PROJECT VIABILITY. The likelihood that the facility subject to the PPA will generate renewable power as described in the PPA is evaluated in Confidential Appendix E, “Project Viability.” Because project-specific information needed to demonstrate viability is commercially sensitive, proprietary business information, only certain viability criteria are discussed in the public portion of this Advice Letter.
PROJECT VIABILITY. To assist DEF in assessing the RF/QF's financial and technical viability, the RF/QF shall provide the information and documents requested in Appendix C or substantially similar documents, to the extent the documents apply to the type of Facility covered by this Contract and to the extent the documents are available. All documents to be considered by DEF must be submitted at the time this Contract is presented to DEF. Failure to provide the following such documents may result in a determination of non-viability by DEF.
PROJECT VIABILITY. Project viability is based on three categories: 1) Company / Development Team, 2) Technology, and 3) Development Milestones. It is assessed by the CPUC developed Project Viability Calculator (“PVC”). The PVC is a tool for utilities to evaluate the viability of a renewable energy project, relative to all other projects that bid into the California utilities' RPS solicitations. The PVC uses standardized categories and criteria to quantify a project's strengths and weaknesses in key areas of renewable project development. PG&E’s analysis of Project Viability and PVC score are confidential and can be found in Confidential Appendix A.
PROJECT VIABILITY. Overall, PG&E followed the methodology stated in its solicitation protocol: “PG&E will evaluate the project viability of each offer using the June 2, 2011 CPUC adopted version of the PVC. Participants are requested to self-score each of their offers using the PVC…PG&E will review all submissions and adjust self-scores as appropriate.” The PG&E team used the Project Viability Calculator to score the projects considered for selection as well as some others; PG&E did not score every single Offer variant for project viability, and left the self-scores intact for lower-valued Offers that were rejected based on lower value. PG&E’s decision that its team would not score the project viability of each and every Offer did not affect selection of a short list. All the shortlisted Offers were scored by the team,
PROJECT VIABILITY. It is likely that the Project will be completed as required by the PPA and will be available to deliver energy by the guaranteed commercial operation date. PG&E has reviewed the credit-related information provided by Hatchet Ridge and is satisfied that it possesses the necessary credit and experience to perform as required by the PPA. Hatchet Ridge’s obligation to meet milestones is supported by significant performance assurance securities.
PROJECT VIABILITY. Overall, PG&E followed the methodology stated in its solicitation protocol: “PG&E will evaluate the project viability of each offer using the June 2, 2011 CPUC adopted version of the PVC. Participants are requested to self-score each of their offers using the PVC…PG&E will review all submissions and adjust self-scores as appropriate.” The PG&E team used the Project Viability Calculator to score the projects considered for selection as well as some others; 18. PG&E did not score every single Offer variant for project viability, and left the self-scores intact for lower-valued Offers that were rejected based on lower value. PG&E’s decision that its team would not score the project viability of each and every Offer did not affect 18 The PVC scores for different Offer variants can differ because variants proposing larger MW capacity may score lower in development experience, ownership and O&M experience, etc. than smaller-sized variants. selection of a short list. All the shortlisted Offers were scored by the team, '
PROJECT VIABILITY. 1. Project Viability Calculator score 2. IOU-specific project viability measures 3. Other (credit and collateral, developer’s project development portfolio, transmission, other site-related matters, etc.)
PROJECT VIABILITY. PG&E uses the 2011 final version of the Project Viability Calculator provided by the ED as a screening tool to assess the likelihood that a proposed generation facility will be completed and enter full commercial operation on the proposed on-line date. The viability score is developed through an assessment of several attributes of the project, including • Project development experience, • Ownership and operating and maintenance experience, • Technical feasibility, • Resource quality, • Manufacturing supply chain (e.g. degree of constraints upon availability of key components), • Site control, • Permitting status, • Project financing status, • Interconnection progress, • Transmission requirements, and • Reasonableness of Commercial Operation Date (COD). In HLP’s case, the generating facility already exists and is currently operating, so physical viability is not a concern. The Calculator is most useful in screening proposed new projects to assess their relative viability as opposed to evaluating existing, operating projects.
PROJECT VIABILITY. In Arroyo’s opinion, the physical project viability of the HLP facility is high. The project has operated for decades to provide PG&E customers with renewable energy. An existing, currently operating project is more viable, in a physical sense, than any proposed as-yet- unbuilt generator.
PROJECT VIABILITY. As an existing generation facility that has operated reliably, Xxxxxx assesses the project viability of the Shiloh Wind Project 2 facility as ranking quite high, despite the fact that the wind farm has consistently underperformed against its contract quantity.