Reinforcement Sample Clauses
Reinforcement. 6” x 6” (W1.4) wire mesh
Reinforcement. Reinforcement shall comply with the following standards:
Reinforcement. Reinforcement shall be free from all loose mill scale, loose rust, oil, grease or similar defects, immediately fore placing the concrete. It shall be bent cold exactly to detail using an approved bending machine. Hooks, bobs, bends, etc. where not, specifically detailed, and are to be in accordance with B.S. 4466 and
Reinforcement. Reinforcement bars shall be deformed steel bars conforming to the requirements of the "Specifications for Deformed and Plain Billet-Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement", ASTM Designation: A615. Welded smooth wire fabric shall be steel wire fabric conforming to the "Specifications for Welded Steel Wire Fabric for Concrete Reinforcement", ASTM Designation: A185.
Reinforcement. Provides positive reinforcement for individual effort.
Reinforcement. All reinforcement shall be clean and free from pitting, loose mill-scales, dust, loose rust and coats of paint, oil or other coatings which may destroy or reduce bond. General construction details and workmanship relative to reinforcement including bar bends, lap splices and installation shall be in accordance with the IS-2502 as well as IS-456. All bars be bent as per the bar bending schedules indicated in the drawings or supplied separately relevant to particular drawing. The contractor shall in all cases verify himself the correctness of schedules, giving the number, length and the bending details of the bars. The numbers, sizes, shape and position of all the reinforcement shall, unless otherwise, directed or authorized by the Engineer-in-charge be strictly in accordance with the drawing. The reinforcement shall be adequately held in position by 18 / 20 SWG soft black annealed binding wire. The contractor must obtain the approval of Engineer-in-charge for the reinforcement placed, before any concrete is placed in the form. All reinforcing bars shall be so tied as to form a rigid cage to prevent displacement before or during concreting. Rate quoted for reinforcement should include cost of transporting
Reinforcement. Assignments provide students with the opportunity to revisit challenging material and gain further understanding of concepts and skills. Examples are studying for a cumulative test or writing a reflective response to a class discussion. Extension: Assignments encourage application of newly acquired skills or concepts. Examples include book reports, research papers, presentations and class projects. These assignments are often long- term, with teacher guidance and check-in points prior to the assignment due date. Practice: Assignments provide opportunities to review and rehearse recently learned skills. Examples include math problems, vocabulary words, or practicing a musical instrument. These assignments are usually short-term, in limited amounts, and should not include new concepts. Practice may also be reviewing and studying for exams or quizzes.
Reinforcement. Add the following to Payment Item 8.
Reinforcement. Mild steel shall be in accordance with SABS 920 – Type A 250 MPa yield and high yield stress steel according to SABS 920 – Type C, Class 2, Grade 1, 450 MPa yield.
Reinforcement. Install and accurately position reinforcing bars as shown in the Contract Documents, and rigidly secure them to prevent movement during placement of the concrete. Welding of reinforcing steel bars is prohibited. Substituting deformed welded steel wire fabric for reinforcing bars is acceptable, provided the spacing of the wires is less than or equal to the spacing shown in the plans, and the area of steel per foot is equivalent or greater than the reinforcing bars shown in the plans. Use the table shown in the plans for area of steel equivalences. Higher yield strength welded steel wire fabric is allowed, but will not change the equivalences. Post production welding of wire fabric is prohibited. No placement of concrete will be permitted when the ambient air temperature is below 20ºF.