Oznámení Any notices required or permitted to be given hereunder shall be given in writing and shall be delivered: Veškerá oznámení vyžadovaná nebo povolená podle této Smlouvy budou učiněna v písemné podobě a budou doručena:
Postoupení Each of CRO and Xxxxxxx shall have the right to assign this Agreement and shall use reasonable efforts to provide prior written notice thereof to Institution. Neither Institution nor Principal Investigator shall assign its rights or duties under this Agreement to another without prior written consent of XXX and Xxxxxxx. Any assignment in violation of this Section 16 will be null and void. Subject to the foregoing, this Agreement shall bind and inure to the benefit of the respective Parties and their successors and assigns. Jak CRO, tak společnost Xxxxxxx mají právo postoupit tuto smlouvu a vynaloží přiměřené úsilí, aby o tom poskytovatele vyrozuměly písemně předem. Poskytovatel ani hlavní zkoušející nepostoupí svá práva ani povinnosti vyplývající z této smlouvy jiné osobě bez předchozího písemného souhlasu CRO a společnosti Janssen. Jakékoliv postoupení v rozporu s tímto bodem 16 bude neplatné. Na základě výše uvedeného bude tato smlouva závazná a prospěšná pro příslušné smluvní strany a jejich nástupce a postupníky.
S.A 59:1-1 et seq.), the New Jersey Contractual Liability Act (N.J.
Name of Xxxxx(s) The named person's role in the firm, and
Cardiff Capital Region has secured a deal worth £1.2 billion. Over its lifetime, local partners expect the City Deal to deliver up to 25,000 new jobs and leverage an additional £4 billion of private sector investment.
Odškodnění Janssen shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless Institution, its trustees, officers, agents and employees (including Principal Investigator and co-investigators) from any and all losses, costs, expenses, liabilities, claims, actions and damages, based on a personal injury to a Trial Subject directly caused by use of the Study Product in accordance with the Protocol during the course of the Clinical Trial.
WHERXXX xx xxx xxxxxxx xxxxxx xx xxx xxxxxxxx, the Seller purchases certain retail installment sale contracts secured by new and used automobiles and light duty trucks from motor vehicle dealers.
Duration of Order You may make an oral stop payment order which will lapse within fourteen (14) calendar days unless confirmed in writing within that time. A written stop payment order is effective for six (6) months and may be renewed in writing from time to time. We do not have to notify you when a stop payment order expires.
Povinnosti Site and Institution’s personnel, including Study Staff shall not Místo provádění klinického hodnocení a zaměstnanci Zdravotnického zařízení, a to včetně Studijního personálu, nebudou
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