases of emergency, the vacancy will not be filled until seven (7) calendar days have elapsed since delivery and posting of the notice as set forth above has occurred. Where specific training, experience, and other qualifications are a prerequisite for anyone to fill the vacancy, such requirement shall be set forth in the notice. Reassignments within a school building may occur prior to posting a vacancy. The Association president or designee is concurrently given written notice of any such reassignment. Consequently, a retirement, resignation, addition at a grade level or mid-year staffing could result in a notice of vacancy that differs from the original opening within the building. When a bargaining unit member with interest in a particular potential vacancy provides the Superintendent or designee in writing prior to the last bargaining unit member attendance day of the school year with contact information, such as e-mail address, street address and phone number, the Administration shall notify the bargaining unit member of any vacancy occurring during the summer in which the bargaining unit member has expressed an interest. A bargaining unit member so notified shall be responsible to contact the Administration within seven (7) calendar days following a good faith effort to give the bargaining unit member notice, should the bargaining unit member elect to apply for the vacancy. If the District offers a summer school or other extended school year program, notice of all vacancies for the program shall be published in the manner provided for herein and shall not be filled until seven (7) calendar days have elapsed. Compensation shall be in accordance with the Agreement. When Schedule B vacancies occur, the following procedures will be followed: 1. Principals shall email all Schedule B vacancies to all bargaining unit members in their school building and allow bargaining unit members a period of seven (7) calendar days to express written interest in the vacancy. In the event no qualified bargaining unit member expresses written interest during the seven (7) calendar days, a District-wide posting, consistent with the procedure set forth in Section and Section 9.8.10 shall occur for an additional seven (7) calendar days. 2. The Association president or designee shall be copied on all Schedule B vacancy emails within a building. All bargaining unit member’s written interest shall be acknowledged in writing by the appropriate administrator. 3. Principals shall annually reopen Schedule B positions which are currently filled by non- bargaining unit members to all bargaining unit members in their school building for seven (7) calendar days before the end of the school year. 4. Vacancies occurring during the school year may be temporarily filled to avoid undue disruption of the educational program. 5. Preference shall be given to a bargaining unit member over a non-bargaining unit member when both are equally qualified. In order to afford elementary bargaining unit members the opportunity to perform extra tasks such as ticket-taking, such semester or seasonal jobs will first be emailed to bargaining unit members within a building and if not filled, will then be posted on the District website for all bargaining unit members before such work is offered to non-bargaining unit staff or persons not employed by the District.

  • PROMOTIONS AND VACANCIES 3.1 The Employer will determine when a position will be filled, the type of appointment to be used when filling the position, and the skills and abilities necessary to perform the duties of the specific position within a job classification that is being filled. Only those candidates who have the position-specific skills and abilities required to perform the duties of the vacant position will be referred for further consideration by the employing agency. 3.2 An agency’s internal layoff list will consist of employees who have elected to place their name on the layoff list through Article 35, Layoff and Recall, of this Agreement and are confined to each individual agency. 3.3 The statewide layoff list will consist of employees who have elected to place their name on the statewide layoff list in accordance with WAC 000-00-000. 3.4 A promotional candidate is defined as an employee who has completed the probationary period within a permanent appointment and has attained permanent status within the agency. 3.5 A transfer candidate is defined as an employee in permanent status in the same classification as the vacancy within the agency. 3.6 A voluntary demotion candidate is defined as an employee in permanent status moving to a class in a lower salary range maximum within the agency. 3.7 When filling a vacant position with a permanent appointment, candidates will be certified for further consideration in the following manner: A. The most senior candidate on the agency’s internal layoff list with the required skills and abilities who has indicated an appropriate geographic availability will be appointed to the position. B. If there are no names on the internal layoff list, the agency will certify up to twenty (20) candidates for further consideration. Up to seventy-five percent (75%) of those candidates will be statewide layoff, agency promotional, internal transfers, and agency voluntary demotions. All candidates certified must have the position-specific skills and abilities to perform the duties of the position to be filled. If there is a tie for the last position on the certification for either promotional or other candidates, the agency may consider up to ten (10) additional tied candidates. The agency may supplement the certification with additional tied candidates and replace other candidates who waive consideration with like candidates from the original pool. C. Employees in the General Government Transition Pool Program who have the skills and abilities to perform the duties of the vacant position may be considered along with all other candidates who have the skills and abilities to perform the duties of the position. D. If the certified candidate pool does not contain at least three (3) affirmative action candidates, the agency may add up to three (3) affirmative action candidates to the names certified for the position. When recruiting for multiple positions, the agency may add an additional five (5) agency candidates and five (5) other candidates to the certified list for each additional position.

  • Particular Methods of Procurement of Consultants’ Services 1. Quality- and Cost-based Selection. Except as otherwise provided in paragraph 2 below, consultants’ services shall be procured under contracts awarded on the basis of Quality and Cost-based Selection.

  • Posting Vacancies 1. When a vacancy occurs the position shall be posted within ten (10) calendar days of the vacancy and filled within twenty (20) working days of the effective date, providing a qualified candidate has been identified. 2. A job vacancy will be posted and circulated listing the requirements of the position, classification, location, number of hours, starting date and qualifications; vacancies will be posted for a period of five (5) working days. 3. If a position becomes vacant during the summer months when school is not in session, the Board shall post for a period of ten (10) calendar days. Notice will be given to all bargaining union members who have, before leaving employment in June, filed with the Human Resource Department written notice of his/her interest in receiving announcements together with an email address or U.S. Mail address to which the announcement should be sent. All postings will also be U.S. mailed to any member on the layoff list to their address on record. Employees are responsible for notifying the Human Resources Department of any change of address. 4. Employees interested in the vacancy and having on file the posted qualifications for the vacancy may apply in writing to the Human Resource Office within the posting period. Evidence that the Employee possesses the posted qualifications shall be on file in the Human Resource Office at the time of application. Testing may not be required for an applicant who currently holds a position within the bargaining unit. 5. Job vacancies within the bargaining unit will be filled on the basis of interview, demonstrated work performance, qualifications (including factors such as, but not limited to. Background, punctuality, efficiency, team oriented, ability to perform duties and possess skills and/or experience listed in the job description) and seniority. The Superintendent or designee shall select the most qualified member. 6. A Probationary Employee may apply for a posted position to be considered along with external applicants. However, the bid will be considered only when a Status Employee has not received the position. If the Probationary Employee wins a position, such Employee must serve a Probationary Period for sixty (60) days worked in the new position. 7. The Union shall be notified of all bargaining unit applicants for the position. The selected candidate for a position must make her/his decision to accept the position by 12:00 noon of the next working day following the telephone notification of the offer of the position by contacting the Human Resources Office in writing. This will constitute acceptance of the position. Failure to contact the Human Resources Office in writing will constitute non-acceptance of the position. After acceptance of the position, an Employee shall not be allowed to bid for another position from the date of acceptance of the position until the completion of her/his Trial Period, unless mutually agreed and shall then be considered along with external applicants with seniority not a factor in selection. 8. Should the position which the Employee has successfully bid for and accepted be a higher classification and Management deems it necessary to retain the Employee in her present position for an extended period of time, the Employee shall receive the higher rate of pay beginning the 11th working day from the date at which the new position was made available. 9. Those Employees who apply for such open positions as posted will be notified, in writing, by the Human Resource Office within three (3) working days when a decision has been made. The employee shall have the opportunity, upon written request, to learn why she/he did not receive the position. The response shall be in writing if requested by the employee.

  • MEMBERS OF DIPLOMATIC MISSIONS AND CONSULAR POSTS Nothing in this Agreement shall affect the fiscal privileges of members of diplomatic missions or consular posts under the general rules of international law or under the provisions of special agreements.

  • Selection Based on Consultants’ Qualifications Services estimated to cost less than $100,000 equivalent per contract may be procured under contracts awarded in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs 3.1, 3.7 and 3.8 of the Consultant Guidelines.

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