Joint Committee Sample Clauses

Joint Committee. 10.1 The Councils shall form the joint committee ("Joint Committee") for the purpose of overseeing and co-ordinating the discharge of the Councils' obligations in relation to the City Deal and to carry out the functions set out in Schedule 2 (Joint Committee Terms of Reference) and the Joint Committee shall be known as the "Cardiff Capital Region Joint Cabinet", "Joint Cabinet" or "Regional Cabinet" (as the context requires). 10.2 The Joint Committee may carry out such other functions as the Councils determine from time to time and approve as a "Matter Reserved To The Councils". 10.3 The Joint Committee shall not have power to approve any "Matter Reserved To The Councils" pursuant of Clause 9.1.3 ("Matter Reserved To The Councils"). 10.4 Each Council shall appoint one (1) elected member representative to the Joint Committee. The Chairperson of the Joint Committee shall be an elected member representative of a Council appointed to the Joint Committee and shall rotate amongst the Councils on an annual basis. 10.5 Each Council shall be entitled from time to time to appoint a deputy for its representative but such deputy (in each case) shall only be entitled to attend meetings of the Joint Committee in the absence of his or her corresponding principal. 10.6 Each Council shall be entitled to invite appropriate third parties to observe Joint Committee Meetings and such third parties shall be entitled to take part in such Joint Committee Meetings at the discretion of the Chairperson of the Joint Committee. Such observers shall not have a vote. 10.7 The Regional Programme Director shall attend the Joint Committee meetings but shall not have the right to vote on any Joint Committee Matters. 10.8 Each Council may, at their discretion, replace their representatives (and their respective deputies) appointed to the Joint Committee, provided that:- 10.8.1 at all times, they have representatives appointed to the Joint Committee in accordance with the roles identified in Schedule 2 (Joint Committee Terms of Reference); and 10.8.2 any such replacement shall have no lesser status or authority than that set out in Schedule 2 (Joint Committee Terms of Reference) unless otherwise agreed by the Councils. 10.9 The Joint Committee shall meet on at least a quarterly basis during the second Accounting Period and thereafter as and when required in accordance with the timetable for the City Deal and, in any event, at appropriate times and on reasonable notice (to be issued through th...
Joint Committee. 1. A Joint Committee shall be established under this Agreement. 2. The functions of the Joint Committee shall be: (a) reviewing and monitoring the implementation andoperation of this Agreement; (b) considering and recommending to the Parties anyamendments to this Agreement; (c) supervising and coordinating the work of allSub-Committees established under this Agreement; (d) adopting: (i) the Implementing Regulations referred to in Part2 of Annex 1 and Rule 11 of Annex 3; and (ii) any necessary decisions; and (e) carrying out other functions as the Parties may agree.
Joint Committee. 1. The Contracting Parties shall establish a Joint Committee (hereinafter referred to as "the Committee") with a view to accomplishing the objectives of this Agreement. The functions of the Committee shall be: (a) to discuss and review the implementation and operation of this Agreement; (b) to review the non-conforming measures maintained, amended or modified pursuant to paragraph 1 of Article 7 for the purpose of contributing to the reduction or elimination of such non-conforming measures; (c) to discuss the non-conforming measures adopted or maintained pursuant to paragraph 2 of Article 7 for the purpose of encouraging favourable conditions for investors of the Contracting Parties; (d) to exchange information on and to discuss investment-related matters within the scope of this Agreement which relate to improvement of investment environment; and (e) to discuss any other investment-related matters concerning this Agreement. 2. The Committee may, as necessary, make appropriate recommendations by consensus to the Contracting Parties for the more effective functioning or the attainment of the objectives of this Agreement. 3. The Committee shall be composed of representatives of the Contracting Parties. The Committee may, upon mutual consent of the Contracting Parties, invite representatives of relevant entities other than the governments of the Contracting Parties with the necessary expertise relevant to the issues to be discussed, and hold joint meetings with the private sectors. 4. The Committee shall determine its own rules of procedure to carry out its functions. 5. The Committee may establish sub-committees and delegate specific tasks to such sub-committees. 6. The Committee shall meet upon the request of either Contracting Party.
Joint Committee. At either party's request, a Joint Committee shall be set up to deal with such matters of mutual concern as may arise from time to time in the operation of the Employer.
Joint Committee. The Joint Committee established pursuant to Article 20, Section 3, of the National Master Freight Agreement shall have the authority to request, and the Trustees of the various Pension and Health and Welfare Funds shall cooperate in the preparation, release and submission to such Joint Committee, all information such committee may from time to time request as it may in its sole discretion deem necessary to carry on the work of such Joint Committee.
Joint Committee. 1. The Parties hereby establish the Joint Committee Colombia-EFTA comprising representatives of each Party. The Parties shall be represented by cabinet-level representatives or senior officials delegated by them for this purpose. 2. The Joint Committee shall: (a) supervise the fulfillment and correct application of the provisions of this Agreement; (b) evaluate the achieved results in the application of this Agreement; (c) oversee the further elaboration of this Agreement including the possibility of removing remaining barriers to trade and other restrictive measures concerning commerce between Colombia and the EFTA States; (d) supervise the work of all sub-committees and working groups established pursuant to this Agreement and recommend appropriate actions to them; (e) establish its own rules of procedure; (f) upon request of any Party, provide its opinion regarding the interpretation or application of this Agreement; (g) establish the amount of remuneration and expenses that will be paid to panelists; (h) prepare and adopt the Model Rules of Procedure for panels which shall include the standards of conduct for panelists; and (i) consider any other matter that may affect the operation of this Agreement or is entrusted to it by the Parties. 3. The Joint Committee may: (a) set up sub-committees and working groups as it considers necessary to assist it in accomplishing its tasks and delegate responsibilities to them. Except where specifically provided for in this Agreement, sub- committees and working groups shall work under a mandate established by the Joint Committee; (b) decide to amend the tariff-elimination schedules in Annex II (Excluded Producst), IV (Fish and Other Marine Products), VIII (Dismantling of Import Duties for Industrial Products), specific rules of origin in Annex V (Rules of Origin and Mutual Administrative Co-operation in Customs Matters) and the list of entities in Appendices 1 through 3 to Annex XX (General Notes); (c) except as otherwise provided for in this Article, consider and propose any amendments to the rights and obligations under this Agreement, subject to the fulfillment of the internal legal requirements of each Party; and (d) convene the Parties for future negotiations to examine deepening the already reached liberalisation in the different sectors covered by this Agreement. 4. The Joint Committee shall meet whenever necessary but normally every two years in regular session and in special session by written request of any...
Joint CommitteeIt is agreed that a Joint Committee will be established to consider technological changes in progress and make recommendations to the Parties to assist them in ameliorating the effect of such changes. The Committee will meet with representatives of the governments of British Columbia and Canada concerned with retraining of manpower.
Joint Committee. 1. The Contracting Parties shall establish a Joint Committee (hereinafter referred to as "the Committee") with a view to accomplishing the objectives of this Agreement. The functions of the Committee shall be: (a) To discuss and review the implementation and operation of this Agreement; (b) To review the exceptional measures maintained, amended, modified or adopted pursuant to paragraph 1 of Article 8 for the purpose of contributing to the reduction or elimination of such exceptional measures; (c) To discuss the exceptional measures adopted or maintained pursuant to paragraph 2 of Article 8 for the purpose of encouraging favourable conditions for investors of the Contracting Parties; and (d) To discuss any other investment-related matters concerning this Agreement. 2. The Committee may, as necessary, make appropriate recommendations by consensus to the Contracting Parties for the more effective functioning or the attainment of the objectives of this Agreement. 3. The Committee may establish sub-committees and delegate specific tasks to such sub-committees, in addition to the Sub- committee on Improvement of Investment Environment established in accordance with Article 25. 4. The Committee and the sub-committees shall be composed of representatives of the Contracting Parties. The Committee shall determine the rules of procedure of its own and of sub-committees. The Committee and the sub-committees, upon mutual consent of the Contracting Parties, may hold joint meetings with the private sectors. 5. The Committee shall meet upon the request of either Contracting Party.
Joint Committee. 1. The Contracting Parties shall establish a Joint Committee (hereinafter referred to in this Article as the “Committee”) with a view to accomplishing the objectives of this Agreement. The functions of the Committee shall be: (a) to discuss and review the implementation and operation of this Agreement; and (b) to discuss other investment-related matters concerning this Agreement, including the scope of the existing non-conforming measures referred to in paragraphs 2 and 3 of Article 3. 2. The Committee may, as necessary, decide to make appropriate recommendations to the Contracting Parties for the more effective functioning or the attainment of the objectives of this Agreement. 3. The Committee shall be composed of representatives of the Governments of the Contracting Parties and may decide to invite representatives of relevant entities other than the Governments of the Contracting Parties with the necessary expertise relevant to the issues to be discussed. The Committee shall decide on the modalities of its operation as necessary. 4. Any decision of the Committee shall be made by consensus. 5. Unless otherwise decided by the Contracting Parties, the Committee shall convene once a year.
Joint CommitteeThe Parties to this Agreement shall establish a six (6) person Joint Administrative Committee (JAC). This JAC shall be comprised of three (3) representatives selected by the City and three (3) representatives selected by the Council to monitor compliance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Each representative shall designate an alternate who shall serve in his or her absence for any purpose contemplated by this Agreement.