PREPARATION OF TENDER. “Single Stage Two Envelope Basis”  The BID (Tender) submitted shall comprise of a single package containing two sealed envelopes, each envelope shall be marked and will contain “TECHNICAL” and “FINANCIAL” proposal.  On the given tender opening date only “Technical Proposal” will be opened in the presence of tenderers available.
PREPARATION OF TENDER. “Single Stage Two Envelope Basis” The BID (Tender) submitted shall comprise of a single package containing two sealed envelopes, each envelope shall be marked and will contain “TECHNICAL” and “FINANCIAL” proposal. On the given tender opening date only “Technical Proposal” will be opened in the presence of tenderers available. The “Financial Proposal” shall be shown to the parties but will be retained with PIA without being opened. After Technical Evaluation of the received Technical Proposals, Financial Proposals will be opened publicly at the date, time & venue to be announced and will be communicated to the bidders in advance. PIA will open the “Financial Proposals” publicly of the parties whose Technical Proposals have been found acceptable. Financial Proposals of the technically not-acceptable bids shall be remained un- opened till the completion of tender process.
PREPARATION OF TENDER. The Tender form containing the Terms and Conditions and the Schedule should be returned in original, intact, after filling up the form and signed in full on each page, whether you are quoting for any item or not, failing which the tender will be liable for rejection. If any item in the schedule is not being tendered for, the corresponding space against the item should be defaced by some such words as ‘not quoting’.
PREPARATION OF TENDER. Tender Form complete in all respect numbered, signed with stamp of the firm on each page including all the pages of the tender document with the terms and conditions along with EMD should be dropped in the tender box kept in chamber of Assistant Director Administration ESIC Super specality Hospital Sanathnagar Hyderabad up to 1 pm on - 28.05.2015-.The tender will be opened at 2.30 pm on the 28.05.2015. If date of submission of tender is declared a holiday, tender will be opened on the next working day at the same time. Xxxxxx received late will not be entertained. Tenderer/ authorised representative may attend the tender opening process. Telegraphic/telex/fax/email/conditional/incomplete tenders will not be entertained and shall be rejected out rightly If any item in the schedule is not being tendered for, the corresponding space against the item should be defaced by writing ‘not quoting’. Quotations with vague and indefinite expressions such as ‘subject to immediate acceptance’; ‘subject to prior sale’ etc. will not be considered The rates should be quoted in figures as well as in words without any overwriting/cutting / erasing. In case there is any over writing/erasing/cutting and any discrepancy in rates in words and figures the item will not be considered. Tenderer must quote the rates strictly as per list of items attached with the tender form mentioning the serial no. of item and category.
PREPARATION OF TENDER. In preparing the Tender, the Supplier is expected to examine in detail the product specification and align offers to the required standard. Material deficiencies in providing the information requested in the RFT may result in rejection of the Tender.
PREPARATION OF TENDER. 7.1 To participate, Tenderers are required to submit by the 16 January 2012 an e mail expressing their intention to submit a tender along with the contact details of the lead person to receive any responses to clarification questions, amendments or modifications to this Invitation to Tender. Failure to submit an intention to submit a tender will result in automatic disqualification and UK Sport will not consider the tender submitted. 7.2 Information contained in the Contract Documents listed in 2.1 is intended as guidance for the preparation of tenders and is as accurate as UK Sport can reasonably determine. However no guarantee of its accuracy can be given by UK Sport. Tenderers must satisfy themselves through their own investigations, of the accuracy of any information provided. 7.3 It is the responsibility of Tenderers to obtain for themselves at their own expense any additional information necessary for the preparation of their Tender submissions. 7.4 All information supplied by UK Sport in connection with this Invitation to Tender shall be treated as confidential by the Tenderer, except where, as determined by UK Sport, such information may be disclosed:- 7.4.1 by the Tenderer in so far as it is necessary for the preparation, submission and evaluation of Tenders; and/or 7.4.2 by UK Sport in exercising its rights, powers, duties and obligations in relation to the exercise of its functions and to facilitate public access to information.


  • Evaluation of Tenders 33.1 The Procuring Entity shall use the criteria and methodologies listed in this ITT and Section III, Evaluation and Qualification criteria. No other evaluation criteria or methodologies shall be permitted. By applying the criteria and methodologies, the Procuring Entity shall determine the Lowest Evaluated Tender. This is the Tender of the Tenderer that meets the qualification criteria and whose Tender has been determined to be: a) substantially responsive to the tender documents; and b) the lowest evaluated price. 33.2 Price evaluation will be done for Items or Lots (contracts), as specified in the TDS; and the Tender Price as quoted in accordance with ITT 14. To evaluate a Tender, the Procuring Entity shall consider the following: a) price adjustment due to unconditional discounts offered in accordance with ITT 13.4; b) converting the amount resulting from applying (a) and (b) above, if relevant, to a single currency in accordance with ITT 31; c) price adjustment due to quantifiable nonmaterial non-conformities in accordance with ITT 29.3; and d) any additional evaluation factors specified in the TDS and Section III, Evaluation and Qualification Criteria. 33.3 The estimated effect of the price adjustment provisions of the Conditions of Contract, applied over the period of execution of the Contract, shall not be considered in Tender evaluation. 33.4 Where the tender involves multiple lots or contracts, the tenderer will be allowed to tender for one or more lots (contracts). Each lot or contract will be evaluated in accordance with ITT 33.

  • PREPARATION OF BIDS 12 LANGUAGE OF BID 12.1 The bid prepared by the bidder and all correspondences and documents relating to the bid exchanged by the bidder and the Employer shall be written in the English Language. Supporting documents and printed literature furnished by the bidder may be in another language provided they are accompanied by an appropriate translation of pertinent passages in the above stated language. For the purpose of interpretation of the bid, the English language shall prevail.