Required Signature Sample Clauses
Required Signature. I have read all of the rental policy information and by signing below, I agree to comply with the provisions of this rental agreement. I understand that my security deposit may be forfeited or I may be billed for any additional expense should any of the aforementioned requirements be ignored or abused, or if any damages are a result of the actions of my rental.
Required Signature. As the Authorized Representative of [insert name of applicant organization] Signature of Authorized Representative Date
Required Signature. I have read all of the reservation policy information and by signing below, I agree to comply with the provisions of this reservation agreement. I understand that my security deposit may be forfeited or I may be billed for any additional expense should any of the aforementioned requirements be ignored or abused, or if any damages are a result of the actions of my reservation.
Required Signature. As the Authorized Representative of [insert name of applicant organization] _________________________________________________, I hereby certify to the best of my ability that the above responses are honest and true. __________________________________________ ______________ Signature of Authorized Representative Date Appendix VI – Bi-Annual Infrastructure Progress Development Measures Instructions: Please respond to all questions in the survey using information collected and funded activities completed in the past 6-month period (since the last reporting period). Please do not copy and paste responses provided in previous bi-annual survey.
Required Signature. Requests must be approved by an IU Health Credentialed Physician (who may also be the Principal Investigator), IU Health Manager, or IU Health Director.
Required Signature. I have read the enclosed Community Meeting Rooms Policy and agree to abide by the terms and fees as written in the policy. I understand that my signature makes me legally responsible for abiding by the terms of the enclosed policy. I agree on behalf of my organization/group to defend, indemnify, and hold the Portage Community Center harmless from any loss, damage, liability costs, and/or any other expenses that may arise during, or be caused in any way by use of the community rooms.
Required Signature. I (Print full legal name) hereby known as “Client” in this agreement, agree to all matters of this LP (Limited Partnership) formed with Digital Capital Partners LLC known as “the Crypto Trading Advisor” otherwise known as GP (General Partner) on this date of , .
Required Signature. Executive Director, Authorized Representative, or Chancellor of Postsecondary Institution:
Required Signature. I (Print full legal name) hereby known as “Client” in this agreement, agree to all matters of this User Agreement formed with Digital Capital Partners LLC known as the “OTC Trading/Investment Partner” otherwise known as Digital Capital Partners LLC on this date of ,
Required Signature. The parties identified below agree to the provisions and terms of this MOU.