Request to Be Excluded. If you don’t want a payment from this settlement, but you want to keep the right to individually xxx the Defendant about the issues in this case, then you must take steps to get out of the settlement. This is called excluding yourself, or “opting out”, of the Settlement Class. To request to exclude yourself, you must send a letter by mail with (a) the Requester’s full name, address, and the name of the Action and telephone number; (b) the Requester’s personal and original signature, or the original signature of a person previously authorized by law, such as a trustee, guardian, or person acting under a valid power of attorney, to act on behalf of the Requester; and (c) state unequivocally that the Requester desires to be excluded from the Settlement Class, to be excluded from the Settlement, not to participate in the Settlement, and/or to waive all rights to the benefits of the Settlement. You must mail your exclusion request postmarked no later than [insert date] to [[[ ]]].
Request to Be Excluded. If you wish to be excluded from the Settlement Class, you must make a signed, written request to be excluded. To be effective, the request for exclusion must be postmarked no later than <<30 days from mailing>>, to <<Individual Contact Information>>. Any request for exclusion must state your name, address, email address, telephone number, approximate date(s) of employment and job title(s) at Zillow, and must state that you request to be “excluded from the Settlement and the Class in Freeman v. Zillow,” and must include your signature. Your request for exclusion shall not be effective unless it provides all of the required information in the manner set forth herein, and is made within the time period stated herein, unless otherwise ordered by the Court. If you exclude yourself, you will not receive any monies from the settlement. Failure to sign or to timely submit your request will result in you remaining subject to the Settlement and being bound by any final judgment. If you validly and timely request exclusion from the Settlement, you will not be bound by the Settlement, and you will not be precluded from instituting or prosecuting any individual claim you may otherwise have against Zillow related to the subject matter of this Litigation.
Request to Be Excluded. If you wish to exclude yourself from the Settlement, you must submit a Request to Opt-Out online at [insert website url], or by mail no later than [insert date], stating: • Your name, address, telephone number, and email address; and
Request to Be Excluded. If you wish to be excluded from the Settlement Class, you must submit, no later than 60 DAYS FROM NOTICE MAILING, a written request to be excluded from the Settlement. Requests for exclusion should be sent to Hawks Quindel, S.C., 222 W. Washington Ave. Suite 450, Madison, Wisconsin 53703. If you exclude yourself, you will not receive any monies from the Settlement. {00227878.DOCX} 4 Failure to timely submit your request will result in your remaining a member of the Settlement Class and being bound by any final judgment. If you validly and timely request exclusion from the Settlement Class, you will not be bound by any final judgment, and you will not be precluded from instituting or prosecuting any individual claim you may otherwise have against Epic related to the subject matter of this Settlement.
Request to Be Excluded. If you wish to be excluded from the Settlement Class, the Ford Settlement Exclusion Center must receive a letter or postcard from you on or before [DATE], 2013. Your communication must include your name, address, and telephone number; the year, model, and vehicle identification number of your Class Vehicle; a clear statement that you wish to be excluded from the Settlement Class; and be personally signed by you (and your lawyer if you are represented by counsel). Your request must be sent to the Ford Settlement Exclusion Center at [MAILING ADDRESS]. If your exclusion request is properly submitted and received before the deadline, you will not be bound by the terms of the Settlement, and you will be free, if you choose, to pursue your own lawsuit against Ford based on the 6.0-liter engine. If you do not submit a clear and timely request for exclusion to the Ford Settlement Exclusion Center, you will be bound by the Settlement Agreement and relinquish any claims against Ford based on the 6.0-liter engine.
Request to Be Excluded. If you exclude yourself, you will not receive any money from this Settlement. If you wish to exclude yourself from the Rule 23 Class, you must submit a written request for exclusion. To be effective, the request must include: (1) your full name;
Request to Be Excluded. If you don’t want a payment from this settlement, but you want to keep the right to individually xxx the Defendant about the issues in this case, then you must take steps to get out of the settlement. This is called excluding yourself, or “opting out”, of the Settlement Class. To request to exclude yourself, you must send a letter by mail with (a) the Requester’s full name, address, and the name of the Action and telephone number; (b) the Requester’s personal and original signature, or the original signature of a person previously authorized by law, such as a trustee, guardian, or person acting under a valid power of attorney, to act on behalf of the Requester; and
Request to Be Excluded. If you do not want to stay in the class, then you must send a written notice of your request to exclude yourself from the class, postmarked no later than [45 DAYS AFTER CLASS NOTICE] to the Claims Administrator at the following address: Claims Settlement Administrator [ADDRESS] [ADDRESS]
Request to Be Excluded. If you do not want to stay in the Class, then you must send a written notice of your request to exclude yourself from the Class, postmarked no later than address: to the following 334924.1
Request to Be Excluded. If you don’t want a payment from this settlement, but you want to keep the right to individually xxx Xxxxxxxx about the issues in this case, then you must exclude yourself, or “opt out,” of the Settlement Class. To exclude yourself, you must send a letter by mail that (i) states your full name, address and telephone number, (ii) lists the relevant Hartford insurance policy number, (iii) contains your signature or the signature of the person authorized by law to sign on behalf of the class member, and (iv) states unequivocally your intent is to be excluded from the Settlement Class, to be excluded from the Settlement, not to participate in the Settlement, and/or to waive all rights to the benefits of the Settlement. You must mail your exclusion request postmarked no later than [insert date] to [Rust Consulting, Inc. insert address of claims administrator].