Reporting Template. (UNFPA letterhead) Cumulative Summary of Completed and Pending Procurement Actions as of [insert the date] World Bank References: Total Disbursements and Commitments: [sum of Sub-Total I and Sub-Total II] Budget Balance: [Total Funding Ceiling minus Total Disbursements and Commitments]
Reporting Template. Each reporting template shall include the following but may be subject to change from time to time:
Reporting Template. Semi-Annual Activities and Accomplishments
Reporting Template. Name of ENTITY: OTA Number: Government Fiscal Year: Month being reported: _
Reporting Template. [SAMPLE. Shall be customized for each specific case]: Reporting Period from to Date:
Part 1: Narrative summary briefly describing status of procurement activities (launched and in progress) and commitments made during the reporting period. Additional information, particularly with regard to status of households (such as the % with poor Food Consumption Scores or Reduced Coping Strategies Index) should be provided, if available. Qualitative information on issues with regard to delivery or beneficiaries is also welcome. Part 2: Statement of Expenditures – financial information on actual expenditures during the reporting period, including the overall balance.
I. Part I: Supplies Report As Of – Use of Contribution Project: [ ] Procured MT Distributed (MT) as of the date of this report Male Female Male Female Including estimated children: [Final/Quarterly/Semiannual] Statement of Account – financial summary showing the cash received, total costs incurred and cash balance (TEMPLATE below). Amount
Reporting Template. Link to UNFPA Status of funds Link to UNFPA Financial Statement by Expense Categories Year-ended 31 December
Reporting Template. The Reporting Template will be determined once funding has been approved.
Reporting Template. Each Reporting Template shall include the following but may be subject to change from time to time:
Reporting Template. I. Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Plan J. Preliminary Design Documentation
Reporting Template. [SAMPLE. Shall be customized for each specific case]: Date: ---------------------------
Part 1: Narrative summary briefly describing status of procurement activities (launched and in progress) and commitments made during the reporting period. Additional information, particularly with regard to status of households (such as the % with poor Food Consumption Scores or Reduced Coping Strategies Index) should be provided, if available. Qualitative information on issues with regard to delivery or beneficiaries is also welcome. Part 2: Statement of Expenditures – financial information on actual expenditures during the reporting period, including the overall balance.
I. Part I: Supplies Procured MT Distributed (MT) as of the date of this report Estimated Beneficiaries reached through WB funds under Supplies component Male Female Male Female Including estimated children: Statement of Account [Final/Quarterly/Semiannual] Statement of Account – financial summary showing the cash received, total costs incurred and cash balance (TEMPLATE below). Amount