Type A Sample Clauses

Type A sour crude oil with a sulfur content equal to or greater than zero point eight percent by weight (0.8% weight), as per ASTM. Type A Oil Requirements typically will be covered by the Kirkuk Grade of Oil as a base case, with other light and medium sour crudes as optimization alternatives, including, but not limited to, sourcing from the Urals and Vasconia.
Type A sour crude oil with a sulfur content equal to or greater than zero point eight percent by weight (0.8% weight), as per ASTM.
Type AA dispute between an employee or the Union and the Administration or the Board concerning the interpretation or application of this Agreement.
Type A. A. B a The type of pairs of objects ⟨a, b⟩ in which a is an object of A, and b is an object of B a (a dependent type on A), where A is an object of Up for some p, and B is an object of A Uq for some q.7 Formation Rule (∃) The formation rule asserts that ∃a : A. B a is an object of Umax(p,q), if A is an object of Up, and B a is an object of Uq in a context where a is an object of A, i.e. A : Up [a : A] ▶ B a : Uq ∃a : A. B a : Umax(p,q) (∃F ) . 7The overline symbol denotes an existential witness. U2 U1 U0 ∃a : A. B a ⟨a, b⟩
Type A. Type A encompasses all uncertainty effects that become manifest as variation of the measured values such as signal noise or general reproducibility. These are evaluated by means of statistical analysis of repeated measurements . The standard uncertainty contribution of a Type A quantity is calculated as the experimental standard deviation of the mean according to = �( − 1) ∙ �( − ̅)2 =1 Type B uncertainty effects encompass all uncertainty effects that are not purely statistical, thus all additional knowledge of the measurement process. This includes various sources of information such as the instruments themselves (characterized by their calibration certificates, manufacturer’s specifications), any available experience from previous measurement series as well as any additional experience or knowledge like results of instrument characterization In order to be able to include this information in the calculation of the resulting measurement uncertainty, the individual uncertainty effects need to be modeled. Depending on the kind of information different modeling approaches can be applied: • For uncertainty specified as multiples of standard deviations normal distributions are suitable. This mainly applies to previously evaluated uncertainties for example resulting from instrument calibration. • In other cases limiting (maximum) values of uncertainty might be specified for which rectangular distribution are most suitable. Selecting the correct modeling approach and assumptions requires experience and is decisive for type B results. Similarly to the formerly used propagation of error, there is a propagation of uncertainty that is more commonly called determination of combined uncertainty. As indicated by the name, the combined uncertainty encompasses all uncertainty contributions so that their resulting effect on the target value of a measurement can be quantified. The combination of uncertainty effects can be calculated on several levels of an uncertainty analysis: • One particular measurand (like temperature or flow rate) can be influenced by several uncertainty effects (for example one Type A and one Type B) so that the calculation of combined uncertainty makes sense on this level. • Or the target value of a measurement (like useful heat or thermal efficiency as in the case of performance testing) is calculated from several measurands which also necessitates an evaluation of combined standard uncertainty. And in case of later parameter identification, the se...
Type A. Manual operators for Type A valves shall be of the traveling nut, rack and pinion, or worm gear type.
Type A. A. B a The type of functions λa . b that take an object a of A to an object b of B a (a dependent type on A), where A is an object of Up for some p, and B is an object of A → Uq for some q. Formation Rule (∀) The formation rule asserts that ∀a : A. B a is an object of Umax(p,q), if A is an object of Up, and B a is an object of Uq in a context where a is an object of A, i.e. A : Up [a : A] ▶ B a : Uq ∀a : A. B a : Umax(p,q) (∀F ) . U2 U1 U0 ∀a : A. B a
Type A. (See Detail A)

Related to Type A

  • Data Universal Number System (DUNS) number Requirement Grantee will provide their valid DUNS number contemporaneous with execution of this Agreement.

  • JOC - PRICING OF Regular Hours Coefficient What is your regular hours coefficient for the RS Means Price Book? (FAILURE TO RESPOND PROHIBITS PART 2 JOC EVALUATION)

  • Distance Education 7.13.1 Expanding student access, not increasing productivity or enrollment, shall be the primary determining factor when a decision is made to schedule a distance education course. There will be no reduction in force of faculty (as defined in Article XXIII of this Agreement) as a result of the District’s participation in distance education. 7.13.2 Courses considered to be offered as distance education shall be defined in accordance with the Board of Governors’ Title 5 Regulations and Guidelines. Generally, this definition refers to courses where the instructor and student are separated by distance and interact through the assistance of communication technology (reference section 55370 of Title 5 California Code of Regulations). The determination of which courses in the curriculum may be offered in a distance education format, in addition to instructor/student contact requirements, shall be in accordance with the Title 5 California Code of Regulations.

  • Check Meters Developer, at its option and expense, may install and operate, on its premises and on its side of the Point of Interconnection, one or more check meters to check Connecting Transmission Owner’s meters. Such check meters shall be for check purposes only and shall not be used for the measurement of power flows for purposes of this Agreement, except as provided in Article 7.4 below. The check meters shall be subject at all reasonable times to inspection and examination by Connecting Transmission Owner or its designee. The installation, operation and maintenance thereof shall be performed entirely by Developer in accordance with Good Utility Practice.

  • Unit Pricing If required by the Bid Specifications, the Bidder should insert the price per unit specified and the price extensions in decimals, not to exceed four places for each item unless otherwise specified, in the Bid. In the event of a discrepancy between the unit price and the extension, the unit price shall govern unless, in the sole judgment of the Commissioner, such unit pricing is obviously erroneous.

  • Long Description (If Applicable Training to provide the knowledge, skills and abilities needed as a result of agency mission, policies, or procedures. . Training to acquire the knowledge, skills and abilities needed as a result of assignment to new duties and responsibilities when such training is not part of a planned, career development program (e.g., training provided to a staffing specialist who has been newly assigned to a position involving classification duties).

  • Prescription Safety Glasses Prescription safety glasses will be furnished by the employer. The employer retains the authority to establish reasonable rules and procedures regarding frequency of issue, replacement of damaged glasses, limits on reimbursement costs and coordination with the employer's vision plan.

  • Bilingual Pay Where the Employer currently pays bilingual pay or bonuses, it shall continue to do so. The Employer retains discretion to initiate bilingual pay or bonuses. The minimum bilingual bonus or hourly equivalent is $25 per pay period. The Employer may not require an employee to use bilingual skills without paying the appropriate bonus or pay. This does not apply to employees where such skills are in the classification specification.

  • Aircraft Basic Price The Aircraft Basic Price is listed in Table 1 and is subject to escalation in accordance with the terms of this Purchase Agreement.

  • Local Number Portability The Permanent Number Portability (PNP) database supplies routing numbers for calls involving numbers that have been ported from one local service provider to another. PNP is currently being worked in industry forums. The results of these forums will dictate the industry direction of PNP. BellSouth will provide access to the PNP database at rates, terms and conditions as set forth by BellSouth and in accordance with an effective FCC or Commission directive.