Joint Committees 1101 Release Time (a) Basic pay or equivalent time off, with a minimum of one (1) hour guaranteed to nurses who are not on duty, will be granted to nurses appointed by the Union to attend meetings of the Union Management Committee and any other Facility joint committee to which the Union is required to appoint representatives. (b) All reasonable efforts will be made to relieve a nurse who is appointed to attend meetings of the Union Management Committee, Nursing Advisory Committee or any other facility joint committee to which the Union is required to appoint representatives, without loss of salary or benefits. This clause is applicable when the meeting(s) occurs during hours the nurse is otherwise scheduled to work. 1102 Union Management Committee The Employer and the Union agree to establish and maintain a Union Management Committee consisting of not less than two (2) persons appointed by each of the parties. Management representatives shall include the Administrator and/or Director of Nursing; Union representatives shall include the President and/or Vice-President of the Local. Appointments shall be made for a term of one (1) year but without limit on the number of consecutive terms a member may serve. The Committee shall meet at the request of either party subject to five (5) days notice being given but not less than bi-monthly unless otherwise mutually agreed. The purpose of the Committee shall be to discuss/study/make recommendations to the Employer and the Union regarding matters of mutual concern. 1103 Nursing Advisory Committee
Delegation; Committees The Trustees shall have the power, consistent with their continuing exclusive authority over the management of the Trust and the Trust Property, to delegate from time to time to such of their number or to officers, employees or agents of the Trust the doing of such things, including any matters set forth in this Declaration, and the execution of such instruments either in the name of the Trust or the names of the Trustees or otherwise as the Trustees may deem expedient. The Trustees may designate one or more committees which shall have all or such lesser portion of the authority of the entire Board of Trustees as the Trustees shall determine from time to time except to the extent action by the entire Board of Trustees or particular Trustees is required by the 1940 Act.
Committees The Parties agree on establishing Committees in the following matters: (a) Trade in Goods; (b) Trade in Services; (c) Investment; (d) Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures; (e) Technical Barriers to Trade; (f) Trade Facilitation; (g) Rules of Origin; and (h) Cooperation, including Intellectual Property. 2. The Free Trade Commission may create additional Committees, if needed. The Committees on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures, Technical Barriers to Trade and Rules of Origin shall coordinate their tasks with those of the Committee on Trade in Goods.
Advisory Committees The Board may appoint Advisory Committees to review design review applications, or provide input on other issues of concern to the Board or the Commission. These Advisory Committees include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following: 1. Cameron Park Design Review Committee 2. El Dorado Hills Design Review Committee 3. Xxxxxxx Pines Design Review Committee 4. The County’s Economic Development Advisory Committee (“EDAC”)
Board Committees The Director hereby agrees to sit in the relevant committees of the Board and to perform all of the duties, services and responsibilities necessary thereunder.
Sub-Committees 15.1 The Joint Committee shall establish the membership and terms of reference for any sub-committees or sub-groups which it establishes and may dissolve such sub-committees or sub-groups. Sub-committees to which the Joint Committee delegates functions are bound by the provisions of this Agreement regulating the taking of decisions by the Joint Committee. The Joint Committee may create additional sub-committees from time to time as it sees fit.
Development Committee Arcadia and Xxxxxx shall establish a development committee (the “Development Committee”) comprised of no more than three (3) representatives of each of Arcadia and Xxxxxx. The Development Committee shall be chaired by a member thereof designated from time to time by Arcadia. The Development Committee shall oversee the Research Plan, Milestones and development and production of plants and microorganisms that produce Transgenic Oil in accordance with the Research Plan. The Development Committee may revise the Research Plan and the Milestones as deemed necessary and appropriate by unanimous written consent of all members. Meetings of the Development Committee shall be at least biannual and at such times and places or in such form (e.g., in person, telephonic or video conference) as the members of the Development Committee shall determine. Representatives of both Parties shall be present at any meeting of the Development Committee. Decisions of the Development Committee shall be made by a written consent signed by all six (6) members thereof. The Development Committee shall keep minutes of its deliberations setting forth, among other matters, all proposed actions and all votes thereon. All records of the Development Committee shall at all times be available to both Parties. The Development Committee by unanimous consent may delegate to one Party or to a specific representative the authority to make certain decisions. The Development Committee may revoke such authority by the written consent of four members. All disagreements within the Development Committee shall be subject to the following: (i) The members of the committee will endeavor in good faith for a period of not more than ninety (90) days to attempt to resolve the disagreement; (ii) If the members of the committee are unable to resolve the disagreement by the end of such period, the committee shall promptly present the disagreement to the President of Xxxx Products Division and the President of Arcadia or their respective designees, and the two executives shall endeavor to resolve the disagreement for a period of not more than thirty (30) days; (iii) If the two executives are unable to resolve this disagreement, the disagreement shall be submitted for ADR as provided in Section 12(a).
Review Committee The Board representatives agree to have meetings during the school year with the West Branch- Rose City Education Association to discuss problems that may or may not be covered by the provisions of this Agreement; said meetings and problems pertaining to the West Branch-Rose City Area Schools must have a reasonable advance notice and tentative agenda.
Standing Committees (a) The Board may appoint an Executive Committee, an Audit Committee and a Compensation Committee, consisting of such number of members as the Board may designate, consistent with the Articles, these Bylaws and the laws of the State of Nevada. (b) The Executive Committee shall have and may exercise, when the Board is not in session, all of the powers of the Board in the management of the business and affairs of the Corporation, but the Executive Committee shall not have the power to fill vacancies on the Board, to change the membership of or to fill vacancies in the Executive Committee or any other Committee of the Board, to adopt, amend or repeal these Bylaws or to declare dividends or other distributions. (c) The Audit Committee shall select and engage, on behalf of the Corporation and subject to the consent of the stockholders, and fix the compensation of, a firm of certified public accountants. It shall be the duty of the firm of certified public accountants, which firm shall report to the Audit Committee, to audit the books and accounts of the Corporation and its consolidated subsidiaries. The Audit Committee shall confer with the auditors to determine, and from time to time shall report to the Board upon, the scope of the auditing of the books and accounts of the Corporation and its consolidated subsidiaries. If required by Nevada or federal laws, rules or regulations, or by the rules or regulations of any exchange on which the Corporation's shares shall be listed, the Board shall approve a charter for the Audit Committee and the Audit Committee shall comply with such charter in the performance of its duties. (d) The Compensation Committee shall establish a general compensation policy for the Corporation's directors and elected officers and shall have responsibility for approving the compensation of the Corporation's directors, elected officers and any other senior officers determined by the Compensation Committee. The Compensation Committee shall have all of the powers of administration granted to the Compensation Committee under the Corporation's non-qualified employee benefit plans, including any stock incentive plans, long-term incentive plans, bonus plans, retirement plans, deferred compensation plans, stock purchase plans and medical, dental and insurance plans. In connection therewith, the Compensation Committee shall determine, subject to the provisions of such plans, the directors, officers and employees of the Corporation eligible to participate in any of the plans, the extent of such participation and the terms and conditions under which benefits may be vested, received or exercised. The Compensation Committee may delegate any or all of its powers of administration under any or all of the Corporation's non-qualified employee benefit plans to any committee or entity appointed by the Compensation Committee. If required by any Nevada or federal laws, rules or regulations, or by the rules or regulations of any exchange on which the Corporation's shares shall be listed, the Board shall approve a charter for the Compensation Committee and the Compensation Committee shall comply with such charter in the performance of its duties.
Joint Committee 10.1 The Councils shall form the joint committee ("Joint Committee") for the purpose of overseeing and co-ordinating the discharge of the Councils' obligations in relation to the City Deal and to carry out the functions set out in Schedule 2 (Joint Committee Terms of Reference) and the Joint Committee shall be known as the "Cardiff Capital Region Joint Cabinet", "Joint Cabinet" or "Regional Cabinet" (as the context requires). 10.2 The Joint Committee may carry out such other functions as the Councils determine from time to time and approve as a "Matter Reserved To The Councils". 10.3 The Joint Committee shall not have power to approve any "Matter Reserved To The Councils" pursuant of Clause 9.1.3 ("Matter Reserved To The Councils"). 10.4 Each Council shall appoint one (1) elected member representative to the Joint Committee. The Chairperson of the Joint Committee shall be an elected member representative of a Council appointed to the Joint Committee and shall rotate amongst the Councils on an annual basis. 10.5 Each Council shall be entitled from time to time to appoint a deputy for its representative but such deputy (in each case) shall only be entitled to attend meetings of the Joint Committee in the absence of his or her corresponding principal. 10.6 Each Council shall be entitled to invite appropriate third parties to observe Joint Committee Meetings and such third parties shall be entitled to take part in such Joint Committee Meetings at the discretion of the Chairperson of the Joint Committee. Such observers shall not have a vote. 10.7 The Regional Programme Director shall attend the Joint Committee meetings but shall not have the right to vote on any Joint Committee Matters. 10.8 Each Council may, at their discretion, replace their representatives (and their respective deputies) appointed to the Joint Committee, provided that:- 10.8.1 at all times, they have representatives appointed to the Joint Committee in accordance with the roles identified in Schedule 2 (Joint Committee Terms of Reference); and 10.8.2 any such replacement shall have no lesser status or authority than that set out in Schedule 2 (Joint Committee Terms of Reference) unless otherwise agreed by the Councils. 10.9 The Joint Committee shall meet on at least a quarterly basis during the second Accounting Period and thereafter as and when required in accordance with the timetable for the City Deal and, in any event, at appropriate times and on reasonable notice (to be issued through the Regional Programme Director) to carry out the Joint Committee Matters referred to in Schedule 1 (Delegations Policy) and in carrying out such activities. 10.10 The Regional Programme Director shall circulate a meeting agenda and any relevant information wherever possible at least five (5) Business Days prior to the Joint Committee meeting and any representative may add to the meeting agenda (i) prior to the Joint Committee meeting by written request to the Regional Programme Director and/or (ii) by request to the Chairperson at the start of the Joint Committee meeting. 10.11 The quorum necessary for a Joint Committee meeting shall be an elected member or appropriate deputy appointed pursuant to Clause 10.5 (Joint Committee) from at least seven (7) of the Councils at the relevant time. 10.12 At meetings of the Joint Committee each elected member or appropriate deputy appointed pursuant to Clause 10.5 (Joint Committee) above from each Council shall have one vote. The Chairperson shall be granted a casting vote provided always that the Councils agree and acknowledge that the Chairperson shall not under any circumstances exercise such casting vote. Decisions at meetings of the Joint Committee will be taken by a majority vote of a quorate meeting. The Regional Programme Director shall not have a vote. 10.13 If, at a meeting of the Joint Committee, a matter is not determined pursuant to Clause 10.12 above, that matter ("JC Unresolved Matter") shall be deferred for consideration at the next Joint Committee meeting which shall be convened within ten (10) Business Days of that meeting. If at the reconvened Joint Committee meeting the JC Unresolved Matter is not determined, the JC Unresolved Matter shall become a "Matter Reserved To The Councils" and shall be deferred for consideration by each Council. Each Council shall each use its reasonable endeavours to convene a full Council meeting of its councillors as soon as reasonably practicable and in any event within three (3) weeks of the Joint Committee Meeting. Where a JC Unresolved Matter is referred to each Council as a "Matter Reserved to each Council" and is not approved unanimously by each Council, the JC Unresolved Matter shall not be agreed and shall not be implemented by the Joint Committee. 10.14 Each Council shall provide all information reasonably required upon request by the Joint Committee to the Regional Programme Director and shall comply with any decisions of the Joint Committee to request such information. 10.15 Each Council shall consult with the other Councils to ensure the diligent progress of the day to day matters relating to the discharge of the Councils' obligations in relation to the City Deal. 10.16 Where a Council wishes to provide any information and/or serve a notice or demand on the Joint Committee, this should be served on the Regional Programme Director in accordance with Clause 23.3 (Notices). The Regional Programme Director shall keep a record of all information, notices and demands received and shall update each representative promptly. 10.17 The Councils agree and acknowledge that the Joint Committee shall adopt the Accountable Body's prevailing contract standing orders, financial procedure rules, codes of conduct and such other applicable policies and procedures for and behalf of the Councils in the discharge of its obligations under this Agreement.