REFUSAL OF RENTAL. 2.1 Apollo reserves the right to refuse any rental on reasonable grounds and may refuse to extend any rental at its absolute discretion.
REFUSAL OF RENTAL. 2.1 thl reserves the right to refuse any rental on reasonable grounds and may refuse to extend any rental at its absolute discretion.
REFUSAL OF RENTAL. Hippie Camper reserves the right to refuse any rental, or continuation of any rental, at its absolute discretion.
REFUSAL OF RENTAL. Cheapa Xxxxx reserves the right to refuse any rental, or continuation of any rental, at its absolute discretion.
REFUSAL OF RENTAL. Star RV reserves the right to refuse any rental, or continuation of any rental, at its absolute discretion.
REFUSAL OF RENTAL. 2.1 Dealer reserves the right to refuse any rental on reasonable grounds and may refuse to extend any rental, at its absolute discretion.
REFUSAL OF RENTAL. 1 If any of the following items pertains to the "renter" or the "driver", the Company may refuse to conclude the "rental contract" or cancel the reservation of the "renter.":
(1) If he/she does not possess a driver's license;
(2) If he/she is considered to be under the influence of alcohol;
(3) If he/she is considered to show symptoms of being under the influence of narcotic drugs, stimulant drugs, thinner, etc.;
(4) If he/she has a child in the car without a child safety seat;
(5) If he/she is registered in the information management system of the All Japan Rent-a-car Association specified in Article 23 (hereinafter referred to as "All Japan Rent-a-car Association system") or registered on the renters watch list shared by TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION and TOYOTA Rental & Leasing Shops (hereinafter referred to as "renters watch list");
(6) If he/she is considered to be a member of a designated violence group or organization related to such a group, or is deemed to belong to other anti-social organizations;
(7) If he/she uses a violent act or word against or imposes a burden beyond a reasonable extent on an employee or other related person of the Company in connection with a transaction with the Company; Parties to which information is provided What information will be used for TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION Sending sales-related information to the "renter", such as information on products, services, etc. TOYOTA M OTO R C O R P O R AT I O N a n d p a r ti e s th at h ave concluded an agreement on provision of information with TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION Conducting questionnaire surveys of the "renter" on the motives for renting a car or on Company's customer service, in order to use the information as reference material for planning and developing products or for improving customer satisfaction TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION and parties that have concluded a TOYOTA Rental & Leasing franchise agreement with TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION (hereinafter referred to as "TOYOTA Rental & Leasing Shop") Facilitating the operation of rental contracts, planning measures for the satisfaction of customers, and developing a comprehensive franchise system (8)If he/she undermines the trust in the Company or interferes with business activities of the Company by spreading false information or using fraudulent means or force; (9)If he/she commits any act that contravenes the "Agreement" and Detailed Regulations; and (10)If he/she commits any act considered inappropriate by the Company.
REFUSAL OF RENTAL. 2.1 Dealer reserves the right to refuse any rental on reasonable grounds and may refuse to extend any
3.1 You acknowledge that:
(a) the Vehicle was delivered to You by Dealer in good operating condition and You agree to return the Vehicle without alteration or addition and in the same condition, except for ordinary wear and tear (not including windscreen or tyre damage) together with all tools, tyres, accessories and equipment to the Return Location on the Return Date specified in Rental
(b) the Vehicle is the sole property of the dealer
(c) You inspected the Vehicle at the Commencement of the Rental and ascertained that it was in good operating condition and fit for the purpose for which You required it and that no representations about the Vehicle's condition were made to You by Dealer, its employees or agents; and
(d) the only existing damage to the Vehicle at the commencement of this Agreement is that detailed on the Vehicle Condition Report. It is essential that all existing damage is noted by You on the Vehicle Condition Report. Any damage which has not been noted on the Vehicle Condition Report will constitute Loss or Damage which has occurred subsequent to the commencement of this Agreement for which You shall be charged.
3.2 Dealer will take possession of the Vehicle without prior demand to You, and at Your expense, if there has been a Substantial Breach of this Agreement. In such circumstances You irrevocably authorise Dealer, its employees and agents to enter any property where the Vehicle is situated and You indemnify Dealer, its employees and agents from claims by any person resulting from such entry and retaking of the Vehicle.
3.3 If the odometer is deliberately broken or otherwise tampered with, You will be responsible for not only an extra charge based on 500 kilometres per day at 50c per kilometre, but also for any costs of repairing or replacing the odometer.
3.4 If You fail to return the Vehicle to the Return Location or return the Vehicle to a different location to the Return Location, You will be charged for all costs associated
ersion 1.1 as at 13 April 2016 with transporting or towing the Vehicle to the Return Location plus a minimum relocation charge in accordance with clause 30.6 of this Agreement.
3.5 If You return the Vehicle after the Return Time without the permission of Dealer, You will be charged for the late return according to clause 30.7.
3.6 If You attempt to return the Vehicle to the Return Location and it is not open f...