Amenities Amenities shall be prescribed as provided in Appendix F of this Agreement.
Recreation Recreation rooms shall be supplied. Smokes and soft drinks shall be available. Outside walls of the above to be completely closed-in cold weather. Sidewalk to be provided between the living quarters, from living quarters to dining rooms and recreation rooms. The above to be Standards for Stationary or Permanent type camps. In the initial construction of the above, the camp construction workers in areas where there are no hotel accommodations, shall construct such housing as is necessary for them (this is not a tent). When bunkhouses are built to the degree that they can be occupied, the camp construction workers shall move into such quarters and their original buildings shall be disposed of or not used for lodging from time to time.
Infrastructure Infrastructure serves as the foundation and building blocks of an integrated IT solution. It is the hardware which supports Application Services (C.3.2) and IT Management Services (C.3.3); the software and services which enable that hardware to function; and the hardware, software, and services which allow for secure communication and interoperability between all business and application service components. Infrastructure services facilitate the development and maintenance of critical IT infrastructures required to support Federal government business operations. This section includes the technical framework components that make up integrated IT solutions. One or any combination of these components may be used to deliver IT solutions intended to perform a wide array of functions which allow agencies to deliver services to their customers (or users), whether internal or external, in an efficient and effective manner. Infrastructure includes hardware, software, licensing, technical support, and warranty services from third party sources, as well as technological refreshment and enhancements for that hardware and software. This section is aligned with the FEA/DoDEA Technical Reference Model (TRM) which describes these components using a vocabulary that is common throughout the entire Federal government. A detailed review of the TRM is provided in Section J, Attachment 5. Infrastructure includes complete life cycle support for all hardware, software, and services represented above, including planning, analysis, research and development, design, development, integration and testing, implementation, operations and maintenance, information assurance, and final disposition of these components. The services also include administration and help desk functions necessary to support the IT infrastructure (e.g., desktop support, network administration). Infrastructure components of an integrated IT solution can be categorized as follows:
Parking Throughout the Lease Term, Tenant shall have the exclusive right to use, free of charges, the number of parking spaces set forth in Section 12 of the Summary, which parking spaces constitute the entirety of the parking under the Building and the adjacent surface parking, being all of the parking in the Project. Tenant shall comply with the Parking Rules and Regulations which are in effect on the date hereof, as set forth in the attached Exhibit D and all reasonable modifications and additions thereto which are prescribed from time to time for the orderly operation and use of the Parking Areas by Landlord, and/or Landlord’s Parking Operator (as defined below); provided that such modifications or alterations do not effect Tenant’s use of or access to the Parking Areas. Landlord specifically reserve the right to change the size, configuration, design, layout, of the Parking Areas, and Tenant acknowledges and agrees that Landlord may, without incurring any liability to Tenant and without any abatement of Rent under this Lease, from time to time, temporarily close-off or restrict access to the Parking Areas, so long as Tenant retains access to the number of parking spaces set forth in Section 12 of the Summary. Landlord may delegate its responsibilities hereunder to a parking operator (the “Parking Operator”) in which case the Parking Operator shall have all the rights of control attributed hereby to Landlord. Any parking tax or other charges imposed by governmental authorities in connection with the use of such parking shall be paid directly by Tenant or the parking users, or, if directly imposed against Landlord, Tenant shall reimburse Landlord for all such taxes and/or charges within thirty (30) days after Landlord’s demand therefor. The parking rights provided to Tenant pursuant to this Article 23 are provided solely for use by Tenant’s own personnel visitors and invitees and such rights may not be transferred, assigned, subleased or otherwise alienated by Tenant without Landlord’s prior approval, except in connection with an assignment of this Lease or sublease of the Premises made in accordance with Article 14 above.
Utilities; Amenities The following utilities are included in the Total Rent set forth in this Agreement: Internet access and trash disposal. Resident will pay as additional Rent a pro-rata share (based on the number of contracted residents in possession for the applicable period) for the apartment's usage of electricity and water, applied pro-rata to any partial billing cycle. Resident will be responsible for his or her pro-rata share of electricity and water charges during the term of this Agreement, regardless of actual date of move-in or move-out. No refund or credit will be provided for usage below any applicable allowance levels. In connection with the administration of utility billing during the term of this Agreement, Resident will pay prior to occupying the assigned apartment (or on the first utility bill, at Owner's discretion), a single up-front billing service fee of up to $72.00 (or alternately, at Owner's option, a service fee of up to $6.00 per monthly bill) for administration, billing, overhead and similar expenses and charges incurred by Owner for providing utility allocations and billing services. Upon Resident's request, Owner will provide copies of applicable utility bills. At Owner's option, to the extent permitted by law, Resident may be pre-billed for the estimated amount of charges for any electricity and/or water bills anticipated to be received during the final 30 days of the term or after the end of the term of this Agreement, calculated based on historical electricity and/or water charges for the apartment and pursuant to applicable utility billing laws and regulations. As part of each utility bill, Resident may be charged and agrees to pay promptly to Owner any other miscellaneous charges billed by the utility provider and payable by the customer of record, plus late payment fees and/or NSF fees, as may be applicable, in the amounts stated in paragraph 2 of this Agreement, as liquidated estimates of costs incurred in connection with the administration and collection of late payment. Owner may elect to use one or more third-party service providers for providing, billing and/or servicing utility accounts; Resident acknowledges that such third-party providers are not utility providers. Owner makes no representations and hereby disclaims any and all warranties, express or implied, with respect to any utilities provided, including but not limited to those warranties concerning merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose or use, whether made allegedly by Owner or its representatives or agents, whether in writing or otherwise, except as otherwise expressly stated in this Agreement. Owner does not warrant or guarantee the protection of Resident's privacy during operation of utilities, that such utilities will satisfy Resident's requirements, or that the operation of utilities will be uninterrupted or error free. Resident acknowledges and agrees that neither Owner nor its affiliates, agents, employees or representatives will be responsible to Resident for any non-economic, consequential, incidental, indirect or special damages, including incidental, economic or punitive damages, arising from breach of warranty, breach of contract, negligence or any other legal ground of action, or by reason of the use, discontinuation or modification of any utilities or the termination of any utilities, whether arising from Resident's use of (or inability to use) utilities, or otherwise, even if Owner has been advised of the possibility of such damage. In the event that any utility service proves defective, or is discontinued or terminated, Owner's and Manager's entire combined liability and Resident's exclusive remedy will be limited to a reimbursement of the approximate cost of that utility incurred by Resident, prorated by the day for each day the utility service proved defective, or was discontinued or terminated, for more than 24 hours. Resident agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Owner and its employees, affiliates and agents, from any and all losses, claims, damages, expenses, other liabilities and causes of action of every nature, including attorney fees, which arise directly or indirectly in connection with: (i) violation by Resident of any laws, ordinances, regulations or rules regarding the utilities; or (ii) illegal or inappropriate use of the utilities. Any damage or loss to any utility devices during Resident's occupancy will be charged to Resident (and the other resident(s) in the apartment, as applicable) at the replacement cost. Management will establish schedules and policies for the use of recreation facilities, amenities and other common spaces. Owner may add, remove, close (temporarily or permanently), upgrade or modify any of the recreation facilities, amenities or common spaces in Owner's discretion, without notice or compensation; provided that if this Agreement expressly includes a separate Amenity Fee, Resident's sole remedy will be limited to a pro-rata credit of such Amenity Fee for the period a covered amenity is closed or fully unavailable. SAMPLE
Building Services Labor Law Article 9 applies to Contracts for building service work over $1,500 with a public agency, that: (i) involve the care or maintenance of an existing building, or (ii) involve the transportation of office furniture or equipment to or from such building, or (iii) involve the transportation and delivery of fossil fuel to such building, and (iv) the principal purpose of which is to furnish services through use of building service employees.
Utilities The Landlord shall provide the following utilities and services to the Tenant: _
Filing Systems and Equipment A complete and comprehensive catalog of filing systems including vertical and lateral files, bookcases, mobile cabinets and freestanding file cabinets.
Grading systems of the institutions [It is recommended that receiving institutions provide the statistical distribution of grades according to the descriptions in the ECTS users’ guide7. A link to a webpage can be enough. The table will facilitate the interpretation of each grade awarded to students and will facilitate the credit transfer by the sending institution.]
Structures Airport facilities such as bridges; culverts; catch basins, inlets, retaining walls, cribbing; storm and sanitary sewer lines; water lines; underdrains; electrical ducts, manholes, handholes, lighting fixtures and bases; transformers; flexible and rigid pavements; navigational aids; buildings; vaults; and, other manmade features of the airport that may be encountered in the work and not otherwise classified herein. 10-50 SUBGRADE. The soil which forms the pavement foundation.