LEAVE OF ABSENCE 13.01 The Company may, within its absolute discretion, grant a leave of absence without pay for a period not exceeding thirty (30) days to an employee, such request will not be unreasonably withheld, provided that: a) the employee gives notice in writing to the Supervisor of his/her request for a Leave of Absence at least thirty (30) days prior to the proposed commencement of the leave of absence (except in the case of emergency), and b) in the judgment of the Company, the proposed leave of absence can be arranged without inconvenience to normal operations. c) Leaves of absence of greater than thirty (30) days may be granted by the Company only if deemed to be operationally feasible. d) Employees on leave of absence must maintain their Union dues. Failure to maintain Union dues will result in loss of all seniority. Leaves of absence of greater than thirty (30) days may be granted by the Company, which shall first consult with the union prior to granting such a leave 13.02 Applicants must indicate, on forms provided by the Company, the expected dates of departure and return when given notice of their request for a leave of absence. 13.03 The Company shall notify in writing both the applicant and the Union of its decision within seven (7) days after the request was made by the employee to the Company. 13.04 The Company has agreed that leave of absence will be administered on the following basis: 1. Requests must be made in accordance with Clause 13.01 (a). 2. Seniority will continue to accrue during such Leave of Absence subject to 13.01 (d). 13.05 Upon return from Leave of Absence without pay, an employee shall have the right to be reinstated to a position equivalent to the one he/she occupied at the time he/she left. If there has been a reduction of manpower during the absence of the employee, he/she shall exercise his/her bumping rights upon his/her return. The Company will use reasonable efforts, in compliance with its human rights obligations, to place the returning employee on a shift that will not result in the displacement of another employee.
Personal Leave of Absence The Administrator may grant a request for leave of absence for personal reasons without pay provided that he receives at least one (1) month's clear notice, in writing, unless impossible, and provided that such leave may be arranged without undue inconvenience to the normal operations of the Nursing Home. Employees when applying for such leave shall indicate the proposed date of departure and return. Such leave shall not be unreasonably withheld.