Reproduction Costs Sample Clauses

Reproduction Costs. Costs of reproduction of plans, specifications, and other documents required for the construction of the Project.
Reproduction Costs. The cost of reproducing copies of this agreement for members of the bargaining unit and for the County will be shared through a mutual agreement between the County and the Association.
Reproduction Costs. Reproduction and postage costs of required plans, specifications, bidding and Contract Documents, if any, incurred performing Additional Services.
Reproduction Costs. Because of the increasing trend to exchange, edit, and post deliverables electronically, reproduction of hard copies of deliverables is not included. This scope of work assumes that reproduction needed would be done by the County, if requested. Ascent can produce hard copies with an amendment to this scope and cost.
Reproduction Costs. Cost to reproduce plans or other documents for submittal to MaineDOT is considered a direct expense and shall be charged at actual costs. Any reproduction costs incurred for the Consultant’s internal use is considered overhead expenses and not chargeable as a direct expense.
Reproduction Costs. This agreement shall be posted and available to all association members on the Monroe ISD website. Twenty-five (25) signed copies will be provided to the ESPA President. Twenty-five (25) signed copies will be provided to the Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources and Legal Counsel. The cost of reproducing this Agreement will be jointly shared by the Board and the Association.
Reproduction Costs. Reproduction and postage costs of required drawings, specifications, Bidding and Contract docu- ments, excluding the cost of reproductions for the Design Profes- sional or Subcontractor’s own use.
Reproduction Costs. Reproduction and postage costs of required plans, specifications, bidding and Contract Documents, if any, incurred performing Additional Services. This is an appendix attached to, and made a part of, the Professional Services Agreement dated (“Agreement”) between the East Side Union High School District, a political subdivision of the State of California, hereinafter referred to as (“District”), and , hereinafter referred to as (“Inspection Company”) for the provision of professional services (“Services”).
Reproduction Costs. In consideration of Vendor providing copies of the aforesaid Seismic Data to Purchaser, all reproduction costs associated with providing the foregoing copies of Seismic Data shall be payable by the Purchaser to Vendor at Closing.
Reproduction Costs. Reproduction and postage costs of The Owner’s review, approval, acceptance of, or payment for Design required drawings, specifications, Bidding and Contract docu-ments, Professional services shall not be construed as a waiver of any rights excluding the cost of reproductions for the Design Profes-sional or Subcontractor’s own use.