Refuse facilities Sample Clauses

Refuse facilities. 2. General building maintenance outside of the suites, including lawn care, LESSOR is responsible for snow removal.
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Refuse facilities. 2. General building maintenance inside and outside the unit, including lawn care and snow removal of the stoop, step, sidewalk, parking area, and the street.
Refuse facilities. If Landlord provides for a common dumpster or other trash removal facilities Tenant agrees to use such dumpster or common trash removal facilities and to pay its pro rata share of the costs incurred by Landlord in connection therewith. If Landlord elects not to provide any trash removal facilities or services then Tenant shall, if Landlord so requests, provide at Tenant's expense an enclosed dumpster or other refuse facility satisfactory to Landlord. Said refuse facility shall be placed in the location designated by Landlord and shall be kept at all times by Tenant in an orderly and sanitary condition. Tenant shall provide for refuse collection at least once each week or such increased frequency as may be needed to maintain orderly and sanitary conditions. At the request of Tenant, Landlord will assist Tenant in identifying a suitable location for such dumpster. In any event refuse shall be stored and disposed of as provided by state and local law. No other items shall be stored, placed or disposed of outside the Premises, and if any articles or objects are so stored, placed or disposed of due to the act or neglect of Tenant Landlord may remove and dispose of any such objects or articles without notice to Tenant and Tenant shall be liable on demand for any costs incurred by Landlord in connection therewith.
Refuse facilities. Solid waste disposal services shall be provided individually to each lotspace in the DEVELOPMENT in the same manner as other single-family developments. Any common refuse containers that may be provided shall be maintained in accordance with local public health and sanitary regulations and shall be screened from view of the public by a solid brick enclosure with gate or landscaping.

Related to Refuse facilities

  • Refinancing Facilities (a) At any time after the Closing Date, the Borrower may obtain, from any Lender or any Additional Lender (to the extent agreed to by such Lender or Additional Lender in its sole discretion), Credit Agreement Refinancing Indebtedness in respect of all or any portion of the Term Loans, Prepetition Subsidiary Debt, Revolving Credit Loans and/or Revolving Credit Commitments then outstanding under this Agreement (which will be deemed to include any then outstanding Incremental Term Loans under any Incremental Facilities or any Incremental Revolving Credit Commitments then outstanding under this Agreement (or any Revolving Credit Loans outstanding pursuant thereto)) or any then outstanding Refinancing Term Loans or any then outstanding Refinancing Revolving Credit Loans or Refinancing Revolving Credit Commitments in the form of Refinancing Revolving Credit Loans or Refinancing Revolving Credit Commitments, respectively, in each case, pursuant to a Refinancing Amendment, together with any applicable Customary Intercreditor Agreement or other customary subordination agreement; provided, that such Credit Agreement Refinancing Indebtedness (i) will, to the extent secured, rank pari passu or junior in right of payment and of security with the other Loans and Commitments hereunder (but for the avoidance of doubt, such Credit Agreement Refinancing Indebtedness may be unsecured), (ii) will, to the extent permitted by the definition of “Credit Agreement Refinancing Indebtedness,” have such pricing, interest rate margins (including “MFN” provisions), rate floors, discounts, fees, premiums and prepayment or redemption provisions and terms as may be agreed by the Borrower and the Lenders or Additional Lenders with respect thereto, (iii) will, to the extent in the form of Refinancing Revolving Credit Loans or Refinancing Revolving Credit Commitments, participate in the payment, borrowing, participation and commitment reduction provisions herein on a pro rata basis with any then outstanding Revolving Credit Loans and Revolving Credit Commitments, except that the Borrower shall be permitted to permanently repay and terminate commitments of any such Class on a better than a pro rata basis as compared to any other Class with a later maturity date than such Class and (iv) will, to the extent in the form of Refinancing Revolving Credit Loans or Refinancing Revolving Credit Commitments and unless the Required Revolving Credit Lenders shall have consented thereto, have terms and conditions (other than interest rate margins and commitment fees) identical to those applicable to the Revolving Credit Commitments and Revolving Credit Loans being refinanced. The effectiveness of any Refinancing Amendment shall be subject to, to the extent reasonably requested by the Administrative Agent (or in the case of Revolving Credit Commitments and Revolving Credit Loans, the Revolver Agent), receipt by the Administrative Agent or Revolver Agent, as applicable, of reaffirmation agreements and board resolutions, officers’ certificates and legal opinions consistent with those delivered on the Closing Date. The Administrative Agent or Revolver Agent, as applicable, shall promptly notify each Lender as to the effectiveness of each Refinancing Amendment. Each of the parties hereto hereby agrees that, upon the effectiveness of any Refinancing Amendment, this Agreement shall be deemed amended to the extent (but only to the extent) necessary to reflect the existence and terms of the Credit Agreement Refinancing Indebtedness incurred pursuant thereto (including any amendments necessary to treat the Loans and Commitments subject thereto as Refinancing Term Loans, Refinancing Revolving Credit Loans or Refinancing Revolving Credit Loan Commitments, as applicable) and any Indebtedness being replaced or refinanced with such Credit Agreement Refinancing Indebtedness shall be deemed permanently reduced and satisfied in all respects. Any Refinancing Amendment may, without the consent of any other Lenders, effect such amendments to this Agreement and the other Loan Documents as may be necessary or appropriate, to effect the provisions of this Section.

  • Common Facilities “Common Facilities” (sometimes referred to herein as “Common Areas”) means all areas, facilities, utilities, equipment and services provided by Landlord for the common use or benefit of the occupants of the Center and their employees, agents, customers and other invitees, including without limitation, if the same exist: building lobbies, common corridors and hallways, restrooms, pedestrian walkways, driveways and access roads, access facilities for disabled persons (including elevators), truck serviceways, loading docks, garages, driveways, parking lots, landscaped areas, stairways, elevators, retaining walls, all areas required to be maintained under the conditions of governmental approvals for the Center, and other generally understood public or common areas. All Common Facilities shall at all times be subject to the exclusive control and management of Landlord. Landlord reserves the right to relocate, alter, improve, or adjust the size and location of any Common Facilities from time to time without liability to Tenant, provided the same does not unreasonably interfere with Tenant’s access to, or use of, the Premises or materially increase Tenant’s monetary obligations hereunder. Landlord shall have the right from time to time to establish, modify and enforce reasonable rules and regulations with respect to the Common Facilities. Landlord shall have the right to construct, maintain and operate lighting facilities on the Common Facilities; to police the same; from time to time to change the area, level, location and arrangement of parking areas and other facilities; to restrict parking by tenants, their officers, agents and employees to employee parking areas; to close all or any portion of the Common Facilities to such extent, provided the same does not unreasonably interfere with Tenants access to, or use of, the Premises; to close temporarily all or any portion of the Common Facilities for any reason, including for the purpose of preventing a dedication thereof or the accrual of any rights to any person or the public therein; and to do and perform such other acts in and to the Common Facilities which Landlord shall determine, using good business judgment, to be advisable to improve the convenience and use thereof by tenants, their officers, agents, employees and customers. Subject to the foregoing, all Common Facilities not within the Premises, which Tenant may use under a revocable license, on a nonexclusive basis in common with other tenants, and if any such license is revoked, or if the amount of such areas is diminished, Landlord shall not be subject to any liability and Tenant shall not be entitled to any compensation or abatement of rent, nor shall such revocation or diminution be deemed constructive or actual eviction.

  • Parking Facilities Alamo Colleges District shall make the existing parking facilities at the rented Facility available for the vehicular traffic and parking necessitated by the Organization’s Use of the rented Facility, on a non-exclusive basis, as specified at Exhibit A. MAXIMUM CAPACITY. Organization anticipates approximately the number of participants stated at Exhibit A and agrees to inform Alamo Colleges District of any significant changes five (5) business days in advance of a Use. Organization shall not admit a larger number of persons than can safely and freely move about the Facility. Alamo Colleges District shall notify Organization of the recommended capacity of the Facility and all decisions of Alamo Colleges District concerning questions arising under this Paragraph shall be final.

  • Working Facilities During the Term of Employment, the Company shall furnish the Executive with an office, secretarial help and such other facilities and services suitable to his position and adequate for the performance of his duties hereunder.

  • Facilities Keep all properties useful or necessary to Borrower's business in good repair and condition, and from time to time make necessary repairs, renewals and replacements thereto so that such properties shall be fully and efficiently preserved and maintained.

  • Access to Facilities Each of the Company and each of its Subsidiaries will permit any representatives designated by the Purchaser (or any successor of the Purchaser), upon reasonable notice and during normal business hours, at such person's expense and accompanied by a representative of the Company, to:

  • Additional Facilities If any structural additions or change in use shall be made to the buildings or other improvements included in the Project Facility subsequent to the date hereof (other than the initial construction of the Building contemplated by the Project), or if any additional buildings or improvements shall be constructed on the Land other than the Building (such change of use, new structures, structural additions, buildings and improvements being referred to hereinafter as “Additional Facilities”), the Obligor agrees that its PILOT Obligations hereunder shall be increased by an amount, as determined by the Agency or a tax assessor selected by the Agency, equal to the increased tax payments, if any, that would have been payable on such increase if this Agreement were not in effect. Nothing herein shall constitute the Agency’s consent to the construction of any such additions or additional buildings or improvements or to such change of use.

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