Short Term Unpaid Leave of Absence. The Employer may grant a short term leave of absence without pay of one (1) day up to two (2) weeks to an Employee for good and sufficient reason if, in the opinion of the Employer, the Employee’s absence will not conflict with its efficient operations. Employees requesting a short term leave of absence should submit their written request as far in advance of the leave as possible. A short term leave of absence may not be used for or to extend a vacation period. (See also Letter #7 for Leave Of Absence Short-term)
Short Term Unpaid Leave of Absence. A. Upon ten (10) work days prior written notice to the Superintendent, the Superintendent may grant an employee up to five (5) days of unpaid leave per school year.
B. The Board may grant an employee more than five (5) days of unpaid leave per school year, under the following conditions:
(1) The employee files a written notice with the Board ten (10) work days prior to the requested leave.
(2) The needs of the School District are met.
(3) The employee may be required to pay his/her own hospitalization if the leave extends beyond thirty (30) calendar days.
(4) The employee, while on unpaid leave, shall not be entitled to sick leave, personal leave, or vacation leave.
(5) In cases of emergency, the Superintendent may grant leave with less than ten (10) work days’ notice or the employee may notify the Superintendent to secure approval.
Short Term Unpaid Leave of Absence. A Short Term Unpaid Leave of Absence will be defined as less than 6 months and may be granted by the School Board, at its discretion.
Short Term Unpaid Leave of Absence. Requests for a short-term unpaid leave of absence will be made utilizing an on-line application.
Short Term Unpaid Leave of Absence. Subject to a minimum notice of five (5) working days being given to the Supervisor, an employee may be granted, with the approval of the Manager of Human Resources, an unpaid leave of absence for up to a maximum of fifteen (15) working days. Such absence shall be without pay and is subject to confirmation that a Supply Educational Assistant has been booked.
Short Term Unpaid Leave of Absence. An employee may be approved for an absence without pay for a period not to exceed twenty (20) normal work-days, subject to the sole approval of the Director of Buildings and Grounds, with no loss of benefits.
Short Term Unpaid Leave of Absence. Short-term unpaid leaves not exceeding six (6) consecutive working days may be granted when an employee submits a written request at least 48 hours in advance and the supervisor determines that the absence will have a minimum negative impact on the program, including the availability of a substitute, if required.
Short Term Unpaid Leave of Absence. 31.01 Requests for a short-term unpaid leave of absence will be made utilizing an on-line application.
31.02 A Short-Term Unpaid Leave of Absence shall be for a period less than one semester.
31.03 A teacher holding a contract with the Simcoe County District School Board, at the discretion of the Director of Education or designate, may be granted an unpaid leave of absence for reasons mutually agreed upon between the applicant and the Board, without pay and without accumulation of sick leave credits.
31.04 The application for leave must be submitted to the Superintendent of Human Resource Services at the earliest date possible in advance of the leave start date.
31.05 Teachers wishing to retain the employee benefits coverage must assume the full cost of the fringe benefits plan during the leave of absence. Arrangements for payment must be made prior to commencing the leave.
31.06 Upon expiration of an unpaid leave of absence, which did not exceed two years, the teacher will be assigned to the original position (including position of responsibility) in the original school subject to the Seniority, Placement, Transfers and Redundancy provisions.
31.07 Upon return from a short-term unpaid leave, the seniority and the accumulated sick leave days obtained before the leave was commenced will be reinstated.
31.08 Teachers on Short-term Unpaid Leaves of Absence are required to maintain good standing status with the Ontario College of Teachers during the period of the leave.
31.09 The approval and/or timing of unpaid leaves of absence may be dependent on the availability of suitably qualified occasional teachers.
31.10 If requested a teacher who is a candidate, or is seeking a nomination in a federal, provincial or municipal election will be granted an unpaid leave of absence, in full or part day increments, for campaigning purposes.
31.11 In cases where absence is compensable under the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board, the period of absence to be charged to the sick leave credits shall be equal to the payments made by the Board to the teacher.
Short Term Unpaid Leave of Absence. A teacher requesting leave, other than those listed in items 3.1 through 3.5, and for which a teacher will have the time off deducted from the annual salary, shall make written request to the building principal, who will respond, in writing, within four (4) working days of receipt of said request. The principal may deny said request without consequences for past histories or practices. As a rule, no teacher will be granted more than three (3) days leave per year unless the Superintendent feels that it would be in the best interest of all parties to grant a longer leave. The amount deducted will be equal to 1/185 of the employee’s annual salary for each day missed.
Short Term Unpaid Leave of Absence. A. An employee must record his/her request for / use of Short-Term Unpaid Leave through the District’s automated online absence management system (e.g., Aesop). The request must be submitted at least ten (10) work days prior to the requested unpaid leave. The Superintendent may grant an employee up to five (5) days of unpaid leave per school year.
B. The Board may grant an employee more than five (5) days of unpaid leave per school year, under the following conditions:
(1) The employee files a written notice with the Board ten (10) work days prior to the requested leave.
(2) The needs of the School District are met.
(3) The employee may be required to pay his/her own hospitalization if the leave extends beyond thirty (30) calendar days.
(4) The employee, while on unpaid leave, shall not be entitled to sick leave, personal leave, or vacation leave.
(5) In cases of emergency, the Superintendent may grant leave with less than ten (10) work days’ notice or the employee may notify the Superintendent to secure approval.