Rent and Service Charges. 5.1.1 to pay the Rents on the days and in the manner set out in this Lease and not to exercise or seek to exercise any right or claim to withhold Rents or any right or claim to legal or equitable set-off
5.1.2 to make such payments by banker's order to any bank and account in the United Kingdom that the Landlord may from time to time nominate
5.1.3 to pay the service charge calculated in accordance with the Third Schedule hereto on the dates stated there
Rent and Service Charges. 4.1 You must pay the rent specified in Schedule 1 or as varied in accordance with condition 4.4 and any service charges notified to you from time to time on or before Friday each week, subject to condition 4.3, by such method as the Council may specify.
4.2 You must pay the rent for any period of less than a week at the start or the end of this agreement at a daily rate equivalent to the rent payable for one rent year divided by three hundred and sixty five.
4.3 The rent payable each week is calculated by apportioning the rent payable in one rent year over 50 or 51 weeks (depending on how many weeks there are in the particular rent year). The weeks when you do not have to make a payment will be indicated on your rent card or otherwise notified to you in writing by the Council. If you are in arrears during the weeks when you are not otherwise required to make any payments, you must continue to make payments in accordance with any arrangement you have with the Council or in accordance with any court order.
4.4 The Council may change the rent and service charges by giving you not less than 28 days written notice or any such shorter reasonable period as the law may allow. This includes starting to make a charge for services where you are not currently charged and stopping making charges for services where you are currently charged.
4.5 You may be entitled to Housing Benefit and it is your responsibility to make a claim and provide all the information requested to process your claim.
Rent and Service Charges. Smluvní strany sjednávají, že nájemné za Jednotku přenechanou do podnájmu bude činit [•] EUR za měsíc (dále jen „Nájemné“). Nájemné je osvobozeno od DPH dle platných zákonů. V případě, že dojde ke změně daňových zákonů a Nájemné přestane být osvobozeno od DPH, dohodly se Smluvní strany, že bude Nájemné
Rent and Service Charges. The following rent and service charges are agreed in respect of the additional space/rooms/parking spaces let under this supplemental contract in addition to the rent and operating and heating charges neben den bisher schon für die bereits angemieteten Flächen/Räume/Stellplätze jeweils gültigen Mietzinsen und Betriebs- und Heizkosten folgende Mietzinsen und Betriebskosten vereinbart: already applicable to the space/rooms/parking spaces previously let, respectively: Büro-/Nebenfläche Offices / ancillary space 759,00 m² 11,50 € 8.728,50 € Lagerfläche Storage 73,34 m² 6,00 € 440,04 € Tiefgaragenstellplatz Underground parking spaces 7 45,00 € 315,00 € Außenstellplatz External parking spaces 9 20,00 € 180,00 € Gesamt Total 9.663,54 € Vorauszahlung Betriebskosten Advance payment of service charges 1.400,00 € Vorauszahlung Heizkosten Advance payment of heating costs 700,00 € Gesamt netto Total net 11.763,54 € 19 % MWSt. 19% VAT 2.235,07 € Hinweis zur Umsatzsteueroption: Wie aus der Angabe der Umsatzsteuernummer des Vermieters im Rubrum des Vertrages, aber auch aus vorher gehenden Eintragung zur Grundmiete, monatlichen Betriebskostenvorauszahlungen und darauf insgesamt entfallener Umsatzsteuer zu sehen, optiert der Vermieter zur Umsatzsteuer im Rahmen dieses Gewerberaummietvertrages. Dem Mieter ist dies bekannt und von ihm ausdrücklich anerkannt. Insbesondere The following is agreed in relation to the present supplemental contract but also by way of amendment to the existing lease contract dated 19th / 29th July 2013: Note regarding value added tax option: As can be seen from the fact that the Landlord’s value added tax number is shown in the summary of the contract, but also from the above provision relating to the basic rent, monthly advance payments of service charges and total value added tax arising thereon, the Landlord is opting for value added tax in relation to this commercial lease contract. The Tenant is aware of and expressly acknowledges this. The Tenant warrants in particular that it is a business versichert der Mieter, dass er ein Unternehmen im Sinne des UStG ist und dass er im Objekt nur solche Umsätze tätigt, die den Vorsteuerabzug nicht ausschließen. Ebenso verpflichtet sich der Mieter bei etwaiger genehmigter Untervermietung nur solche Mieter zu akzeptieren, die ebenfalls mit deren Gewerben im Objekt ausschließlich umsatzsteuerpflichtige Umsätze tätigen und nimmt diese etwaigen Untermietern vertraglich in die Pflicht, ausschließlich umsatzsteue...
Rent and Service Charges. Smluvní strany sjednávají, že nájemné za Jednotku přenechanou do podnájmu bude činit [•] EUR za měsíc (dále jen „Nájemné“). Nájemné je osvobozeno od DPH dle platných zákonů. V případě, že dojde ke změně daňových zákonů a Nájemné přestane být osvobozeno od DPH, dohodly se Smluvní strany, že bude Nájemné zvýšeno o příslušnou sazbu DPH. Vedle Nájemného se Podnájemce zavazuje hradit Nájemci poplatky za služby vyjmenované v čl. 6.3 v paušální výši [•] EUR za měsíc bez DPH (dále jen „Poplatky za služby“; Součet Nájemného a Poplatků za
Rent and Service Charges. (a) The Trust shall inform the Agent on or before the first of February of the year following the date of this Contract and on or before the first of February in each year thereafter of:
i. The amount of the Core Rent per week payable for the following 12- month period under each Occupancy Agreement from the first Monday in April.
ii. Where stipulated in Schedule One and not otherwise the amount of any rent or other charge per week payable for the following 12-month period for any office or staff accommodation in the Property from the first Monday in April.
iii. The Trust’s estimated weekly service charge for providing those services which it is obliged to provide to the Occupants and which shall be payable for the following 12-month period under each Occupancy Agreement from the first Monday in April.
iv. The Management Allowance as detailed in Schedule Four.
v. The Additional Allowance to be retained by the Agent for carrying out Routine Maintenance Services in accordance with Option Two repairing model as detailed in Schedule Five.
(b) The Agent shall be responsible for:
i. Setting the amount of the Agent’s service charges in each Occupancy Agreement and notifying these to the Trust on or before the first of February of the year following the date of this Contract and on or before the first of February in each year thereafter, for the Trust to review.
ii. Notifying the Occupants of any increase or decrease in rent or service charge payable under each Occupancy Agreement, using appropriate notice methods and time frames complying with any legislation.
iii. Issuing the Occupants a full breakdown of service charges followed by a minimum of four periodic statements per annum.
iv. Collecting on a weekly basis all the rents and service charges due under the Occupancy Agreements.
v. When required, consulting with the Occupants on any proposed change in housing management.
Rent and Service Charges. 1.2.1 At the start of this agreement the initial rent and any service, support or personal service charges payable are the amounts shown on the Tenancy Details page at the end of this agreement.
1.2.2 You must pay your rent and any service charge, monthly in advance on the 1st day of each calendar month.
1.2.3 If you are required to pay a service, support or personal service charge, and you fail to pay it, we may recover those charges.
1.2.4 The rent and service charge payable by you may be varied as described in this agreement.
Rent and Service Charges. Smluvní strany sjednávají, že nájemné za Jednotku přenechanou do
Rent and Service Charges. The existing rent fixed in the Principal Lease therefore increases for the Subject Matter described in § 1 by EUR 15,033 net monthly plus statutorily applicable VAT at 19% amounting to EUR 2,856.27. The statutorily applicable tax rate from time to time applies to this additional rent and the VAT payable in addition to the rent and service charges.