Behavioral Health Services – Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Inpatient - Unlimited days at a general hospital or a specialty hospital including detoxification or residential/rehabilitation per plan year. Preauthorization may be required for services received from a non-network provider. 0% - After deductible 40% - After deductible Outpatient or intermediate careservices* - See Covered Healthcare Services: Behavioral Health Section for details about partial hospital program, intensive outpatient program, adult intensive services, and child and family intensive treatment. Preauthorization may be required for services received from a non-network provider. 0% - After deductible 40% - After deductible Office visits - See Office Visits section below for Behavioral Health services provided by a PCP or specialist. Psychological Testing 0% - After deductible 40% - After deductible Medication-assisted treatment - whenrenderedby a mental health or substance use disorder provider. 0% - After deductible 40% - After deductible Methadone maintenance treatment - one copayment per seven-day period of treatment. 0% - After deductible 40% - After deductible Outpatient - Benefit is limited to 18 weeks or 36 visits (whichever occurs first) per coveredepisode. 0% - After deductible 40% - After deductible In a physician's office - limited to 12 visits per plan year. 0% - After deductible 40% - After deductible Emergency room - When services are due to accidental injury to sound natural teeth. 0% - After deductible The level of coverage is the same as network provider. In a physician’s/dentist’s office - When services are due to accidental injury to sound natural teeth. 0% - After deductible 40% - After deductible Services connected to dental care when performed in an outpatient facility * 0% - After deductible 40% - After deductible Inpatient/outpatient/in your home 0% - After deductible 40% - After deductible (*) Preauthorization may be required for this service. Please see Preauthorization in Section 5 for more information. You Pay You Pay Outpatient durable medical equipment* - Must be provided by a licensed medical supply provider. 20% - After deductible 40% - After deductible Outpatient medical supplies* - Must be provided by a licensed medical supply provider. 20% - After deductible 40% - After deductible Outpatient diabetic supplies/equipment purchasedat licensed medical supply provider (other than a pharmacy). See the Summary of Pharmacy Benefits for supplies purchased at a pharmacy. 20% - After deductible 40% - After deductible Outpatient prosthesis* - Must be provided by a licensed medical supply provider. 20% - After deductible 40% - After deductible Enteral formula delivered through a feeding tube. Must be sole source of nutrition. 20% - After deductible 40% - After deductible Enteral formula or food taken orally * 20% - After deductible The level of coverage is the same as network provider. Hair prosthesis (wigs) - The benefit limit is $350 per hair prosthesis (wig) when worn for hair loss suffered as a result of cancer treatment. 20% - After deductible The level of coverage is the same as network provider. Coverage provided for members from birth to 36 months. The provider must be certified as an EIS provider by the Rhode Island Department of Human Services. 0% - After deductible The level of coverage is the same as network provider. Asthma management 0% - After deductible 40% - After deductible Hospital emergency room 0% - After deductible The level of coverage is the same as network provider.
Health Services At the time of employment and subject to (b) above, full credit for registered professional nursing experience in a school program shall be given. Full credit for registered professional nursing experience may be given, subject to approval by the Human Resources Division. Non-degree nurses shall be placed on the BA Track of the Teachers Salary Schedule and shall be ineligible for movement to any other track.
PROVISION OF MANAGEMENT INFORMATION 24.1.1 The Supplier shall, at no charge to the Authority, submit to the Authority complete and accurate Management Information in accordance with the provisions of Framework Schedule 9 (Management Information). 24.1.2 The Supplier grants the Authority a non-exclusive, transferable, perpetual, irrevocable, royalty free licence to: (a) use and to share with any Other Contracting Body and Relevant Person; and/or (b) publish (subject to any information that is exempt from disclosure in accordance with the provisions of FOIA being redacted), any Management Information supplied to the Authority for the Authority's normal operational activities including but not limited to administering this Framework Agreement and/or all Call Off Agreements, monitoring public sector expenditure, identifying savings or potential savings and planning future procurement activity. 24.1.3 The Authority shall in its absolute and sole discretion determine whether any Management Information is exempt from disclosure in accordance with the provisions of the FOIA. 24.1.4 The Authority may consult with the Supplier to help with its decision regarding any exemptions under Clause 24.1.3 but, for the purpose of this Framework Agreement, the Authority shall have the final decision in its absolute and sole discretion.
Provision of further information Each Borrower will, as soon as practicable after receiving the request, provide the Agent with any additional financial or other information relating: (a) to that Borrower, the Ship owned by it, the Earnings or the Insurances; or (b) to any other matter relevant to, or to any provision of, a Finance Document, which may be requested by the Agent, the Security Trustee or any Lender at any time.
Behavioral Health Services Behavioral health services include the evaluation, management, and treatment for a mental health or substance use disorder condition. For the purpose of this plan, substance use disorder does not include addiction to or abuse of tobacco and/or caffeine. Mental health or substance use disorders are those that are listed in the most updated volume of either: • the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) published by the American Psychiatric Association; or • the International Classification of Disease Manual (ICD) published by the World Health Organization. This plan provides parity in benefits for behavioral healthcare services. Please see Section 10 for additional information regarding behavioral healthcare parity. This plan covers behavioral health services if you are inpatient at a general or specialty hospital. See Inpatient Services in Section 3 for additional information. This plan covers services at behavioral health residential treatment facilities, which provide: • clinical treatment; • medication evaluation management; and • 24-hour on site availability of health professional staff, as required by licensing regulations. This plan covers intermediate care services, which are facility-based programs that are: • more intensive than traditional outpatient services; • less intensive than 24-hour inpatient hospital or residential treatment facility services; and • used as a step down from a higher level of care; or • used a step-up from standard care level of care. Intermediate care services include the following: • Partial Hospital Program (PHP) – PHPs are structured and medically supervised day, evening, or nighttime treatment programs providing individualized treatment plans. A PHP typically runs for five hours a day, five days per week. • Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) – An IOP provides substantial clinical support for patients who are either in transition from a higher level of care or at risk for admission to a higher level of care. An IOP typically runs for three hours per day, three days per week.
Substance Abuse Treatment Information Substance abuse treatment information shall be maintained in compliance with 42 C.F.R. Part 2 if the Party or subcontractor(s) are Part 2 covered programs, or if substance abuse treatment information is received from a Part 2 covered program by the Party or subcontractor(s).
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act Any information provided on this contract may be subject to release under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. The Contractor may be consulted prior to release of any information.
Data Protection and Privacy: Protected Health Information Party shall maintain the privacy and security of all individually identifiable health information acquired by or provided to it as a part of the performance of this Agreement. Party shall follow federal and state law relating to privacy and security of individually identifiable health information as applicable, including the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and its federal regulations.
Access to Information Systems Access, if any, to DXC’s Information Systems is granted solely to perform the Services under this Order, and is limited to those specific DXC Information Systems, time periods and personnel as are separately agreed to by DXC and Supplier from time to time. DXC may require Supplier’s employees, subcontractors or agents to sign individual agreements prior to access to DXC’s Information Systems. Use of DXC Information Systems during other time periods or by individuals not authorized by DXC is expressly prohibited. Access is subject to DXC business control and information protection policies, standards and guidelines as may be modified from time to time. Use of any other DXC Information Systems is expressly prohibited. This prohibition applies even when an DXC Information System that Supplier is authorized to access, serves as a gateway to other Information Systems outside Supplier’s scope of authorization. Supplier agrees to access Information Systems only from specific locations approved for access by DXC. For access outside of DXC premises, DXC will designate the specific network connections to be used to access Information Systems.
Electronic and Information Resources Accessibility and Security Standards a. Applicability: The following Electronic and Information Resources (“EIR”) requirements apply to the Contract because the Grantee performs services that include EIR that the System Agency's employees are required or permitted to access or members of the public are required or permitted to access. This Section does not apply to incidental uses of EIR in the performance of the Agreement, unless the Parties agree that the EIR will become property of the State of Texas or will be used by HHSC’s clients or recipients after completion of the Agreement. Nothing in this section is intended to prescribe the use of particular designs or technologies or to prevent the use of alternative technologies, provided they result in substantially equivalent or greater access to and use of a Product.