JOINT COMMITTEES. 1101 Release Time
(a) Basic pay or equivalent time off, with a minimum of one (1) hour guaranteed to nurses who are not on duty, will be granted to nurses appointed by the Union to attend meetings of the Union Management Committee and any other Facility joint committee to which the Union is required to appoint representatives.
(b) All reasonable efforts will be made to relieve a nurse who is appointed to attend meetings of the Union Management Committee, Nursing Advisory Committee or any other facility joint committee to which the Union is required to appoint representatives, without loss of salary or benefits. This clause is applicable when the meeting(s) occurs during hours the nurse is otherwise scheduled to work. 1102 Union Management Committee The Employer and the Union agree to establish and maintain a Union Management Committee consisting of not less than two (2) persons appointed by each of the parties. Management representatives shall include the Administrator and/or Director of Nursing; Union representatives shall include the President and/or Vice-President of the Local. Appointments shall be made for a term of one (1) year but without limit on the number of consecutive terms a member may serve. The Committee shall meet at the request of either party subject to five (5) days notice being given but not less than bi-monthly unless otherwise mutually agreed. The purpose of the Committee shall be to discuss/study/make recommendations to the Employer and the Union regarding matters of mutual concern. 1103 Nursing Advisory Committee
JOINT COMMITTEES. 1101 Release Time
(a) Basic pay or equivalent time off, with a minimum of one (1) hour guaranteed to nurses who are not on duty, will be granted to nurses appointed by the Union to attend meetings of the Union Management Committee and any other Facility joint committee to which the Union is required to appoint representatives.
(b) The Employer may relieve a nurse who is appointed to attend meetings of the Union Management Committee, Nursing Advisory Committee or any other facility joint committee to which the Union is required to appoint representatives, without loss of salary or benefits. This clause is applicable when the meeting(s) occurs during hours the nurse is otherwise scheduled to work. 1102 Union Management Committee The Employer and the Union agree to maintain a Union Management Committee consisting of not less than two (2) persons appointed by each of the parties. Management representatives shall include the Administrator and/or Director of Care and/or Assistant Director of Care; Union representatives shall include the President and/or Vice-President of the Local. Appointments shall be made by each party at their discretion. The Committee shall meet at the request of either party subject to five (5) days notice being given but not less than bi-monthly unless otherwise mutually agreed. The purpose of the Committee shall be to discuss/study/make recommendations to the Employer and the Union regarding matters of mutual concern. The committee shall not have jurisdiction over wages, or any matter of collective bargaining, including the administration of this Collective Agreement. The committee shall not supersede the activities of any committee of the Union or of the Employer and does not have the power to bind either the Union or its members or the Employer to any decision or conclusions reached in their discussion. The committee may make recommendations to the Union and the Employer with respect to its discussions and conclusions. The Regional Director of Extendicare (Canada) Inc. will be consulted as required to assist with resolution of ongoing concerns. 1103 Nursing Advisory Committee
(a) At the request of either the Union, or the Employer's senior nursing management representative, a Nursing Advisory Committee (NAC) shall be established to:
(i) Review and make recommendations relative to those unresolved issues relating to workload and staffing including documented workload staffing reports.
(ii) Provide a forum for discussion and make recomme...
JOINT COMMITTEES. 1101 Release Time
(a) Basic pay or equivalent time off, with a minimum of one (1) hour guaranteed to nurses who are not on duty, will be granted to nurses appointed by the Union to attend meetings of the Union Management Committee, Nursing Advisory Committee and any other worksite, regional, or provincial joint committee to which the Union is required or requested by the Employer to appoint representatives.
(b) All reasonable efforts will be made to relieve a nurse who is appointed to attend meetings of the Union Management Committee, Nursing Advisory Committee, NRRF Committee or any other worksite, regional, or provincial joint committee to which the Union is required or requested by the Employer to appoint representatives, without loss of salary or benefits. This clause is applicable when the meeting(s) occurs during hours the nurse is otherwise scheduled to work.
JOINT COMMITTEES. Employees who are appointed to joint association-management committees shall not suffer any loss of pay for time spent working as members of such committees.
JOINT COMMITTEES. The parties expressly agree that any deliberations which involve or may involve matters subject to collective bargaining shall take place only after a written letter of agreement setting forth the membership of any such committee and the scope of the committee’s task has been signed in accordance with Section 3.03 of this Agreement. Committee recommendations shall be non-binding unless otherwise stipulated by letter of agreement. This Article shall not apply to standing committees of the College.
JOINT COMMITTEES. Upon mutual agreement, the parties agree to create joint committees to enter into Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) and/or Side Letters.
JOINT COMMITTEES. 1.) The parties agree to continue a joint Fringe Benefits Committee to discuss current insurance coverages, review alternatives to the current coverages, and recommend improvements in the current coverages relative to benefits and cost. Discussions shall include co-payments, co-insurance, deductibles, out-of-pocket maximums, annual employee premium increases over 10% and all items outlined in Appendix C. In addition, the Committee will review and recommend changes in third party administrators and PPO providers, participate in the development of specifications for insurance benefit programs and other contracts prior to their being released for bid, and review bids prior to the time of awarding contracts.
a.) If any products after being offered for three consecutive years (including the introductory year) has less than 5% participation of benefited employees, the product will be discontinued subject to the approval of the Fringe Benefits Committee. Employees enrolled in any discontinued product will be assisted in making a transition during a six month notification period (in the third year). Exceptions are as follows:
i. If a product has less than 5% participation, but saves both the district and the employee money, it will be continued (i.e. Flexible Spending Account (FSA).
ii. Products that can be purchased at a lower cost through group rates and are not readily available to individuals.
b.) If a product is available in the market place on an individual basis at a comparable cost and benefit structure, it will not be offered by the District.
c.) The joint Fringe Benefits Committee shall be comprised of equal representatives from the Association, the Board, and each of the other recognized bargaining agents within the District.
d.) The joint Fringe Benefits Committee may submit proposed changes in the insurance package to the Superintendent for analysis of both program input and cost, for future use in bargaining. The joint Fringe Benefits Committee shall have no power or authority to agree to any changes in insurance that would require negotiations.
e.) Any changes to the insurance program which are not subject to bargaining but must be approved by the Board, shall require at least a 30-day prior notice to the Committee.
2.) The parties agree to continue the Joint Safety Committee to review current safety rules and practices at the various work-sites, to provide a vehicle for the handling of complaints, and to determine additional ways for enhancing safe...
JOINT COMMITTEES. 110. Both Union and management agree that effective communications and collaborative problem- solving is conducive to creating and maintaining a positive work environment. This in turn enhances employee morale, increases productivity and improves customer service. The parties agree to establish a new executive level Joint Labor Management Board (“JLMB”). The JLMB shall consist of an equal number of Union and management representatives to be determined by the parties. The purpose of the JLMB shall be to provide the parties with a forum for discussion of important non-contractual matters of mutual concern including: formulation of major management policies that affect the LOCAL 200 membership, the effects of budgetary reductions on the Department system, major restructurings of the Department, EMPLOYEE training and education, professional development and standards, general staffing issues, establishment of new civil service classifications, and health and safety issues. The JLMB will be charged with acknowledging the topics of concern as enumerated in Article IV.A., herein. The JLMB shall jointly plan and recommend programs and/or solutions to problems in these areas. The JLMB shall meet at least quarterly, or on the call of either party. Matters presented to the JLMB may not be grieved or submitted to arbitration, except as provided by law. Disciplinary grievances and matters involving the claims of individual EMPLOYEES shall not be presented to the JLMB. However, the consideration of an issue by the JLMB shall not preclude an EMPLOYEE from pursuing a grievance relating to such issue regarding any action by management that otherwise constitutes a violation of this CBA. Matters that appear on the agenda and are not resolved after two (2) consecutive meetings shall be dropped from the JLMB, unless continued by mutual agreement.
JOINT COMMITTEES. The parties to this Agreement recognize the importance of direct communication and a collaborative problem-solving approach to issues and problems that affect Association-University relations. Accordingly, the parties agree to establish the following joint committees. These Committees will not replace or override existing faculty governance bodies at the University or other joint committees established in this Agreement. In order to have a xxxxx and open discussion, these Committees shall have no authority to change, delete or modify any of the terms of the existing Agreement, or to settle grievances arising under the Agreement. Recommendations made by these Committees are not binding.
JOINT COMMITTEES. In an effort to work cooperatively to resolve ongoing issues of mutual concern, the parties agree to establish or continue the following committees: